The goal of present study is to determine the effect of industrial brand equity on ingredient brand equity component and also on end-user's purchase intention in Tehran’s laptop market. Statistical Society of present study is all of the laptop buyers in Tehran city. The research's model was assessed with a sample size of 200 subjects, selected using cluster sampling method. The required data was gathered with the application of a questionnaire whose validity was measured earlier. These data were analyzed in Amos 20 and SPSS 18, employing structural equations model, path analysis, and regression analysis. Finally, it was determined that in Tehran’s laptop market, industrial brand equity increased loyalty, perceived quality, and ingredient brand equity image. In addition, there was not any positive and significant correlation between industrial brand equity with association and awareness of ingredient brand equity. Moreover, it was confirmed that loyalty, perceived quality, image of ingredient brand positively affected end-user purchasing intention. In contrast, ingredient brand association and awareness did not show such impact.