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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    12 (پی در پی 77)
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    12 (پی در پی 77)
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Background & Aims: Premenstrual syndrome is characterized by the physical, psychological andbehavioral symptoms cycle occurrence during the luteal phase of the menstruation cycle, and it will bedisappeared within a few days of the onset of menstruation. The aim of this study was to assess the effectof webotherapy on premenstrual syndrome.Materials & Methods: This experimental study was carried out on 60 volunteer students of RaziUniversity with PMS diagnosis. After surveying two menstruation cycles and confirming PMSexistence, the subjects were randomly assigned into experimental and control group. webotherapy wasperformed for 8 weeks. Volunteers completed DRSP during 2 cycles before and 1 cycle afterintervention. Data were analyzed by descriptive and analytic statistics.Results: The data analysis revealed that in comparing before and after intervention, the experimentalgroup showed significant decrease in mean of symptoms.Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that webotherapy is an effectivemethod for relieving symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

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Background & Aims: Previous studies showed that sucrose is a pain relief in infants, but a few studieswas done about the effect of sucrose with different concentrations in IM injection, and their results areconfusable. The aim of the current study was comparing the effect of oral sucrose 20%, 30% and 50%on relief of behavioral pain responses from Hepatitis B vaccine injection in full term infants.Material & Methods: In this randomized clinical trial, the subjects were divided into four groupsrandomly.2 minutes before injection of Hepatitis B vaccine, in case groups 2 ml of one of the foursterile solutions namely sucrose 20%, 30% or 50% was given, and in the control group 2ml steriledistilled water was given with syringe into the baby' s' mouth in less than one minute. Before, 2 and 7minutes after giving sucrose, infants pain was assessed with NIPS.Results: The findings showed that pain severity in the 2 and 7 minutes groups, was significantly lessthan the control group (p<0.05). There was no significant difference between different sucroseconcentrations.Conclusion: sucrose with different concentrations may decrease pain of hepatitis B vaccine injection infull term infants but its concentration is not effective.

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    12 (77)
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Background & Aims: Coronary arteries angioplasty is one of the most common methods for treatmentof coronary artery diseases.On the other hand, one of the major issues in promoting quality of care ispatient participation in treatment and self-care. This study aimed to determine the effect ofimplementation discharge planning on self-care ability patients undergoing percutaneous transluminalcoronary angioplasty, Urmia, Iran, 2015.Materials & Methods: This study was an interventional clinical trial.80 patients were selected who metinclusion criteria, and they were randomly divided into two group of experimental (40) and controlgroup (40). The data were gathered by a demographic questionnaire information, and Kearney & Fleischer self-care ability questionnaire. In experimental group, the patients learned necessary measuresfor their self-care. One month after discharge, the demographic information questionnaire and the selfcare ability questionnaire were completed by two groups of patients. Data analysis was done by usingSPSS software version 22, and using descriptive and inferential statistics.Results: The study revealed that there was no significant difference between control and interventiongroups (p=0.181). Comparing the averages of the self-care ability before and after the intervention intwo groups showed statistically significant differences (p=0.0001). As a result, the paired t-test showedthat there is statistically significant differences in the control group (P=0.001) and the intervention group(P=0.0001) during one month after discharge. However, the difference between the means of the scoresobtained at the time of admission and one month after discharge is much greater in the interventiongroup than the control group.Conclusion: Performance discharge planning had a positive impact on self-care ability for patient' scoronary angioplasty. Therefore, it is recommended for health care providers and nurses to strengthenthe patients self-care on discharge planning, and to improve their ability of self-care to reduce thecomplications in coronary angioplasty.

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    12 (77)
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Background & Aim: Patients suffering from sickle cell disease may indeed vary in their psychologicaladaptation to the unpredictability and seriousness of the complication and lead to lower quality of lifein these patients. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of self-management programon Depression, Anxiety and Stress in patients with sickle cell disease.Materials & Methods: Samples of this quasi-experimental study, which included 69 patients with sicklecell disease referring to the Thalassemia Clinic of Shafa Hospital, were entered into the study by censusmethod. Patients received a self-management program using the 5A model (Assess, Advice, Agree, Assist and Arrange) for 12 weeks, while the Depression, Anxiety and Stress of patients before theintervention was assessed at the twelfth week and thirty-sixth week using Doss-21 questionnaire. Datawere analyzed by descriptive statistics, paired t-test, Wilcoxon test and repeated measures test in SPSSsoftware v.19.Results: There were significant differences between Depression, Anxiety and Stress levels before andafter intervention (p<0.001). Repeated measures test showed a significant difference between the scoresof the Depression, Anxiety and Stress in the twelfth week and thirty-sixth week after interventioncomparing to the pre-intervention (p<0.001).Conclusion: It is concluded that self management program can be used, as an interventional method, todecrease stress, anxiety, and depression in patients with sickle cell disease. Therefore, selfmanagement program as an effective way is advisable to decrease mental health problems in thesickle cell patients.

