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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The aim of this study was to investigate the structure of cognitive abilities of students based on the Nejati Cognitive Ability Questionnaire (2013) and offer a model for its structure. The sample size consisted of 1105 students (527 girls, 578 boys) of the 9th grade of Ahwaz, selected by proportional stratified random sampling method. Data analysis was performed using multidimensional item response theory (MIRT), structural equation modeling and simulated data. The results of exploratory dimensionality analysis showed that the initial structure of the cognitive ability questionnaire for students was not confirmed. The redesigned 21-item questionnaire was named as the two-dimensional scale of social-nonsocial cognitive abilities and the validity and reliability of the dimensions and the obtained factors were confirmed. The new scale showed that although the structure of cognitive abilities is hierarchical, it is not a unidimensional structure and contains at least two dimensions of non-social cognition and social cognition. Also, our findings showed that Spearman's theory of general intelligence or factor g cannot accurately represent the structure of cognitive abilities and social cognition needs to be considered as a dimension of cognitive abilities. Furthermore, our results also support the findings of some studies that non-social cognition and social cognition constitute two different dimensions of cognitive abilities.

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pretest-posttest, and control group design, 30 preschool girls in experimental and control groups responded to Reading Readiness Test and Test of Language Development and Test of Phonological Awareness. The experimental group received 30 shared story reading treatment program sessions, with each session lasting 45 minutes three times a week. The results of statistical procedures of univariate and multivariate covariance analysis indicated that shared story reading program was effective in increasing reading readiness and phonological awareness and language skills in preschool children with language impairment. In sum, these findings suggest that shared story reading program by increasing positive expressive, semantic and syntactic skills as well as the development of paralanguage skills and pre-reading could result in readiness of the child to read before entering school.

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The present study was conducted to investigate the relationship between hoarding and interpersonal problems with mediating role of difficulties in emotion regulation. This research is descriptive and correlational. The statistical population of the study consisted of men and women aged 35-65 years old (100 women and 100 men) in district one of Rasht. Of these, 200 were selected by convenience sampling method. Data analysis was performed using Pearson correlation coefficient and structural equation modeling. The results indicated an indirect effect of hoarding on interpersonal problems through the difficulties in their emotional regulation that was positive and significant (p< 0/01). The results of this study indicated that hoarding behaviors leads to problems in interpersonal communication and also the defect in interpersonal communication leads to the intensification of hoarding symptoms. In the meantime, emotional regulation is an important factor in which excessive deficits exacerbate and maintain hoarding behaviors and interpersonal problems. Therefore, using emotion regulation strategies can play an important role in reducing and improving the symptoms of hoarding and interpersonal communication problems.

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Behrad Behnam

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The purpose of the present study was to investigate and explain the effects of the PATHS program through mediating role of emotion regulation on reduction of internalizing disorders (anxiety and depression). Internalizing disorders are the most prevalent emotional and behavioral disorders among children. The study population includes students of primary schools in Tehran. Research method was quasi experimental and the sample size included 600 male students ages 6-12 years old who were selected based on inclusion criteria such as same social and economic status, same educational settings, and lack of severe physical and mental disorders. They were selected based on convenience sampling and assigned to control and experimental groups randomly. In order to assess internalizing disorders, each group was evaluated by Achenbach TRF form before and after the interventions. Experimental group received PATHS program for one academic year while the control group received custom educations. Results of ANCOVA indicated that, the experimental group showed significant reductions in subscales of internalizing disorders (P<0. 05). Findings of the study showed that the Persian version of PATHS program has significant effects on children's internalizing disorders and it can be used in schools as an evidence based program in social and emotional interventions and to reduce children's internalizing disorders.

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The present study aimed to investigate the personality traits of student cigarette smoking Attending Universities in Tehran and compare it with the personality traits of the non-smoking group. This study was conducted on the one hand, a descriptive survey type to describe the profile of personality traits of boy student’ s smokers )32 Person) and on the other hand, with the aim of comparing it with the profile of normal students in the country, except for post-event research. To measure personality traits, the 16-factor (16PF) Cattell test and for analyzing and comparing features. Was used with descriptive statistics and t-test, is used. The findings of this study showed that there are significant differences between 16 factors and personality traits in 12 factors among smokers and non-smoking students. These findings can indicate the role of personality traits in the tendency and prediction of these individuals for smoking. They can also be used for devising comprehensive prevention plans in addition to reducing damage and moving towards better living and increased empowerment.

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The purpose of the present study was to compare the effectiveness of Modular Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (MCBT) and behavioral activation (BA) on fear of negative evaluation in students with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). Among students referred to Islamic Azad of Neyshabur counselling center (N=85) 45 students were selected through purposeful sampling in this quasi-experimental study and randomly divided into three groups of MCBT Unit (N=15), BA (N=15) and control group (N=15). All participants were evaluated before and after the intervention and three months after the end of intervention. GAD Questionnaire (2006) and Short Form of Negative Fear Evaluation of Leiri (1983) were used for data collection. Data analyzed by Spss-23 software using repeated measure analysis. The results showed that both MCBT and behavioral activation had significant effect on reducing fear of negative evaluation compared to the control group. According to the findings, it can be concluded that MCBT and Behavioral Activation Therapy have a significant effect on fear of negative evaluation in people with GAD.

