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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: Nursing PhD is the highest level of education in nursing, so it will play a decisive role in the qualifications of graduates and the professional development of nursing and community health. The aim of this study was to compare the educational system of nursing PhD course in Iran and the School of Nursing, University of Auckland. Methods: This comparative study was descriptive-analytical which was conducted in 2020 by searching in the system of the ministry of health and medical education in Iran and the school of nursing of Auckland University. For comparing, the two educational systems have been used from Beredy pattern in four stages; Description, interpretation, proximity and comparison. Results: Despite the similarities between the two universities, there are some differences in terms of goals, vision, curriculum, and implemented programs, between them. The roles of graduates in the school of nursing at Auckland University emphasize the ability to provide global and intercultural care, but in Iran, more attention is paid to the educational and research roles of graduates. Conclusion: To develop educational, research, clinical and leadership capabilities in nursing doctoral students in Iran, to create virtual learning opportunities, to create transnational attitudes towards health, to create opportunities to attract grants from research centers inside and outside the country, developing accreditation centers and academic evaluation of nursing doctoral courses and recruitment of doctoral students in clinical research centers is recommended.

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Introduction: Nowadays, the importance of self-directed learning of learners has been emphasized and those teaching methods in which teachers can use information and communication technology have attracted enormous interests such as flipped education approach that provides opportunities for quality improvement in education. Therefore, this study was carried out aimed to determine the effect of flipped education on the Self-directed learning readiness of nursing students in the illnesses pediatric nursing lesson. Method: This study is considered as a quasi-experimental research which was carried out on 36 nursing students of Meybod Nursing School. The pediatric nursing lesson was taught in 12 sessions in the traditional way with lecture method and 12 sessions in the flipped classroom method. Data were collected by demographic questionnaire and Fisher self-report questionnaire which was completed by students in sessions 12 and 24 and analyzed by SPSS software version 22. Results: According to the results, there was a statistically significant difference between self-directed learning readiness before (159. 16 +_ 2. 96) and after (170. 30 +_2. 59) the intervention (p = 0. 004). Also, a significant difference was observed in the field of interest in learning (P=0. 001) and there was no significant difference in self-control and self-management domains (p> 0. 05). Conclusion: The results showed that the flipped classroom method can have a positive effect on self-directed learning readiness of the students and can be used alongside traditional method of teaching.

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Introduction: Over the last two decades, the issue of international students has been an integral part of the internalization of universities. Therefore, recognizing and probing into the issues faced by such students and trying to attract them to the target university have been among the political and economic goals of the country's higher education. To this end, the present study aimed at exploring the challenges faced by international students in Yazd University. Methods: A qualitative research approach and a ground theory method were selected. The target group included all international students in Yazd University, selected via theorical sampling. The research tool was a semi-structured deep interview. Eighteen interviews were conducted and the theoretical saturation was achieved. The obtained data were analyzed via coding and categorization at three levels of open, axial and selective coding. The triangulation method was employed to verify data credibility. Results: The findings generally verified the six dimensions of the grounded theory. The constituting types of challenges faced by the international students and their interrelationships appeared through a paradigmatic model consisting of causal condition (6 types), core category (arrival challenge and adaptation), strategy (5 types), environmental factors (2 types), context (5 types) and consequences (3 types). Conclusions: Given the contextual and environmental factors, we can accomplish students' satisfaction, their loyalty toward the university and their academic achievement through strategies including attention, guidance, counselling, motivation, communications and cooperation, further effort and involvement.

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Introduction: Shyness is defined as a complex phenomenon including mental, psychological and social factors that is characterized by anxiety in social situations or interpersonal behaviors due to being concern about others’ evaluation. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of social skills training on reducing classroom silence, fear of negative evaluation and shyness of female students in Khorramabad city. Method: The method of this study is based on pre-test-post-test with control group. The statistical population includes upper secondary school students in Khorramabad city that 40 of them were selected by multi-stage random cluster sampling among the target population. Data were collected by Behnamfar, Zameni and Enayati's classroom silence questionnaire (2015), Daliri’ s negative evaluation questionnaire (1983) and Cheek & Melchior shyness scale (1990). The descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (multivariate covariance analysis) were used to analyze the data. Results: The results of the study showed that social skills training reduced the classroom's silent behavior, fear of negative evaluation and shyness in female upper secondary school students of Khorramabad city (F= 22. 82, P<0. 001). Conclusion: According to the results of the research it can be concluded that providing students with social skills training increases social skills in students that enjoy such skills and reduced the classroom silence behavior fear of negative evaluation and shyness in students in social situations.