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    12 (77)
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Background & Aims: Physical inactivity is one of the most important reasons of chronic medicaldiseases in the elderly. Regarding to the importance of modifying physical activity behavior in elderlywomen and to produce proper educational and interventional strategies, this study was aimed to assessthe effect of Health Belief Model (HBM) based on education intervention on the physical activity amongelderly women.Materials & Methods: Two hundred elderly women from Urmia City participated in this interventionalstudy. They were chosen using the multistage sampling method. SPSS 21, and Smart PLS 3.5 soft wareswere used for structural equation modeling and to test the hypotheses and the model's fitness. Result: The results indicated that the education intervention had a positive effect on improving elderlywomen knowledge and behavior for physical activity. Generally, physical activity knowledge had adirect and increasing effect on the behavior through education intervention program, before intervention (β=0.168, p=0.01) to three months (β=0.180, p=0.01) and six months after intervention (β=0.232, p<0.0001).It also effected indirectly on their behavior by attitude’s constructs of the HBM. Furthermore, the results showed that perceived susceptibility, perceived barrier, self-efficacy and knowledge had thehighest effect on the behavior. Hence, this model can predict the dependent variables related to behavior.Conclusion: The results of the current study indicated that the HBM was a proper model for educationintervention for the elderly women. In addition, HBM based education program for physical activityimproved elderly women behavior.

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    12 (77)
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Background & Aim: Many studies around the world show that children’s health is affected by socialand working conditions of their families. Employment and different parental job conditions are amongthe factors affecting on child’s physical and mental health. According to limimted Iranian reseach onthe field of study, this article is focused on relationship between parental job satisfaction and theirchildren’s health.Material & Method: This correlational study included 200 men and women working in educationsystem (from four schools) in Mashhad city and having at least one child of 5 to 18 years old. Thesamples were selected in a randomly stratified sampling way. Data gathered by Minessota jobsatisfaction questionnaire as well as a 28-items Child Health Questionnaire (CHQ-PF28). Confirmatoryfactor analysis and stepwise linear regression were used for analysing Data in SPSS 22 and Amossoftwares.Results: Child health dimensions were explained in different percentages by three sub-scales of jobsatisfaction. According to 12 regression models, the highest variance was related to child's emotionalimpact (10% expalined by extrinsic scale and total satisfaction score), total score of child health (8.5%by total satisfaction score), and emotional behaviour problems (7.7% by intrinsic scale). The pain andfamily cohesion dimensions were not explained by any subscales.Conclusion: Parental job satisfaction is related to child health, and to some extent, it has a determinantrole on that. however parental job conditions are known in global litrature as a social determinantaffecting child health, this field was not taken into cosideratin in Iran yet. It is suggested that in futurestudies, researchers investigate the relation and effect of job conditions on child health in differentsocioeconomic groups.

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  • Issue: 

    12 (77)
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Background & Aims: Motor disabilities following stroke can disrupt daily activities of the patients. Nursing home care program can be performed in these patients to achieve functional independence. Theaim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of nursing home care on the daily activities inpatients with stroke in Urmia.Materials & Methods: This study is a randomized clinical trial in which 60 stroke patients eligible forthe study were entered in the study in Urmia, they were randomly divided into two groups. The datacollection tool was a valid and reliable scale of daily life activities which were completed in the pre-testand post-test phases of the study. Nursing home care program was implemented in the interventiongroup while the control group received usual care daily. Data analysis was performed on the obtaineddata by using descriptive and analytical statistics in the Spss v.16 software.Results: The results shows that in both groups, the patients were male, married, aged more than 50 yearsand has a low literacy level, and most of them were satisfied with their financial situation in their life.Also by using the Barthel Index and the Nottingham extended, it was shown that there was a statisticallysignificant difference (P=0.001) between the mean scores of patients in the dimensions of daily lifeactivities in both intervention and controls groups.Conclusion: Nursing home care program can enhance daily life activities and ultimately it can improvethe quality of life of patients with stroke living at home. Regular nursing services at home for this groupof patients is recommended.

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    12 (77)
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Background & Aims: Weight is the most sensitive growth criterion, and it is a way to survey the totalhealth. Improvement in care procedures of preterm infants in addition to decreasing the cost of care, itcan result in the reduction of complications in neonatal period. With regarding to the importance ofgrowth and development, this study was conducted to evaluate the effect of tub bathing on weight gainof preterm neonates.Materials & Methods: This study is a randomized controlled clinical trial.132 preterm infants with agestational age of 32-37 weeks were randomly divided into two treatment and control groups. Theinfants of treatment group were bathed three times in the interval of one day inside the bathtub whilethe control group received routine skin care. In both treatment and control groups, the weight outcomemeasured daily and these data were registered in the checklist. The data were analyzed using SPSSsoftware and descriptive and inferential statistical methods. Less than 0.05 P value was consideredstatistically significant.Results: The results showed that there was no statistically significant difference between both groups interms of the changes of weights in preterm infants (P>0.05).Conclusion: According to the results of the study, an increase of weight gain of preterm infants afterbathing in all three measurement times was observed comparing to the control group, so it isrecommended to use bathing of newborns, especially tub bathing, in the care giving program of theinfants hospitalized in newborns' wards and NICUs.

