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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The purpose of this research is to specify the causal relationships of IQ and emotional intelligence with school performance mediated by test anxiety and school adjustment of grade-one students in Borujerd’s high schools. This sample consisted of about 395 students (197 boys & 198 girls) who were selected randomly in several processes by multiple method sampling. In this research the students completed Personal Information Test, Raven Test, Emotional Intelligence Petrides and Furnham Inventory, Test Anxiety of Speilberger Inventory and the Adjustment Inventory for school students. The school performance of students was the averages of their final exams of that year. The statistical method was structural equations modeling. The results showed that the proposed modeling was fit for data and direct paths from IQ to school performance and adjustment was positive and significant. Direct path from adjustment to school performance was also positive and significant. Direct path of emotional intelligence to school performance was negative and significant. Direct path of emotional intelligence to adjustment was also positive and significant. Direct paths of emotional intelligence to test anxiety and school performance were become negative and significant. The relationship of IQ to test anxiety was also negative and significant. Also, the relationship of IQ to school performance was positive and significant. The mediating role of adjustment was also confirmed.

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Attitudes have an important role in various behaviors. This study investigated the role of locus of control as a mediator over the social creativity of children according to their creativity attitudes. One hundred five male and female elementary students in Shiraz city participated in the study. Children’s social creativity assessed by Mouchiroud & Lubart. Also Students completed Nowicki-Strickland Internal- External Control Scale and Creativity Attitude Survey. Reliability and validity were obtained. Results of path analysis revealed that creative attitudes were significant negative predictor of locus of control and locus of control was significant negative predictor social creativity. Also there was a significant difference between girls and boys in social creativity and locus of control. Overall, the findings showed a significant positive correlation between attitude to creativity and social creativity. This can be explained with internal locus of control.

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The main objective of this study was investigated the effects of synectic teaching method on fostering fifth grade students creativity. Research method was quasi-experimental, with pretest-posttest design and control group. Statistical population were of fifth grade students rural areas schools in Sarouabad city of Kurdistan province. 33 students in two classrooms were selected with random sampling method as sample. Data gathering by Torrance Creativity Test (B form). Data analysis through descriptive statistics indexes and ANCOVA test. Results showed that there are significant difference between students who have been trained by synectic teaching method and traditional method and synectic teaching methods increased creativity of the students in the experimental group. However, the rate of innovation and elaboration ability of students who have been trained using synectic method, significantly higher than students who were trained with traditional method, but the difference between these two groups of students at fluency and flexibility ability is not significant.

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This study analyzes the content of primary school's reading books on the basis of the intrapersonal components of emotional intelligence from the viewpoint of Bar-On. The method adopted to perform this study is componential. In addition to the lesson texts, the exercises, word pictures, and fluent reading have been analyzed. The population is the whole reading books of primary school. Given the variable issues and different methods of presentation, it did not seem reasonable to utilize sampling. Therefore, the enumeration method was used and the whole content of the reading books of the six grades of the primary school were analyzed sentence by sentence. The history of emotional intelligence and its related literature has been explained and different typologies of emotional intelligence introduced by the scholars of the field have been described. Then, emotional intelligence and its components have been set out. The results have been analyzed by using descriptive statistics, tables and graphs. The research results indicate that, given the increase in the content of textbooks of the grades and the resulting increase in the number of sentences and words, poems, pictures, exercises, activities, and the lengthening of the texts through the lessons - except grade six, the intrapersonal components of emotional intelligence gains more attention. The collected data which involved 707 sentences extracted from the reading books of the six grades showed that Intrapersonal components of emotional intelligence have been considered by 1.98% in grade one, 9.33% in grade two, 18.24% in grade three, 18.67% in grade four, 31.11% in grade five, and 20.65% in grade six, demonstrating the ascending attention to these components in the six grades.

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Abstract Aim: This study aimed to determine the factor structure of the learning and study strategies inventory standardization Waynestein and Palmer (2002) was conducted for the students.Method: this study was correlational. Shahid Beheshti university student population consisting of 600 participants were randomly selected by cluster sampling and questionnaires answered 80 questions about learning and study strategies. data were analyzed through exploratory factor analysis. Results: exploratory factor analysis revealed a five-factor measurement model. these include targeted education, education self-regulation, attention, information, processing and self-examination. Conclusion: taking in to five different tales of the emergence of a new report shows the 5 factor and researchers' attention to the cultural context of learning and study strategies related to assessment and also validated tools to Measure learning strategies and study the culture in other societies are built stressed.