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Introduction: This research was conducted with the aim of designing a knowledge management model in the General Directorate of Education in Hormozgan province, Iran. Methods: The research method was qualitative-quantitative. The statistical population of the research in the qualitative part was 18 people. The second group of statistical population of this study included all administrators of Hormozgan provincial education administration. By using the Cochran formula, 246 people were selected as sample size. To assess the narrative in the qualitative section, the valuable ideas of the professors familiar with this field and the specialists and educators of the Hormozgan province and the university officials who were well-known in this field were used. In order to measure the reliability of the qualitative section, the reliability of the interviews was used to test the reliability of the test and the method of the agreement within the subject. Validity in the quantitative section was used using face, quantitative section. Results: The results of the data analysis showed that the components of knowledge management consisted of knowledge creation (3. 32), knowledge preservation (3. 29), knowledge transfer (3. 22), and application of knowledge (3. 27). Conclusions: The model, exacerbated the mechanisms, facilitators and barriers to knowledge management in the education organization and itwas getting round and fitted well.

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Introduction: Many of the students' educational problems, including academic failure and maladaptive behaviors, stem from exam anxiety caused by students' cognitive bias. Cognitive bias modification can reduce attention biases of students to negative issues. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to investigate the effectiveness of cognitive bias modification intervention on reducing attention bias in students with test anxiety. Methods: This research was an experimental study with pre and post-tests and a control group design. Statistical population of the study included all high school female students with test anxiety in district 3 of Tehran city in 2018-2019 academic years. Research sample included 32 female students with test anxiety that were selected by cluster sampling and classified into two groups: experimental group (n=16 subjects) and control group (n=16 subjects). The research instrument used in this study was the Sarason Anxiety Questionnaire (1980) with a reliability of 0. 88 and dot probe task (2017) Which has good validity and reliability for hated face that is 0. 94 and for neutral face is 0. 95. The results were analyzed using univariate analysis of covariance in SPSS version 22. Results: The results of Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) showed that cognitive bias modification were effective in attention bias of students with test anxiety (P < 0. 05). Conclusions: According to the results, it can be said that using this intervention can reduce the attention bias of the students with test anxiety, and thus increase the mental health and concentration of the students with test anxiety.

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Introduction: Clinical education plays a fundamental role in forming basic skills and professional competencies for operating room and anesthesiology students. Understanding students' perspectives on clinical training can help us improve the quality of their clinical performance in the future. This study was conducted to determine the present status of clinical education from perspectives of operating room and anesthesiology students in Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences. Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study, a number of 134 students of operating room and anesthesiology studying in Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences in 2018 were selected through convenient sampling. A valid and reliable questionnaire which assessed five domains of instructor, environment and facilities, educational programs, dealing with students and supervision and evaluation was applied. Data was analyzed by SPSS software using descriptive statistics, t-test, and chi-square. Results: The mean age of the students was 21. 6± 1. 8. The mean scores of the assessed domains were: educational programs (10. 3± 4. 6), instructor (11. 4± 3. 7), environment and facilities (4. 9± 2. 5), dealing with students (4. 2± 1. 9), supervision and evaluation (2. 7± 1. 6) and self-efficacy (7. 6± 2. 7). 67. 9% of the participants reported the quality of clinical education as moderate. There was significant difference between the two groups regarding the educational programs domain (p<0. 01). Conclusions: The mean scores of all assessed domains were in average level. In order to improve the situation of clinical education, it is recommended to provide facilities and equipment for clinical environments and revise the tools and process of clinical evaluation. Improving instructors' performance and encouraging professional cooperation could lead to the improvement of clinical education.

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Introduction: The identification of the strengths and weaknesses of competencies, especially in the medical branches, is an important step in promoting education and the health of the community, this study aimed to determine the teaching competencies of faculty from the viewpoints of faculty members and students Methods: This study was a cross-sectional study that its statistical population consisted of faculty members and students of the nursing and midwifery school of Zahedan in 2015. 40 faculty members entered the study by e-census method and for each faculty member, three students were selected randomly. The faculty members' teaching competency was assessed by self-report and students' opinion polls. The obtained data were analyzed using t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation and paired ttest in SPSS. Results: The results of the study showed that the average score of faculty members' teaching competency form faculty members' point of view was 82. 47 ± 6. 2 and from students view was 65. 40 ± 11. 08, respectively (P <0. 001). There was no significant difference between personal characteristics of students and faculties and faculties’ teaching competency (P >0. 05) Conclusions: faculty members ranked the teaching competency from high and students ranked it good. So, planning to enhance the teaching competencies based on students' views and further studies to explore the factors affecting teaching competency is recommended.

