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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2003

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The aim of present study is considering the dimensions and components of effective teacher in previous studies and presenting a comprehensive model based on it and also considering this model similarities and differential aspects with upper documents of Iran education system. Research methodology is quantitative during which deduction was according to context analysis and reconceptualization. The statistical population of the research, includes all available internal and external research and theoretical texts, related references, and upper documents of Islamic Republic of Iran education system which are Purposive Sampling selected and considered; the numbers of considered documents are 40 cases. to collect the data check list used that Reliability approved by 3 experts university and validity by test-retest (a=.91).The major findings reveal 6 dimensions of professional competences (with 3 components), personality characteristics (with 9 components), classroom management (with 5 components), teaching skills (with 10 components), supervision and monitoring (with 5 components), and evaluation (with 5 components) which a model of effective teacher was designed according to this basis. On the other hand, 2 components in personality characteristics dimension, 2 components in classroom management dimension, 2 components in teaching skills dimension, 3 components in evaluation dimension, 1 component in competences dimension, and 4 components in supervision and monitoring dimension were in common among the proposed model and upper documents; besides, 5 components related to competences, lesson study dimensions with 2 components, and educational fields with 2 components were including differential aspects among the proposed model and upper documents.

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View 3284

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This study was conducted to evaluate the process of formulating moral intelligence education curriculum objectives. In this study inductive content analysis and model-based categorization system, as well as Mayring’s model were used.The study area includes printed and electronic texts extracted from the works of thinkers and theorists in the fields of Moral Intelligence and Reconceptualist Curriculum, which were sampled by purposive sampling, and data were collected by way of taking notes. By selecting ‘paragraph’ as the unit of analysis, codification was conducted, and the concepts and topics were extracted. The results indicated that ethical performance development, development of moral thinking (moral reasoning), the creation of executive and moral character, growth of religious beliefs, development of aesthetic vision to moral education, fostering freedom of thought and behavior, creative thinking, critical thinking, development of upstanding and law-abiding citizens, creating the belief in democracy, development of internal motivation (spontaneity), fostering a spirit of caring and compassion, raising awareness and evolution of social behavior, development of work ethic (conscientiousness), development of virtue, compassion and empathy, development of perfection-seeking motivation, nurturing the attitude of legal positivism, self-care development and the development of moral conscience, and deep and philosophical thinking about oneself and phenomena were the determining factors in the objectives of Elementary Schools’ Moral Intelligence Education Curriculum.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2300

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The recent research goal is to evaluate effective teaching applying signs scale about mathematic course in public high school and non- profitable in Esfahan city from the view of students. The present research was descriptive-survey. The statistical population of the study consisted of preuniversity students in high school. Using a targeted sampling method, 150 students were randomly selected as the statistical sample. The main instrument of data collection was a Course evaluation questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistics (percent) and inferential statistics (single variable t test, t-test, Yumann-Whitney test). The results showed that the non-profitable school students have assessed effective teaching applying sign scale more than medium and public school students have examined such signs fewer than medium, regardless of all students gender and the kind of their schools, the best effective teaching quality for math has been (though multiply) at the end in order to improve the mathematic teaching quality based on the research results, propositions has been presented to officials, of necessities and new course intermediate science establishment is math teaching with its requested researches on the field of training and relevant combination of training science with mathematic knowledge for such aim providing close relation and collaboration between trying science university and mathematic collage could be useful.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 914

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The aim of this study is to investigate the ignored level of the experienced curriculum (perceptions and expectations) in a course called teaching methods and techniques; and identify factors affecting such perceptions and expectations among Shahid Modares Campus of Farhangian University, Sanadaj. In this study, mixed method has been used. In the quantitative part, a descriptive method (survey type), and in the qualitative part, phonological method, have been used. The sample of the study consisted of 101 teacher students enrolled in the first semester of 2015-16. The sampling method was non-probability sampling in quantitative part, and it was purposful in qualitative part. A questionnaire created by the researcher was used for collecting data in the quantitative part, and semi-structured interview was employed in the qualitative part. The descriptive statistics and interpretive method were used for data analysis in quantitative and qualitative parts respectively. The results of the study indicated that 77 percent of the participants found the course interesting while 70 percent found it difficult, and about 78 percent of the students believed that they need to make more efforts in the course. The qualitative findings showed that three main factors - individual, educational, and social and external - were identified as the important factors in shaping the perceptions and expectations of the students in the course.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 857