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This research aims to study the effect of cooperative learning whit cognitive styles on developing of students academic achiviment in mathematices in high school. the research method is a kind of experimental research design (Pre and Post test)whit control group and randomly choosing strategy. the target population is consisted of the whole student ofgirl high school in Ourmea among which 124 numbers of female students was selected so as to measure therahe of academic achevemant, and cognitive styles, the researchers have been used academic achevament test and Vitcins grouped embedded figures (GEFT).For deta analysis used (ANCOVA). the results of the analysis deta indicated that the development of academices achievement in ex perimental group using cooperative learning method were more than control group. using cooperative learning with cognitive styles have been positive effect on academic achievement .when the cognitive styles of student was Field dependent the development of academics achievement of using cooperative learning method was more than traditional learning method.

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    22 (دوره جدید)
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پژوهش حاضر به دنبال تبیین ماهیت برنامه درسی میان رشته ای و نسبت آن با اثربخشی محتوای برنامه درسی مدارس است. سازمان دهی میان رشته ای؛ ارتباط دادن و درهم آمیختن محتوا و فرایندهای برنامه درسی به منظور انسجام و تعمیق تجربیات یادگیری فراگیران است. روش انجام پژوهش توصیفی از نوع تحلیل اسنادی و به منظور گردآوری داده های لازم جهت پاسخ گویی به سوال های پژوهش، اسناد و مدارک موجود و مرتبط با استفاده از فرم گردآوری داده جمع آوری و به شیوه کیفی، تحلیل شده است. یافته های پژوهش نشان داد؛ صاحب نظران هر یک تعریف خاصی از سازماندهی میان رشته ای داشته و معتقدند؛ سازمان دهی میان رشته ای جزو روش های سازماندهی با محوریت رشته است که می توان آن را درهم آمیختن محتوا، فرایندها و مهارت های برنامه درسی به منظور انسجام تجربیات یادگیری، تعریف نمود. عمده ترین مولفه های مبین برنامه درسی اثربخش شامل؛ معناداری محتوای برنامه درسی، فعال بودن یادگیرنده در فرایند ارائه محتوا، ارتباط محتوا با زندگی، درگیر شدن یادگیرنده با محتوا، قابلیت فهم و تناسب محتوا با استعدادهای یادگیرنده است. نمونه های تجربی بهره گیری از سازماندهی میان رشته ای به منظور اثربخش سازی محتوا را می توان در گزارش های؛ اشمیت (1983)، فرند (1984)، آشباخر (1991)، لیوتان (1991)، ویلت (1992)، سیمانو و کلوتس (1997)، ملنیک و شوبرت (1997)، اریکسون (1998)، تاپ، گراندگنت، استلر، پاولوسکی و بوندی (1998)، سوزان (1998) و پنا، براون، آدامز، دکر (1999) یافت. نتایج مبین اثربخشی سازماندهی میان رشته ای برنامه درسی در زمینه هایی چون؛ یادگیری معنادار، به فعالیت واداشته شدن یادگیرندگان، پرهیز از حفظ طوطی وار، انطباق محتوا با زندگی، رعایت اصل قابل فهم بودن، تناسب محتوا با مختصات یادگیرنده و زمینه سازی برای یادگیری های آتی دانست.

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This research tried to explore Heidegger's anthropological views on technology and its implications for education. The methodology was conceptual analysis Based on research objective and methodology, tree research questions were formulated as follows: What is Heidegger's anthropological look on technology? What are the opposing and approving views about Heidegger's anthropological look on technology? What are the educational implications of Heidegger's anthropological perspective on technology? The findings resulted from the answers given to the first question show that the technology freed itself from man authority and imposed its culture on him. In his views, Heidegger believes that through art we can tackle this problem. Findings related to two question reveal that philosophers as Marcuse and Lyotard agree with Heidegger's determinism view, but some others like Borgman, Dreyfus, Jaspers, Habermas and Finberg opposed to this view and try to modify it. They favor applying technology in life under specific conditions. The findings related to third question indicate that although technology have a growing application in today's education, it is necessary to preserve the genuineness and individuality of students and teachers., the scope of technology (including Art), in its real meaning, should be considered, the technological language should not be a dominant discourse in education and teachers and students should not be dominated by technology.

