Salinity stress and control with it is one of the main affairs that have 2 collated since more than thousand years ago. We can account this stress as one the reasons of capability decrease of lands, in the production of farm products. Salin and sodic soils increase at arid and semiarid regions, and this soil covered 15 million hectors of the lands of country. In this experiment 4 salinity levels of 0, -2, -4, & -6 bars were investigated on germination components and seedling growth of 4 subclover cultivars (Denmark, York, Golbrn and Gaus). Results of variance analysis showed that effects of salinity and y, cultivar on germination percentage, rate and uniformity of germination, root and shoot of length as like as seedling dry weight were significant. The different between all characteristics (expect root length) weren't significant in zero and -2 bars, but those treatments were significantly different with other salinity levels. With increasing 4 salinity level, germination percentage, rate and uniformity decreased, 2 but germination rate response was greater than other two components. The highest and lowest germination rates were observed in cv. Denmark (0.0415 in hour) and cv. Golburn (0.0278 in hour), respectively. With increasing salinity, root and shoot length 9 and seedling dry weight was decreased, but cultivars had different response to salinity. cv Gaus and cv. Denmark has the greatest root .greatest root and shoot length and seedling dry weight across ..
salinity levels. Response of seedling dry weight to salinity was examined using Mass Hoffman (1977) model. Golburn had the <lowest threshold in response to salinity than other cultivars, and -0 84 bar was the threshold for the cultivar. Results showed that Golburn and Denmark are the most sensitive and the most 9 resistance cultivars, respectively. Our results showed that Denmark and Gaus are less sensitive to salinity, York has medium response and Golburn is the most sensitive.