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    28 (55)
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This paper aims to explain the consequences of promoting curriculum development culture at universities and Institutions of Higher Education.The participants in this research consisted of higher education authorities, policy makers and curriculum development experts, all of whom were directly or indirectly involved in higher education curriculum programs. Making use of qualitative research design and selective sampling, an in-depth interview was conducted with 29 higher education authorities and experts. Then analyzing the qualitative content, the collected data were initially classified and then relevant categories were identified. To establish the validity of the qualitative data, the method of participants checking was deployed. The results of the research indicate that the most important consequences of promoting the curriculum design culture would be found in more efficient curriculum programs, better management of financial and time resources, expansion of team work, promotion of efficiency and performance of faculty members.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 879

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    28 (55)
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Present research was performed to compare achievement motivation, self-confidence, school connectedness and academic performance of students from public schools, exemplary schools, smart schools and gifted schools of Sari. This research is applied in terms of purpose, descriptive in terms of nature and causal-comparative in terms of method. Statistical population was all eight grade-primary- school girl students from public schools, exemplary schools, smart schools and gifted schools of Sari in academic year 2015-2016 and 170 students were selected as sample using available sampling. Measurement tools were standard questionnaires of Herman's achievement motivation (1970), Eysenck self-confidence (1976), Berry et al School connectedness (2004), and Fam and Taylor academic performance (1999). The validity of questionnaires was confirmed by experts of psychology and education and the reliability of questionnaires using alpha Cronbach measurement was confirmed 0.86 (achievement motivation), 0.83 (self-confidence), 0.85 (school connectedness) and 0.87 (academic performance). Data was analyzed using descriptive (mean and standard deviation) and inferential (Kruskal-Wallis non parametric test) statistics methods bu IBM SPSS 23 software.Results showed that achievement motivation, self-confidence, school connectedness and academic performance of students from public schools, exemplary schools, smart schools and gifted schools are different, so that achievement motivation of students from smart schools and self-confidence, school connectedness and academic performance of students from gifted schools were the most.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2945

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rineforce the aesthetic perception and philosophic mindset as the ultimate goals of education systems are analyzed by educational scholars, but the relationship between these two goals in the design of training and curricula, not review yet. In this article the role of aesthetic perception in sublimity of the first trace of comprehensiveness philosophic mindset, is revealed and as well as the main design elements of nature in art curriculum based on the above explanation is revealed. For this purpose, first, aesthetic perception and it’s processes and litter of proving to be true, namely the artistic education, is explained. then the philosophic mindset is clear up. Following a descriptive-analitic method, the conceptual relationships and logical geography between the aesthetic perceptions and the first trace of comprehensivenesess philosophic mindset, has been discovered and explained. This research has the constructivism lens and it’s strategy is quality.Method of this resarch is analytic and belonging to transcendent transcendental. documentary method is chosen to gather information. the findings of this study showed that a previously undetected network conceptual and logical geography of undiscovered, between aesthetic perception and the first trace of comprehensivenesess philosophic mindset that can be grounds for curricula and the design with aesthetic approach.

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View 653

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    28 (55)
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The purpose of the present research was to investigate the effectiveness of concept map based instruction on concept retention and comprehension in science and social lessons in the elementary sixth grade. The research method was quasi-experimental with pretest-posttest design with experimental and control groups. The participants included 120 sixth-grade elementary students (60 people experimental group and 60 people control group) from Oshnavieh city in 1393-94 academic years. The subjects were selected by multistage cluster random sampling method and they were randomly assigned to each of the experimental and control groups. The science and social studies lessons comprehension and retention academic tests were completed by the subjects. To provide valid tool, Face and Content Validity was used and to ensure reliability the method of split half was used. Analysis of research data through spss software And using descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (covariance analysis test) was performed. The experimental group subjects received ten sessions of concept map based instruction while simultaneously the control group subjects was continuing their regular class program. The analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) showed that the treatment group' s scores on the science and social studies ‘comprehension and retention post-tests were higher than control group subjects. Therefore, it can be conclude the concept map based instruction increased students' comprehension and retention performance. The present research has some pedagogical applications for elementary school teachers- especially for those teaching for sixth grade- who can utilize these strategies for better achievement in science and social studies courses.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1177