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Aimed to investigate the effect of collaboration on creativity primary school fifth grade female students in city Kabudarahang is 1390-1391. For this purpose, a one- stage cluster sampling a total of 40 students from two schools were divided into test and control groups. The six sessions of 45 minutes a month and a half during the intervention schedule (lessons 6-1 Science) were used. Research methods, the Semi experimental and taking measurements and gathering data for Torrance creativity tests before and after training in both groups and Results using descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation and variance) and inferential statistics (analysis of covariance) were analyzed. Analysis results show that the Collaboration methods of teaching enhances students creative and creative components results (fluids, flexibility, originality) represents a contribution to creativity fostering the Collaboration methods of teaching excellence are, but little difference between the two methods of extending the component does not have the creativity fostering and the lack of the difference is probably due to the cultural and environmental conditions of the children.

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This study investigated the lesisure times among the students of kharazmi University and determine its relationship with the variable gender in the academic year 93-92. The research method was quantitative in natre, and descriptive-survey in type. All students of the university was the population of research, about 3,000 dormitory students in the 93-92 year. The sample consisted of undergraduate students (male and female) living in dormitories that are based on the sample size was determined based on Morgan 340 is set to a random sampling method. The research instrument was a questionnaire with 61 questions the validity and reliability have been confirmed. Data analysis based on descriptive statistics, chi-square test and t-test was performed using spss statistical software version 20. Results showed that students with more leisure time to devote to being with friends and listening to music. Also in the field of sport and art, there is a significant difference between male and female students. Male students are more sporting activities such as football and fitness. Female students spend their leisure time reading and painting them. Based on the findings, in order to enrich their leisure time students, university officials and planners need to create more opportunities and information to strengthen this area. It should be decided the design of cultural, artistic and sports for university students, especially students of comprehensive measures to leisure to ponder the age group of the young to be a worthy manner.

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The main target of this research is inspection on existent status (extent of benefiting) and the desirable (extent of importance) and the professional qualifications of preschool’s teachers on the view of teachers and managers of preschool’s period, and it has been done by descriptive survey method. With reviewing the texts and research’s background, 12 domain (main component) and 98 subordinate components were brought out and on that basis the enquiries were organized. The Statistical society in this investigation is teachers and managers of preschools in Method and Ardakan which the number of them is consist of 246member’ (128 teachers and 118 managers) .200 members by chance on the basis of Kerjesy and Morgan’s table, were selected. The analysis of data in two methods of description and conception (variable t, dependent t, independent t), was done, indicating there is meaningful differences between existence and ideal status of qualifications of preschool professional teachers. In the view of trainers, the extent of benefiting (existent situation) , the professional qualifications of preschool’s teachers in the domain of personal qualities- behaviors, moral, social, communicative, educative and management is over than average. And in artistic domain, affairs related to the growth and development and health of the child is at the average degree, and in the professional, mental and technology qualifications, is at the lower level of average. In the view of managers the extent of teacher’s professional quality’s benefiting in order in the communication, sociable, artistic, and morality is over and in the domains related to the health, education and personality, is at the average level and in some domains related to the mentality, management, growth and development of child, technology and professional, is assessed under the average level. Between the ideas of teachers and managements about the extent of professional qualities of teachers, in the domains of educational, artistic, management, communications, sociable, personal-behavioristic, professional, growth and development of child, affairs related to the health , mental and technology qualifications, are in order from one to ten. Theresults of teacher’s assessments indicate that trainers who attend in the probation’s period in comparison to whom those don’t attend to these kinds of periods, in the educational and technological qualifications are in above place. But out of our exception those who don’t attend in these classes, just in mental qualifications assess themselves above than others. Also in the view of managers, the teachers who pass these courses and those who don’t pass it have better function and also have upper average in the educational, technological, and professional domains, and in other components there are no meaningful differences between them.

