Background and Objectives: In spite of long production and consumption of traditional Sangak bread in Iran, documented qualitative indices have not been completely determined for it. In fact, providing such indices, defining them and preparing their quantitative scope for production of this bread are essential. The purpose of this study is to determine desirable quality indices for evaluating the quality of traditional Sangak bread based on the quantitative data for the first time.Materials and Methods: To prepare three types of Sangak bread, three flours with different quantities & qualities characteristics such as protein content, zeleny volume, particle size, etc. with appropriate extraction rate for this bread (namely strong, medium and weak flours) were made. At first, physical, chemical and rheological tests of the flour and dough types were determined. After baking the breads based on their production practices, physical and chemical characteristics, texture, porosity, microstructure, staling process and sensory properties of the breads were evaluated freshly and during storage by different methods.Results: The results of physical, chemical, instrumental and sensory tests significantly correlated with each other. According to the results of various tests in this study, qualitative indices of Sangak bread types with different quality levels (good, medium and weak) were obtained quantitatively after baking and during storage, and were presented in an integrated table. The results can be used in documentation system and will be effective to rate this bread based on the quality and grading of bakeries according to the quality of the produced bread.Conclusion: Qualitative indices of Sangak bread types with different quality levels can be used in documentation system, and will be effective to improve the quality of traditional Sangak bread and reducing waste. The results can help to inform about the use of flour with appropriate and desirable characteristics for the production of Sangak bread and rating bread and bakery quality.