The main objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between foresight relationships in curriculum with the creativity of the students of Sari University in 1394. The method of this descriptive study was survey correlation. The statistical population of this research includes all students of the Faculty of Humanities of this unit, which includes 4206 people. A sample of 343 students from the Faculty of Humanities was studied by stratified random sampling method. The data collection tool was a standard questionnaire and a researcher-made questionnaire. Validity of the questionnaire was verified by several experts and educational experts and its reliability was calculated by Cronbach's Alpha method for the Torrance Creativity Questionnaire (0, 905) (1992) and the foresight in curriculum Questionnaire (0, 890). To describe the data, frequency distribution, percentage frequency, cumulative frequency, graphs, as well as central inclination and dispersion index including mean, mean, mean, and standard deviation were used and for analyzing, interpreting and generalizing the results of the research into society, Inferential statistics including parametric tests (independent t-test and ANOVA) and non-parametric test (Spearman coefficient) were used with SPSS software version 16. According to the results of statistical tests, there was a positive and significant relationship between each component of "innovation, transformation, management, transformation and productivity" with "creativity". There was also a positive and significant relationship between students' "creativity" and "foresight".