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Introduction: Cyberspace covers many aspects of human life and this tendency to cyberspace can be influenced by cognitive and emotional dimensions. So, the aim of this study was modeling structural relationships of mind theory with tendency to virtual networks through mediating of social adjustment in gifted students. Methods: The research method was descriptive-correlation and in particular structural equation modeling. The statistical population of the present study was all 300 gifted students of Sampad Secondary School in 11 experimental fields in the academic year of 2019 in Gorgan. Mojardi, et al [2014] tendency to virtual networks questionnaire, Steerneman [1994] theory of mind questionnaire and California Test Personality [CTP] were evaluated. Results: The results showed that there is a significant negative relationship between theory of mind and social adjustment with tendency to virtual networks. The research model was fitted and validated and explained 0. 380 of variance in tendency to virtual networks by theory of mind and social adaptation and social adaptation had a mediating role in the relationship between mind theory and tendency to virtual networks. Conclusion: Changes in the tendency for cyberspace based on direct theory of mind and indirect social adjustment can be explained in gifted students and this study has practical implications for school counselors.

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Introduction: Students' perceptions of their educational environment play a very crucial role in the learning process, academic buoyancy and performance. This study aimed to investigate health sciences students' perceptions of the educational environment and evaluated the predictability of academic buoyancy through their perceptions of the educational environment. Methods: This research was a descriptive-correlational study. The statistical population consisted of all health students who were studying in Ilam, Arak, Birjand, Semnan and Hamadan Universities of Medical Sciences in the academic year 2018-19. A total number of 475 students were selected through multistage random sampling method and the data of 400 participants were analyzed (response rate = 84. 2%). Data were gathered using a Dundee Ready Educational Environment Measure (DREEM) and academic buoyancy questionnaires. In this study, while using SPSS v. 22 software, independent samples t-test, one-way ANOVA, simple and multiple regressions were employed for data analysis. Results: The mean overall DREEM score was 114. 1± 22. 92 (maximum, 200). The result showed that students' perceptions of the educational environment would predict 9% of the variance of their academic buoyancy (R=0. 304, R2=0. 092, Adjusted R2=0. 09, F=40. 507, p<0. 01). Also, regression coefficients showed that the components of students' perceptions of the educational environment, except the component of students' perceptions of teachers, had a significant role in predicting academic buoyancy. Conclusion: Health students' perceptions of their educational environment were at a moderate level shows that the educational environment was found to be more positive than negative. Nevertheless, addressing accurate assessments, identifying strengths and weaknesses, and conducting educational interventions are essential to enhance students' perceptions of the educational environment and, consequently, improve academic buoyancy.

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Introduction: Students' academic status is one of the missions of universities. The cognitive abilities of the brain play a central role in learning and academic achievement. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of mediators of academic excitement and cognitive ability in relation between social cognition and academic performance. Methods: This research was a descriptive research and correlation design. The statistical population was comprised of all undergraduate students of Shahid Beheshti University in the academic year 2018, of which 380 students were selected as available. Data were gathered through a questionnaire of academic performance, a questionnaire of emotional readiness, a cognitive ability questionnaire, and a social cognition questionnaire. Pearson correlation coefficient and path analysis were used to analyze the data. Results: The results of the correlation matrix table showed that there was a significant relationship between academic performance and cognitive ability with social cognitive variable and self-cognitive dimensions, mindfulness and perception of educational environment. Also, there was a significant relationship between cognitive and social cognition and all four dimensions of academic excitement. Also, the results of path analysis indicated a significant role of the mediating role of academic excitement and cognitive ability in the relationship between social cognition and academic performance. Conclusion: Generally, it can be concluded that social cognition by mediating educational excitements and cognitive ability is one of the basic factors for assessing the satisfaction and academic performance of students.

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Introduction: Continuous education, which is an appropriate tool for enhancing the level of knowledge, skills and insights of any organization's human resources and ensuring their progress and development, requires an appropriate background and overcoming the challenges. Therefore, the aim of this study was to review the experiences of nurses and identifying the weaknesses of the educational courses hold by a qualitative study. Methods: This study was a qualitative study using interpretive phenomenological method conducted in autumn 2018. 24 educational supervisors, supervisors, and nurses participated in this study and were selected by purposeful sampling method. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews. Data analysis was done by Colaizzi method. Results: In analyzing the content of interviews, 4 main categories obtained (Inappropriate content, low level of interaction in classrooms, not paying attention to effective teaching-learning methods, and low professional skills of professors). Conclusion: Currently, in the process of learning and continuing education, the above mentioned issues have reduced the effectiveness of training courses and these courses are used solely to fill nurses' training hours. Therefore, appropriate attention and support is needed to improve this condition.