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    12 (77)
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Background & Aims: The purpose of the educational system of any country has got an utmostimportance. Several factors, such as thinking, learning styles, motivation, environment, family, community, quality of schools, the quality of the players can affect it. Learning and thinking is thefundamental aim of educational systems, and critical thinking is a favorable outcome related toeducation. Learning styles is also effective which can be achieved through experience and each personcan find his own learning style. The motivation of the students, is associated with their learning andacademic achievement. The aim of study was to investigate the relationship between learning styles"VARK" with the development of critical thinking, vitality and achievement motivation among studentsof Urmia University of Medical Sciences in the academic year 2015-2014.Materials & Methods: This is a cross-correlation study. The population of the study included allundergraduate students in Urmia University of Medical Sciences (2181).377 people were selected basedon Morgan and a multi-stage stratified random sample size. "VARK" as a survey of learning styles, Fleming and Mills (2004), and Watson Glaser as a critical thinking questionnaire, Form (A) (1980) ofDehghanizadeh and HOSSEINCHARI research as academic vitality questionnaire (1391) and Herman’s (1970) as achievement motivation questionnaire, and Cronbach's alpha (0.89) as the reliability criteriawere chosen.Result: The results showed that 68 percent of university students in Urmia University of MedicalSciences applied read and write style, 14 percent have auditory learning styles, and 12 percent usedvisual learning styles, and 6 percent applied other learning styles. A relationship was observed between"VARK" learning styles and vitality and achievement motivation. VARK learning methods contributed 87.1 percent, developing critical thinking 83.6 percent, liveliness 84.7 percent and achievementmotivation contributed 86.9 percent in the learning styles of the students of Urmia University of MedicalSciences.Conclusion: The results reinforced the learning styles of the students to develop critical thinking. Toreach the academic achievement, the vitality and motivation of the students in training centers shouldbe considered at its highest level.

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    12 (77)
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Background & Aims: Based on the importance of cancer in all aspects of patient life, this study tries tocompare the life quality between cancerous and healthy individuals.Materials & Methods: Descriptive and causal-comparative analysis has been used as research method. The sample of this study was 80 cancerous patients, and 80 healthy subjects who were matched byconvenience sampling. Purpose of life test (Crumbaugh & Maholick) and Quality of life questionnaires (WHO) were used for gathering data, and multivariate analysis of variance or MANOVA were used foranalyzing the data.Result: The results showed that there is a significant difference between cancerous patients and healthypeople based on purpose of life. There is a significant difference between cancerous patients and healthypeople concerning all aspects of quality of life (p>.001).Conclusion: According to the results, there are significant differences among cancerous and healthypeople concerning their quality of life.

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    12 (77)
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Background and Aims: Cigarette smokers are a vulnerable population because they are exposed to variousdiseases and the morbidity and mortality rates among them are high. Smoking prevalence is relatively high inIran, and nursing researchers by qualitative approaches could play a key role in reducing it. This study aimed toidentify the smoking patterns in adults by qualitative approach.Materials and Methods: The present study was done as a qualitative approach by using conventional contentanalysis method. Thirty people participated in the study and were evaluated by using techniques including: individual interview, scenario, responding to primary and supplementary questionnaire, responding to cigarettesellers’ questionnaire, and group discussion. To achieve the trustworthiness data we noticed 4 dimensionsincluded: credibility, dependability, confirmability and transferability.Results: Finding of this study summarized in 5 main categories and 15 subcategories. The pattern of cigarettelightening with 3 subcategories including: dependency to cigarette smoking, observation of cigarette smoking, andconditional behavior. The pattern of provision of cigarette with 3 subcategories including: how to buy cigarette, purchase priority of cigarette, and cigarette smokers’ behavior in the case of not having a cigarette. The pattern ofcigarette smoking with 3 subcategories including: do not bother others, unwanted bother of others, and bullyingof cigarette smoker. The pattern of cigarette exchanging with 4 subcategories including: requesting of a cigarette, responding to cigarette requesting, offering of cigarette to others, and responding to cigarette offer. Finally, thepattern of increasing the number of cigarette with 2 subcategories including: causes of cigarette increasing andthe result of cigarette increasing.Conclusion: Without identifying the patterns of cigarette smoking, engagment of health team with cigarettesmokers will not be correct and the smokers have a defensive behavior against to the personnel of health team.Understanding the cigarette smokers and his/him behaviors as a client including: “how they prepare cigarette andexchange? ” “Why they lighten a cigarette? ” “What is the benefits of cigarette to smokers? ” “A cigarette smokerwhat manifest behavior when he/she has not a cigarette? ” and “Why do smokers with their cigarette smoking causeoffense to others? ” extremely helpful to establish a proper relationship between the nursing staff and smoker andthis relationship can be a platform to educate smokers and quit smoking.

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