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The present study is to investigate the adaptation of the e-learning system curriculum with the principles of constructivist approach from the perspectives of faculty members and undergraduate at PNU. The research method was descriptive-survey. The population consisted of 1987 faculty members and 19882 students of the PNU e-poles in academic years of 2016-2017.Based on the Cochran's sample size formula, 320 faculty members and 375 students were randomly selected using the simple random method. The data were collected using a researcher-developed questionnaire, designed to adapt the curriculum of e-learning system with the constructivist approach in four elements (goal, content, teaching-learning strategies, and evaluation). The face and content validates were measured to find the adaptation level of the e-learning system curriculum with the principles of the constructivist approach. In addition, the reliability of the questionnaire was assessed using the Cronbach's alpha coefficient (a=0.86). The data were analyzed by a quantitative method using the one sample t-test and the multivariate analysis of variance. Accordting on the one sample t-test results, however, in all four elements related to the curriculum of the elearning system, the mean of students and faculty members’ responses was less than average and pronounced as insignificant. Thus, the curriculum of the PNU e-learning system was not proposed to be adopted with the constructivist principles. In addition, the results from the multivariate analysis illustrated that there is no significant difference in all four curriculum principles between the viewpoints of the faculty members and the students at PNU.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of education on the method of teaching team members on the level of learning and teaching of students in Farhangian University of Ilam and compare it with teaching method. This research was carried out using quasi-experimental method. The statistical population of this study was all students of Farhangian University Ilam (that Their number was about 500 peaple in 18 classes.) To conduct the research, a 32-member class was selected as the control group, and a 27-membered class was selected as the experimental group. From this class, 16 were taught in a team based manner and 16 were taught in the form of recipe teaching. Finally, the test scores of student learner learning and communication skills were compared with the control group. In this research, three hypotheses were used to study the effect of two types of education. The first hypothesis, the study of the results of two types of training on the amount of learning and teaching, in the second hypothesis, the results of the integration of the two methods into learning and teaching, and in the third hypothesis, the results of each The learning method was studied for deepening learning. The results of the study showed that the team teaching method had a more positive impact on the students' learning and teaching than the teaching method, because at the alpha level of 0.05%, the Pearson test was 0.018 in the team with team training and this level was low Terry is in reference to the teaching of a Pearson correction of 0.042. The results showed that the effect of integrating the teaching methods of team members and recounting the differences in students' learning and learning has been effective. Also, among the teaching methods of team members and recitation, students are encouraged to increase their deepening of learning (long-term learning).

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Textbook is the most important sources for learning, particularly in centralized educational systems. Therefore, in this study, content analysis method is used to determine problem centered and active involvement of learners in newly compilation Persian, social studies, Quran, and business and technology sixth grade books, year 1391 based on William Romey techniques. According to this analysis, three components of student involvement in "text", "questions" and "image" of the book is considered. In the analysis of text, questions and images of social studies book, 978, 139 and 215 units were studied and rate of student involvement with text, questions and images are calculated 0.03, 0.6 and 0.07. Results showed that only questions are in the technique determined range from 0.4 to 1.5 and this explains activeness of questions. In the Quran book, the analysis of text, questions and images, 610, 404 and 41 units were studied and rate of student involvement with text, questions and images were calculated 0.03, 2.72 and 0.1. Only questions were in the specified Romey range. In text, questions and images analysis in the Persian book 850, 108 and 44 units were studied and rate of student involvement with text, questions and images were calculated 0.03, 2.72 and 0.1. Only questions were in the specified Romey range. In the analysis of text, questions and images of business and technology book, 677, 132 and 183 units were studied and rate of student involvement with text, questions and images were calculated 0.9, 2.3 and 1.2 and all three items were in Romeyrange. Rate of learner’s involvement with question s in all four books showed over limit involvement, in other words questions in all book contents were active. Content analysis of texts and images in Persian, social studies and Quran books showed that these books images and texts were adjusted inactively. Content analysis of business and technology book show activeness in test, question and image.

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View 3999

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The real religious education from Islam's perspective depends on having rational, scientific, political, and social education. The present research aiming at extracting and explaining rational upbringing's principles, sources, and conditions from Qur’an’s viewpoint. The topic was analysed qualitatively of descriptive- inferential method. Findings of the research have shown that reflecrion or thinking is one of the human's essential features means using thoughts and wisdom to infer the useful, certain, and believable affairs. From the perspective of Qura'n, everything is kind of devine sign. Just those people who benefit form rationality can understand the real symbolic meaning. Holy Qura'n invites people to think and believe that people's faith and belief is made accordingly. In order to face complex personal and social issues, upbringing such people, who are able to rely on the power of their will and rationality and can think logically and creatively in order to produce knowledge in wiasdom age, is needed.

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