Background and Aim: Ocular biometry parameters are important factors which have valuable roles in diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in ophthalmology. The aim of the present study was to determine the relationships between height, weight, and Body Mass Index (BMI) and Ocular biometric parameters. Materials and Methods: A total of 123 participants underwent ocular examination in Noordidegan eye clinic. Inclusion criteria were spherical refractive error ranging between plano to ± 2. 00 diopter, astigmatism between plano to-2. 00 diopter, and best corrected visual acuity of 20/20. Also, exclusion criteria were diabetes, blood hypertension, thyroid problems, keratoconus, corneal scars, pterygium, cataracts, glaucoma, and any ocular surgery history. Ocular biometric parameters were analyzed using Lenstar, and height and weight were measured according to the standard protocol. Results: Ocular biometric data were collected from participants with an average age of 36. 10± 8. 41 including 61 women (49. 6%) and 62 men (50. 4%). The average value of height, weight, and BMI were 170. 40± 9. 81 cm, 79. 84± 18. 91 kg, and 27. 54± 6. 18 kg/m2, respectively. Also, the averages of eye axial length, central corneal thickness, anterior chamber depth, crystalline lens thickness, and corneal power were 23. 59± 0. 82 mm, 538. 60± 36. 84 μ m, 3. 57± 0. 32 mm, 3. 79± 0. 35 mm, and 43. 67± 1. 42 D, respectively. It was observed that height correlated positively with axial length and anterior chamber depth (p<0. 001, p=0. 003 respectively). However, it was negatively associated with corneal power (p<0. 001). Also, BMI positively correlated with crystalline lens thickness (p<0. 05). In addition, weight positively related with axial length (p=0. 005) and anterior chamber depth (p<0. 05) Conclusion: Our results indicated that eye axial length and anterior chamber depth increase with increase in height and weight and corneal power decrease with increase in height. Also, a direct association was observed between BMI and crystalline lens thickness.