Despite the importance of marketing, many companies continue to have under-developed competencies in marketing and understanding customer needs. Virtual co-creation, as a new and growing phenomenon, provides marketers with the opportunity to better understand consumer needs and to reduce failure rates of new products. Given the importance of co-creation phenomenon and the fact that current studies are mostly conceptual, analyzing the value of co-creation from the companies' perspective and neglecting the consumers' value perceptions, therefore, this study aims at deploying a Value-based Technology Acceptance Model to empirically investigate the co-creation value from consumers' point of view, to analyze the influence of this value perspective on co-creation intention considering time risks, and to determine the effect of co-creation intention on positive Word-of-Mouth. To do this, Shatel's Voice of the Customer website was selected as an example of the research. Afterwards, a questionnaire was designed, its validity and reliability was confirmed, and was randomly distributed among 446 customers of the company. Data analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling performed by SPSS18 and AMOS22 statistical software. Results showed that despite the stated risks, customers perceive co-creation valuable and intend to use it in the future, which further leads to positive Word-of-Mouth. Thus, considering the value of co-creation for companies and consumers, it is valid to posit that co-creation is an idea central to marketing and should be incorporated within firms' innovation and new product development strategies.