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Introduction: Identifying barriers to the health of individuals in society is the greatest support of a country; In order to have a healthy society, identifying barriers to students' health as a necessity will lead them to appropriate health habits and behaviors. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the existing problems in the field of health education and health promotion of the educational system. Methods: The research was conducted qualitatively. It was based on an interpretive model and was performed using the phenomenological method. The method of data collection was semi-structured interviews with 15 health education specialists who met the inclusion criteria. Colaizzi method was used to analyze the interviewed data Results: By analyzing and integrating the findings, 2 main components including "problems at the school level and at the macro level" and 19 sub-components including "comprehensiveness of textbook content, non-expression of health problems in textbooks, creating interest in health education issues, teacher training" Specialist and interested in health education, understanding the interdependence between economic, political and health education aspects by officials, developing a comprehensive program of health education and health promotion, adopting new approaches in health education, Providing educational facilities and equipment, providing scientific and information resources in the field of health education, allocating the necessary and sufficient budget, revising the content of textbooks, increasing the quality of textbook printing, observing health standards in schools and buildings, health education Parents with students, health education of teachers, staff and school officials, teaching health concepts through new teaching methods, taking measures for active presence of students in nature and touching it closely, making students interested in health education and health promotion Extracurricular teaching of health concepts was extracted. Conclusion: The results show that among the sub-components obtained from the analysis of the answers of education and health education specialists, the most important components are in identifying the existing obstacles in the field of health education and health promotion of the education system, training specialized teachers and He is interested in health education, which the education system should strive to achieve.

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Introduction: It is obvious that the health of people in each community lead to development of society and the students are the main parts of society. They are faced to many problems and have to tolerated stress and anxiety in their study course. They are exposed to many psychological and social problems. To prevent these injuries, life skills should be included in the curriculum in higher education. The aim of this research was to design the curriculum scopes of life skills for Iranian higher education students. Methods: This study was done by qualitative approach and content analysis method. Participants included 15 life skills supervisors and 15 written documents. Targeted sampling was used to select individuals. Data were collected through semi-structured interviewers up to the saturation stage and analyzed with the MAXQDA software in three stages: open, axial and selective coding. Results: The findings of this study included 157 initial codes, which were finally combined with the initial codes of 57 conceptual codes, 8 axial codes and 5 selective codes. Selection codes “ social development, economic development, strengthening advanced life skills, mental welfare, and self-sufficiency” were extracted for the target element. Conclusions: The findings showed that the objectives of life skills curriculum should be include social, economic and psychological contexts. Results: The results of data analysis showed that both methods of work-oriented with a significant level (p <0. 01) resulted from the traditional grammatical-translational method. Comparing the two methods of work-centered interaction, the interactivecollaborative method of the conventional method was better in relation to self-efficacy (p <0. 01) but in the case of attitudinal barrier, despite the difference in the mean of the two groups in the mean of the two groups in favor of the method Interactiveparticipatory approach to positive attitude did not show statistically significant difference (p> 0. 26). Conclusion: Considering the effectiveness of the interactive-participatory teaching-jobbased teaching method, it is suggested that self-efficacy and positive attitude be increased to improve students' academic status.

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Introduction: Nowadays, our education system faces tangible multiplicity and issues, including the inadequacy of communication skills. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of compound learning and self-directed methodology on language learning and the development of communication skills of bilingual students of pre-schools. Methodology: A quasi-experimental method was used for pre-test and post-test design. The statistical population of the study consisted of 5-year-old bilingual students from pre-schools in Karaj. Of the 50 pre-school and kindergartens, Golbarg kindergarten, which has the most bilingual students, was selected. In this way, 36 bilingual learners were selected and randomly divided into three groups of 12 people. Then, on each group the traditional, compound and self-directed method was performed randomly. The tool used included researcher-made language learning and communication skills. The validity of the questionnaires was assessed by professors of speech therapists and experts. After completing the necessary amendments on questionnaires, the questionnaires were approved. The reliability of the questionnaires was 0. 81 and 0. 83 using Alpha-Cronbach's coefficient. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (covariance analysis (repeated measure)) using SPSS statistical software. Findings: According to the findings, compound, self-directed and traditional methods have a significant effect on language learning and communication skills of students. Conclusion: The results of this study indicated that the compound learning method has more effect on bilingual learners' language learning than traditional and self-directed learning methods. And self-directed learning method has a significant effect on the learner's communication skills of bilingual students in comparison with the compound and traditional method.

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