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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of this study was to identify the dimensions and themes of academic system partnership in the Teacher Education Process of the country and to design a partnership model in the theoretical and practice area. In this research, adopting the qualitative method and an exploratory approach, the analysis of the themes of the interviews was conducted with 15 experts and faculty members of the society of education and teacher education of the country, using the purposeful sampling method. Qualitative data were analyzed through thematic analysis approach and inductive or data based methods. The results indicated thirteen base themes under six organizing themes in the form of a global theme “ linking theory and practice". The accreditation of the results was carried out through Delphi method and binomial test, as well as triangulation approach for gathering and analyzing the data. Finally, the model of academic system partnership in the Teacher Education Process based on linking theory and practice was designed and presented with the following main themes: Theoretical support, Knowledge production, Knowledge transfer, Academic prestige, Two-way Discourses and Reflective Teacher education.

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Learning mathematics does not only involve thinking and reasoning, it is also dependent on the attitudes of learners towards learning and mathematics. A lot of research has been carried out on the history of mathematics education to find the factors that influence student achievement in the subject. Among these factors, student attitude towards mathematics has been largely studied. There has often been a correlation foun years, Iranian students have not been scored in the top band in mathematics international comparison tests while German students have been ranked at the upper side of the average mark. This study is in part aimed at explaining the reason why Iranian students appear to do so badly in these international tests and whether the The comparison was made throught a Likert-scale questionnaire which was based on the following components: mathematical utility, enjoyment of Mathematics, their fear of Mathematics and meta-cognition or the students' self-concept of mathematical knowledge. The attitudes towards mathematics of a group of grade 10 students in two selected schools in Germany and Iran were compared. The study came up with noteworthy findings which, if investigated further, may have implications for policy makers and Mathematics educators in both countries. The findings showed that German pupils learn about the utility of mathematics in their everyday life and this factor influenced their attitude towards learning mathematics.

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The current study was aimed at identifying the consistency between the religious knowledge of secondary school students and the proposed model of Religious Education Theory of Glo-calized Space. This survey was descriptive and the statistical population included all secondary school students in four districts of Shiraz city. Out of this population, 452 students were selected through random sampling method. To collect the data, a researcher-made questionnaire was used. was measured through Cronbach alpha consistency coefficiency. The results of factor analysis showed that, by assuming a criterion of 0/4 in all components, the loading of items was in the range of 0. 44 to 0. 90 and therefore the items presented the relevant components. Meanwhile, the results of the second-order factor analysis in the range of 0. 82 to 0. 93 showed that the nine components in the aforementioned theory well illustrate the fit of this model for the development of religious education in the current global space. Cronbach's alpha results (ranging from 0. 54 to 0. 75 for components and 0. 93 for total) also showed that the questionnaire in all its dimensions has the reliability required for use as a valid questionnaire. In order to analyze the data, individual sample t-test was used and the mean total of scores were used. The results of the individual sample t-test showed that in terms of secondary school students, generally there is a significant difference between current religious educations and religious education in this Model. The findings also indicated that the learners were identified as weak in the components of tendency, self-control, criterion, rationality, evaluation, patience, expansion of privacy, dynamism and interaction.

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The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors affecting the establishment of intelligent schools in the secondary school of South Khorasan. The statistical population of this study is all teachers of the second level of high school, administrative staff and school assistants with 2080 people. Based on Morgan's table, 322 individuals were randomly selected and participated in this study. The tool used to collect data is a researcher-made questionnaire that consists of ten factors: planning and targeting, equipping and preparing the school, training and equipping human resources, content preparation, multimedia content-based classes Evaluation, evaluation, culture, financial resources, educational planning, redevelopment of the management process in the establishment of intelligent schools has been evaluated. The content validity of this questionnaire has been confirmed by several qualified statisticians and its reliability is obtained using Cronbach's alpha of 946/0. The collected data were analyzed by SPSS-23 and SmartPLS software and the results indicated that all ten factors were affected by the establishment of intelligent schools in South Khorasan. Among these, the two most important factors were the re-engineering of the management process and financial resources.

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The purpose of this study was to provide a customized model of teacher-centered educational supervision in elementary schools. This mixed-methods research was of exploratory type. The population included teachers in West Azarbaijan province who were selected through a targeted approach. The sample was selected through theoretical saturation point. The data was collected using a semi-structured interview protocol. Calculation of reliability and validity of the data was done using the reviews of the participants and reviewing non-participating experts in the research. Afterall, 5 organizing themes and 16 basic themes about the teacher-centered model of supervision were discovered. In the quantitative part, the method of research was descriptive survey and the statistical population consisted of teachers of West Azarbaijan province. For the validation purpose of the model, using Cochran sampling formula, 200 people by random cluster sampling method were selected. The tool used in the quantitative section was a researchermade scale based on the found themes in the qualitative section. The quantitative section analysis was performed with a confirmatory factor analysis to determine the validity of the pattern. The results of the quantitative part, using first and second order factor analysis, showed that the model has structural validity.

