Family planning is gaining more and more attention due to the uncontrolled population growth and consequent problems. An ideal method is needed which can be fully effective, reversible and practical; however, no such method is developed up to the present. All contraceptives now in vogue are associated with a number of merits and dismerits. This study was intended to study the efficacy and complications of contraceptives in 300 women in Sabzevar; three groups of the same size (100) taking oral contraceptives, using condoms, and preferring the natural method were shaped. The results indicated that the higher the education of the couple, the more their tendency towards condoms and the natural method; the difference was statistically significant. There was no significant differences between the study groups concerning such complications as palpitation, shortness of breath, bleeding between menstrual periods, backache, intercourse pains, fatigue arid insomnia. As for psychological complications (depression and nervousness) , abdominal circumference and weight gain, there was significant increase among the women taking oral contraceptives. In the same group, the duration of bleeding and menstrual period, also, had been significantly shortened.