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Academic failure is the root of many psychological and emotional disturbances in students. In spite of its importance, there has not been enough studies to represent the academic failure indicators with an exploratory approach in Iran. This study is to identify the signs of academic failure in undergraduate students by using a meaningful understanding of the perception and experience of a group of professors and students of University of Tehran. For this purpose, we selected the research participants from the professors and students of the faculties of Electrical and computer Engineering, Foreign Languages, Management, Science and Fine Arts, using criterion sampling. In the professors' group after the 19th interview and in the students' group after the 10th interview, theoretical saturation of the data was obtained, but for more confidence in the findings, we continued the interviews in the professors' group up to 28 subjects and in the students group up to 20. Data were collected using semi-structured interviewing technique and analyzed using the MAXQDA software based on Colaizzi's method. In order to increase the credibility, transferability, dependability and confirmability, peer debriefing, negative case analysis, triangulation, explaining the exact details of the data collection and analysis process, and long-term immersion were utilized. The results revealed 3 themes: Functional, behavioral, and psychological subcategories, 8 sub-themes, and 26 symptoms. Findings showed that students with academic failure experience worse functional, behavioral and psychological symptoms of it and face numerous challenges and problems.

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Working memory is a system for recalling and manipulating data. Main of this research was constructing, providing and standardization of Tehran Working Memory Test (TWMT) with developing tables and norm scores in 6-12 years old age children. In this research and development design, after conducting primary study, final version with 6 subtests-forward words recalling, backward word recalling, forward pictures recalling, backward pictures recalling, non-words recalling and listening recalling-were provided. The study sample consisted of 352 elementary students (173=girls and boys=179), who were selected using cluster random sampling. In this stage, descriptive statistics, t-test and multivariate analysis of variance were used for analyzing data. Conducted analysis leads to presenting working memory profiles with using means and standard deviations for different elementary grades and age six groups. The mean scores of basic combinations component were close to 0. 5 norm for most age groups. So, there was no significant difference between all subtests between girls and boys. However, difference between academic grades was significant. TWMT is appropriate test for presenting working memory profile in elementary students with six subtests.

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View 853

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The purpose of the present study was to investigate the mediating role of Intolerance of Uncertainty (IU) in the relationship between maladaptive perfectionism and Sensitivity to threat with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), using structural equation modeling (SEM). The research design was descriptive-correlation study. The participants were 586 students of Islamic Azad University Tabriz Branch, University of Tabriz and Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University in Iran. They were selected using cluster sampling method. Data were collected by Obsessive Compulsive Inventory Revised (OCI-R), Frost Perfectionism Scale, BIS/BAS scales, and Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale. SEM confirmed the proposed model (χ 2 /df = 2. 32, RMSEA = 0. 05, CFI = 0. 95, GFI = 0. 94, AGFI = 0. 92) and indicated that maladaptive perfectionism and Sensitivity to threat with standardized coefficients of 0. 32 and 0. 38, respectively, have a significant effect on OCD by the mediation of IU at the P˂ 0. 05 level. The findings, supporting the theoretical model, proposes a suitable framework for psychopathology of the disorder that emphasizes high maladaptive perfectionism and high sensitivity to threat by the mediation of IU due OCD. These findings, can be useful in developing etiology and efficacious therapeutic interventions for OCD.

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The purpose of the present research was to identify the psychometric properties of the “ NSAB” in Intellectual Disability Children. The present study is in the field of psychometric planning. The research sample consisted of adaptive behavior assessment specialists, mentors and parents of children with intellectual disability in private and public centers, the Welfare Organization and the Exceptional Organization of Tehran Province in 2018, is located in an infinite number of societies with approximately 5, 000 members whose male participants were 1. 5 times more than the females. With an emphasis on the available sample, 1200 people were selected. The findings of the research showed that “ NSAB” using the two methods Cronbach's alpha and Spearman-Brown modification tests had a validity coefficient of 0. 89 and 0. 86, respectively, indicating internal consistency. The stability coefficient in the present research was 0. 79, which confirmed the reliability of the instrument. The “ NSAB” had diagnostic validity in seven domains of social use, pre-school performance, health and safety, self-care, social and motor behavior, and was identified as a construct according to the exploratory factor analysis of the 10 National Scale of Adaptive Behaviors.

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The aim of the current research was to study the hot and cool executive functions in individuals with Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD). To this end, a systematic review study method with use of the hot and cool executive functions and AD/HD key words from web the Data (Pupmed, Springer, ProQuest, Scopus, Elsevier, Science direct, Google Scholar, Magiran), between 2006-2015 was conducted in accordance with research objectives to executed current study. Results revealed that from 9 published research most of them (4 studies) have been performed on 7 to 12 years old with 2-6 grade subjects with math disorder. Experimental studies (with 88%) are the most frequent among different types of studies. The cold and hot functions result in individuals with AD/HD revealed that in the hot system (decision making) included 9 study and in cold system its including reactive inhibition, planning, problem solving and work memory in 7, 2, 5 and 8 research, respectively. The results of these studies are associated with deficiencies in both hot systems included (decision-making) and cold system (problem solving, work memory, response control, and planning) in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Due to the problems of this group individuals in the field of executive functions, developing and implementation of educational and interventional programs are necessary.

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