Salinity stress caused oxidative stress in plants by production of free oxygen radicals. In this study antioxidative (enzymatic and non-enzymatic) responses of three wild species of Solanum including S.acaule (salt tolerant), S.stoloniferum (salt semi-sensitive) and S.bulbosum (salt sensitive) to salinity stress were investigated In vitro. Explants were cultured in liquid MS medium (3% sucrose, without hormone) containing different concentrations of NaCl (0, 40, 80 and 120 mM). In S.acaule, shoot fresh and dry weight did not change by salinity. The activity of APX, PPO, SOD and GPOD were increased but CAT activity did not show any significant changes between control and salt treatments. In some concentrations of NaCl, the content of anthocyanin, falvonoids and phenolic compounds were also increased in this species. In S.stoloniferum, Salinity decreased shoot fresh and dry weight. The activity of APX, SOD and GPOD were increased by salinity but PPO activity was decreased. CAT activity did not show any significant changes between control and salt treatments. In this species the content of anthocyanin, phenolic compounds and one of the flavonoid compounds were decreased by salinity, while the content of other falvonoid compounds did not change by salinity. In S.bulbosum shoot fresh and dry weight was decreased, the activity of APX, SOD, GPOD increased, PPO activity decreased and CAT activity did not change by salinity. In this species the contents of anthocyanin and flavonoids were decreased in all concentrations of NaCl but phenolic compounds were only decreased in 120 mM NaCl. In conclusion, it seems that the comparison of enzymatic antioxidative defense system is not a good indicator for determining salinity tolerance in wild species of potato.