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    22 (دوره جدید)
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پژوهش حاضر با هدف دست یابی به میزان توجه به مهارت های اجتماعی در محتوای کتاب های علوم اجتماعی دوره دوم متوسطه با بهره گیری از روش تحلیل محتوا، انجام شده است. جامعه پژوهش، کتاب های جامعه شناسی دوم، سوم و چهارم رشته علوم انسانی بوده است. برای بررسی مهارت های اجتماعی در کتاب های فوق، پیش نویسی از مهارت های اجتماعی تهیه و روایی صوری و محتوایی آن نیز توسط متخصصان تایید گردیده است. تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها به شیوه توصیفی بوده هم چنین از آزمون خی دو، استفاده شده است. یافته ها نشان داد؛ تعداد و درصد مهارت های اجتماعی در کتاب چهارم بیش تر از کتاب سوم و کتاب سوم بیش تر از کتاب دوم، بوده است. توزیع میزان توجه به مهارت های اجتماعی درک اجتماعی و شناسایی ارزش ها (45.82 درصد)، مهارت های جرئت ورزی (13.44 درصد)، مهارت های خودگردانی (11.87 درصد)، مهارت های مقابله ای (6.3 درصد)، مهارت های همکاری و مسوولیت پذیری (4.9 درصد)، مهارت های ارتباطی (3.6 درصد) و مهارت های آشنایی با قوانین (0.78 درصد) بوده است هم چنین نتایج آزمون خی دو نشان داد؛ تفاوت معناداری در میزان توجه به مولفه های مهارت اجتماعی در کتاب های علوم اجتماعی، وجود دارد.

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In recent decades, electronic learning has attracted remarkable attention. But due to the defects and weaknesses of merely electronic learning, the blended learning approach has gradually come to existence, and worldwide tendency to use this new approach is increasing, because of its advantages and positive features. Considering the importance of the views of scientific staff members of the blended learning approach and due to effectiveness of their views on design and implementation of curriculums, the purpose of the present research has been to make a comparison between computer skills of scientific staff members of Payame Noor University and their views of the blended learning approach. The research method was of the descriptive-comparative type, and the data were analyzed using proper statistical tests. The population of this research has included all scientific staff members of Iran’s Payame Noor University. Using Cochran’s formula, the sample size was set to be 110 people. The data collection instruments have included the researcher-made computer skills questionnaire, adjusted based on Lin’s (2008) questionnaire, and the researcher-based questionnaire for views of scientific staff members of the blended learning approach. The validity of the instruments was determined through content validity. To determine the reliability of the research instruments, use was made of Cronbach’s Alpha method, on which basis Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient was obtained as 0.93. The findings of the research demonstrated that scientific staff members have an agreeing view of the blended learning approach in Payame Noor University. A significant difference was observed between views of scientific staff members in terms of gender (p<0.001), but views of scientific staff members of the blended learning approach did not demonstrate a difference in terms of academic degree, teaching experience, and computer skills.

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This research has surveyed in five questions to know of attention rate to intentions of martyrs and immolates of eight years holy defense in elementary course lesson books. The used method in this research is description of context analysis kind and research society is also all of elementary books. Statistical sample are five books: Persian (reading), Persian (writing), celestial gifts, celestial gifts (work book) and social educations of elementary course. Measurement tools were checklist of context analysis structured by researcher and research findings with two methods: quantitative (using descriptive statistics index) and qualitative. Some results are 1.persian book with 53.7 % redundancy highest attention, celestial gift with 14.8 % redundancy lowest attention to intentions of martyrs and immolates between surveyed books. 2. Results in quality part show that axes and contextual factors related to intentions of martyrs and immolates of holy defense are not drawn well between surveyed lesson books as logical and organized and is very few and unscientific.

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Today, with the development of information and communication technologies, the use of distance learning programs and facilities is rapidly increasing. Following the application of these new educational channels in many universities, it is vital to get some insights into the attitudes of different involving groups, including students. This study aims to investigate the attitudes of Yazd University Library and information science students towards e-learning and hope that it can be Key to the application of e-learning facilities in this discipline. In this research work, 100 students were studied, conducting a survey method. Data was collected by a researcher -designed questionnaire and analyzed with SPSS software using a descriptive method. Results suggest a relatively favorable attitude towards e-learning education and provide an appropriate base to implement this type of education. According to the findings, this situation may get improved with providing necessary equipments and by considering other incentives such as running workshops. Findings also showed that the application of e-learning systems is most effective for courses that are related to the use of computers and the internet, Courses on information sources and Courses that are associated with the application of new technologies in libraries.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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