Tannins are a group of vegetable substances that can produce toxication in animals. In this circumstances Oak and yellow wood-have a graet amont of tannins. Acute tannic acid intoxication caused acute hepatic necrosis, but in chronic form liver cirrhosis and nepoplasia was reported in rat. The present study was carried out on five crossbred Iranian ewes, of equal weight and age, in order to determine the serum levels of ALP, AST, ALT, as well as total, indirect and direct bilirubin fallowing tannic acid toxicosis. A single dose (3.75gr/kg B.W) of tannic acid was weighted and 10% sol us ion of it was introduced into the rumen of five sheep by nasal tube; blood samples were taken at 0, (before the administration of tannic acid), 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36 and 42 hours after starting the experiment. The results indicate that changes in the serum ALP, AST, ALT levels weren't significant. At the beginning of the clinical signs at 24 hours, there was a significant increase (p<0.05) in the levels of total, indirect and direct bilirubin in serum, while at the end of experiment, a significant decrease (p<0.05) was observable. In the second step, a double dose (4.5 gr/kg B.W) of tannic acid was introduced into the rumen of two sheep by nasal tube at 0 and 16 hours for necropsy finding purpose. Both of them recumbent and died nearly 24 hours after the beginning of experiment. Macroscopic and microscopic changes were checked. Subcutaneous tissues and mucus membranes were cyanotic and the blood had a brown – chocolate color in vessels and heart. Necrosis and fatty degeneration of hepatic cells, periportal hemorrhage and enlarged nuclei of hepatic cells were noticed in histopathological study.