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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between student teachers' perceptions of social support, optimism, achievement motivation and academic achievement The population included all teachers and students in sixth city Zaveh which between them 50 teachers and 500 students (250 girls and 250 boys) with random sampling cluster level, 50 schools from each school, one class for each grade 10 students were selected. Cross-correlation techniques and data collection questionnaire for teachers optimism, perceived social support, achievement motivation and academic achievement in math and science scores were used. The Pearson correlation coefficient and regression analysis and t-tests were used to analyze the data. The results showed that among school teachers' perceptions of social support, optimism, achievement motivation and academic achievement of students by gender in science and math courses, there is no statistically significant relationship. Only a total of between optimism and perceived social support female teachers (49.0- = r and 01.0 = p-value), there was a significant negative correlation in males (08.0 = r and 73.0 = p-value), there was no significant relationship.

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The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between spiritual intelligence and emotional intelligence and organizational citizenship behavior Secondary schoolteachers in Shiraz. The population included all secondary school teachers in Shiraz (2691) in education year 90-91. The sample size of this study was 202 people, including high school teachers who were selected by multistage cluster random sampling method based on Cochran's table. In this study two standardized questionnaires of spiritual intelligence (Amram 2009) and emotional intelligence (Goleman 1995) wereused. Content validity of both questionnaires was confirmed by experts and their reliability was determined after the test run of 30 teachers by calculating Cronbach’s alpha which showed Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire. .80, emotional intelligence questionnaire, .79 and organizational citizenship behavior questionnaire, .83. Data were analyzed using SPSS software and descriptive and inferential statistics were presented (Pearson correlation, t-test and multiple regressions). The results indicated that relationship between emotional intelligence dimensions of citizenship behavior is positively significant. There is also a positive relationship between spiritual intelligence and meaningful citizenship behavior. Regarding the spiritual intelligence, such a relationship among consciousness, transcendence, truth-seeking, reconciliation and inner directed citizenship behavior was positively significant, whileonly in the aspect of sobriety, the citizenship behavior has a significant negative relationship. Between male teachers and female teachers in secondary schools, there is no significant difference in the behavior of citizens. There was no significant difference in the dimensions of spiritual intelligence in sobriety. Emotional intelligence and empathy showed a significant difference in favor of female teachers and in self-awareness, self-control, and there was no significant difference. From the spiritual intelligence and its dimensions, just spiritual intelligence (%27) and from the emotional intelligence and its dimensions, just emotional intelligence (%24) have the ability to predict organizational citizenship behavior.

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The purpose of this research was to explain the relationship between organizational justice and organizational atmosphere and organizational commitment among primary school teachers in Iranshahr. This study utilized a descriptive correlational method. The study population consisted of all elementary school teachers in the city of Iranshahr in the academic year 93-92 who were 429.Of these teachers, 123 samples were selected through random cluster sampling. Three questionnaires, namely; organizational commitment (Allen & Meyer, 1990,), organizational justice (Nayhoof, &Morman,1993) and organizational climate questionnaire (Coosman Depp,1989) were used to measure the variables. For measurement and data analysis, inferential statistics, correlation coefficient, independent t test and multiple regression were used. The results showed that organizational justice and organizational atmosphere has a significant relationship with organizational commitment. Moreover, from the dimensions of organizational atmosphere which are clarity and agreement on goals, rewards and roles has a significant relationship with organizational commitment. The results showed that organizational justice and organizational commitment relationship with organizational atmosphere there was a meaningful organizational atmosphere dimensions also include clarity and agreement goals, satisfaction with the reward and role clarity and agreement with the pledge there was a meaningful relationship organizational. And among the atmosphere dimensions' organizational components, the features of clarity and agreement on goals, role clarity and agreement, and the reward satisfaction; and among the dimensions of organizational justice interactive justice, the procedural and distributive variable can predicate the organizational commitment.

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The present study was aimed to identify the effect of Apprenticeship method based on the multimedia instruction on the motivation and academic achievement of students in Thermal Installations course. The method of this research was quasi-experimental. The study population consisted all third-year students of the vocational, (the numberwas600) in the city of Hamedan. The sample of 20 male students in Thermal Installations course was selected with the targeted sampling method from the population of all students in the third grade of vocational branch in Hamedan in 2014-2015 academic year. The students were divided into two groups, the control group and the experimental group. In order to collect the data, Harter’s standard questionnaire of academic motivation including 33 items and the teacher-made test of academic achievement including two parts, i.e., multiple choice objective test and open-ended reasoning test, were used. The validity of the teacher-made tests was confirmed by the content validity. The reliability calculated for the multiple choice items through Cronbach's Alpha. The reliability calculated for the open-ended items through the scorer’s reliability. In addition, Cattle's Intelligence Test (form B) was also used along with the questionnaires of academic motivation and academic achievement in order to match students and to form the experimental and control groups. The data analysis was done through descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The findings of this study showed that there was no significant difference between the experimental and control groups with regard to the academic motivation. But there was a significant difference between the experimental and control groups with regard to the academic achievement. Thus, the hypothesis of the effect of Apprenticeship method based on multimedia instruction on the academic achievement of students was confirmed.

