Introduction. Pectin is a purified carbohydrate product obtained mainly from the dilute acid extract of the inner part of the rind of citrus fruits or from apple drosses. It is a natural hydrophilic colloid consisting chiefly of partially methoxylated polygalacturonic acids.Considering the importance of usage of pectin in the food industries and also high availability of citrus rind and drosses of other fruits in our country, it was decided to extract pectin from citrus rind and drosses of apple and carrot and determine its percentage. Methods. To convert the insoluble protopectin of fruits to soluble form, the rinds and drosses of fruits were heated, using dilute sulfuric or hydrochloric acid. The obtained soluble pectin was then precipitated by either ethanol or isopropanol. The amount and percentage of pectin powders of different fruits were measured.Results and Discussion. According to the obtained results, the yield of extracted pectin from citrus rinds was more than other soures. Among citrus species, pectin extracted from those fruits that have thick inner layer in their rinds (e.g. grape fruit) showed to have high percent of pectin. It was, therefore, recommended to obtain high amounts of pectin from grape fruit rinds, The results of this study also showed that grape fruit albedo as well as its rinds contain 14.08-14.54 and 11.94-12.72 percent pectin respectively, as calculated on the basis of dry weight. These yields were the highest quantities among the yields of other citrus rinds and drosses of apple and carrot fruits.