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Academic burnout is one of the major challenges of educational system. The purpose of this study was to predict the academic burnout of male students based on identity styles and self-concept. The research was correlational. The statistical population consisted of second grade high school male students who studied in public high schools of Robat Karim in the academic year of 2017-2018. A total of 240 individuals were randomly selected by multi-stage random sampling. The research instruments consisted of Bersu, Salanova & Schaufeli academic burnout, Berzonsky identity styles and Rogers self-concept. The findings of correlation and multivariate hierarchical regression analysis showed that self-concept (7. 7%) (p <0. 01) and identity styles (15. 6%) and the two variables together predicted 23. 3 % of burnout. The information style negatively (p <0. 01) and confused/avoidance style positively (p <0. 01) predicted academic burnout. No significant relationship was shown between normative style and academic burnout. According to above findings, it is essential to deal with factors that affect academic burnout and gain knowledge about identity and self-concept and their relationship to academic burnout.

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In learning-oriented communities, individuals are learning constantly. They have become a lifelong learner because of a curriculum that incorporates elements of information literacy in the structure and content of those programs, at all levels of education, from primary school to university in a way that information literacy capabilities are embedded in their behavior and attitude. The secondary period is of particular importance because of its transition nature. The purpose of this study is to design the curriculum based on the development of information literacy in secondary education. For this purpose based on a literacy review related books and article were studied. Then by determining the standards of information literacy and basic element of the curriculum (goals, content, learning activities, teacher’ s role and evaluation) and with regard to the advice of specialist professors in the extent, the proposed model of the curriculum was formulated and presented in a table format. In designing this program the components of information literacy are integrated into the curriculum elements so that it can train lifelong learners.

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The purpose of this study is to investigate the importance of the curriculum implemented in high school to the development of reflective thinking. In this research is used descriptive method. The statistical population of this study was all the teachers who served in high schools in the city of Karaj during the academic year2014-2015, the sample of 201teachers was selected as the sample size using the Krejsi-Morgan table. Measurement tool in this research Researcher made questionnaire. The results of the study showed that the goals of the curriculum implemented in the high school from the perspective of the teachers at the lower level to the development of reflective thinking and the content of the implemented curriculum, the teaching methods and assessment used in high school from the perspective of the teachers at the low level to the development of reflective thinking. In addition, there is a significant difference between the amount of attention to the elements of the curriculum implemented to the development of reflective thinking from the perspective of teachers and Among the elements of the curriculum, the evaluation, content, teaching method and goal have the least attention to the development of reflective thinking. Finally, there is not a significant difference between the amount of attention to the elements of the curriculum implemented to the development of reflective thinking from the perspective of the teachers from the field of science and the level of education, and the type of discipline and the level of education in the attention of teachers to the development of reflective thinking does not affect the curriculum.

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The present study was carried out to design the educational quality evaluation model at Technical and Vocational University through a mixed-methods research (qualitative-quantitative). In the qualitative section, 20 experts of higher Education were selected by purposeful sampling method and then the semi-structured interviews were conducted with them. The interviews were analyzed by qualitative content analysis method The results were extracted in the form of educational quality evaluation model with 17 components and 63 sub-components. In the quantitative section, for the validation of the designed model, a questionnaire was designed based on the sub-components of this model. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by the experts and its reliability was calculated by Cronbach's alpha which turned out to be 95. 0. This questionnaire was presented to 233 professors, staff and managers of Technical and Vocational University as a statistical sample. The data collected through the questionnaire were analyzed by using factor analysis and AMOS software. Using factor analysis, the model designed indicated 11 components (teaching-learning process, purposes and structure, financial resources, educational program, professor, community support, graduates, management, quality of education, research, and administrative staff) and 55 sub-components. The value of indices (CMIN/DF=1. 80, RMSEA=0. 06, GFI=0. 95, AGFI=0. 95, NFI=0. 94, RFI=0. 94, and RMR=0. 04) indicated that this method has a good fit and this model can be used as a valid tool for evaluating the educational quality at Technical and Vocational University.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of computer games application on the creativity and spatial perception of preschool children. In this semi-experimental research ( pre-test-posttest with control group) all novice teachers working in pre-school centers in District 5 of Tehran were included as the research population. Out of this population, 50 subjects were selected and assigned to two groups of experimental and control. In order to measure the variables, the Torrance visual creativity test (1974) and the Frosturing Spatial Perception (1961) test were used. Also, the subjects of the experimental group were trained by computer games. In order to analyze the data obtained from the research tool, the descriptive indices of the variables were first calculated using the spss software and inferential indicators were analyzed using covariance analysis. Data analysis using covariance analysis showed that the difference between the pre-test and post-test scores was significant in the experimental and control groups, showing the effect of using computer games at a significant level of alpha on the amount of creativity and spatial perception of preschool children. The results of this study showed that implementation of the computer games can effect the level of creativity and spatial perception of preschoolers.

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