The present study has been done in order to survey the knowledge, attitude and practice of health workers of Iran University of Medical Sciences regarding the prevention of cervical cancer.experimental research which has been done on 125 health workers. 45 health workers from Shahryar andن This study is a semi Robatkarim constitute the case group. The control group consists of 80 health workers from Karaj and Savojbolagh.Before the instruction, there were no significant differences between the case and control group regarding demographic variables (age, education, work experience, previous instruction, ...) and their K.A.P. about cervical cancers and its prevention. The data was collected through structured questionnaires, observation, and checklists. By the way, family health files were studied before and after the instruction. The instructions were presented through lectures and by using films, booklets, pamphlets and etc. One month after the instruction, a pretest was conducted in order to measure their knowledge and attitude. Three months after the instruction, their practice was measured. The results showed a significant increase in mean scores for K.A.P. from pretest test in the case group as opposed to the control group in which no significant increase was observed. to post Objective measures in the case group after the instruction showed a significant increase in the mean scores of number of ups (p=0.000), duration of group instruction (p=0.001), number of group instruction (p=0.003), duration of face to follow face instruction (p=0.000), and quality of face to face instruction (p=0.000). The findings also showed a significant relationship between health workers" age and their practice before instruction (p=0.01, r=0.3). There was also a meaningful relationship between the duration of their work experience and practice before instruction (p=0.02, r=0.3).