Introduction: Universities are the most important setting for science production and organizing academic research is one of the most effective strategies in society development. The main idea of this study was identifying the internal barriers to academic research from viewpoint of faculties in Shiraz University of Medical Sciences. Main question was which obstacles affect research activity from faculties' point of view.Methods: This descriptive study was conducted in 2008. Through stratified random sampling in eight college and research centers, 227 faculty members were selected, all responded to the survey. Researchermade research tool was designed in six areas including finance, facilities, professional, research competency, individual & organization-management obstacles in the four-item Likert scale. Data analysis was done by t test, MANOVA, ANOVA and Tukey post hoc test.Results: Barrier scores were significantly higher than the average (62.5). All obstacles were proved from faculties point of view (P<0.01). Financial barriers had the most average (86.2±16.5) and scientific barriers had the lowest average (79.1±19.1). Mean of facilities, professional, individual barriers, and organizationmanagement obstacles were 80.2±18.2, 82.3±19.2, 81.5±18.6, 82.6±18.2 respectivly. However, faculties attitude about obstacles was not correlated with their research activities rate (P>0.05). In addition, a significant difference was observed among faculties' view and sex, scientific degree, discipline & having management responsibility (P<0.05), but this relationship was not observed about experience years (P>0.05).Conclusion: Different barriers affect research activities based on faculties' point of view. Reviewing the approval process for research projects, empowerment of human resources, attention to research utility, designing of communication and information system can also be effective in solving problems and barriers to research.