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The aim of this study was toachieve abasic assumption of Islamic my stoicism and the implications of the seassumption sare used to teach peace. Because peace, one of the most important needs and the needs of today's world is considered. According to many expert sand scholars of education, it should be considered as one of the most important educational goals. It seems that peace education from the perspective of Islamic my stoicism can be considered as a new approach in Educational Administration. More over, the importance of this is sue for the Muslim community is very important since, for various reasons, peace in the secommunities is at risk. Among the most important reasons for this, common Islamic reading scan be noted in the secommunities. The main issue of concern here, and the concern that researcher shave regarding peace and education is the way people look at different interpretations of Islam. The present study is aqualitative study using the analytical methods, i.e. the philosophical foundations inference of Islamic mysticism describing Islamic mysticism. The nit tried to deduce the implications of the seas sumption sutilized to teach peace educationand its application among managers. The materials used in this research were my stical resources and literature. The researcher shave always attempted to study the documents to achieve goals. The irsampling was purpose fuland data collections were pursued until the researchers reached their aim (saturation point); afterward, they tended to stop their research. The results of this study indicated that the principle of unity, appearance and reality, love and beauty, nature, cultivation and refinement and their implications -conditions and good training ground to minimize hostility and transformation of the enemy. Hence, this makes it possible to provide peace education in the educational system, especially religious education. Meanwhile, this approach can be good bases for further studies in educational management and curriculum designers.

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The goal of this study was to investigate the relationships between reading achievement and student and teacher level variables, and the examination of the percentage of each level in explaining total student reading achievement variance. In order to conduct this study, PIRLS data (2006) collected fromnational fourth-grade was used. Our analysis focused on the Iranian sample that included 5411 students from 236 schools. The variables used in this analysis are in two levels: the student level (attitude and self-concept) and the teacher level (grouping and homework). Two-level hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) was used to explore the relationship between student reading achievement and the hypothesized predictors in this analysis. The results indicated that in student level, the relationship between self-efficacy and attitudes was significant and also, in teacher level, the relationship between reading achievements in grouping was significant; however, there is not any significant relationship between reading achievement and homework.

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The purpose of the present study was to identify and designate the phenomena of the culture and organization atmosphere in favor of innovation in high school in order to produce an appropriate conceptual framework and develop a theoretical foundation of the schools. To achieve this purpose, a qualitative study was conducted hrough using phenomenological procedures. The population includes university professors, prominent high school principals, and outstanding teachers in Tehran. Thirty-seven persons as messengers (information senders) were chosen among all participants based on purposeful sampling. The data analysis was based on the analysis of inductive content analysis and it was based on coding at three level of open, central, and selective. The results and findings indicated that the categories or fundamental dimensions of culture and organization atmosphere in favor of innovation include: 1) research-centered culture, 2) culture supporting innovation, 3) mutual relationship and respect, 4) creativity and innovation character, and 5) the critique and criticizing culture. Therefore, the findings indicate that based on identified school indicators, the teachers and staffs can pave the way for the innovative activities by providing a culture and organization atmosphere in favor of innovation in high schools.

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The main purpose of this study is to describe the relation between managers’ trinary skills and human resources performance assessment in Persian Gas Refinery Company. The methods used in this study was descriptive-correlation The statistical population of this study included 80 managers in various organizational levels (top, middle, and operational) of the Persian Gas Refinery Company in 2012,selected through stratified random sampling technique. To collect the data, two standard questionnaires were used, the first one was the managers’ trinary skills made by Qanbari (1390) and the other one was Stephen's (2005) personnel performance assessment questionnaire. The results indicated that there was a significant relation between technical, human and cognitive skills of managers and human resources performance assessment. It also indicated that there was a significant difference between managers’ trinary skills in various organizational levels (top, middle, and operational).

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Balanced Scorecard model or model scorecards technique is used to turn strategy into action. In other words, this model is a technique for making the ideals operational, mission, strategies, and future prospects of the organizations as the main areas are scorecards modeling studies. Balanced Scorecard does not merely play the controlling role of the criteria used to describe past performance. Whereas thismetric tool is used to clarify the organization's strategy, coordination of activities at different levels, allowing the possibility to achieve organizational goals. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of the balanced scorecard in assessing the performance of the managers of higher education institutes in Bushehr, Iran. The managers of higher education institutes from four aspects of financial indicators, maintain and sustain customer, internal processes and learning and growth process were studied. The methods applied in this study was a cross-sectional survey. The population who participated in this study consisted of 136 chancellors, vice-chancellors and heads of departments in higher education institutes, then 115 were selected randomly as the sample. The obtained data were entered in SPSS and were analyzed statistically using ANOVA and mean. Following the use of the Balanced Scorecard proved three of four-mentioned hypotheses; namely, improvement in managers' financial indicators, preservation and conservation of our customers and internal processes to follow; however, the use of the Balanced Scorecard has not affected the growth of learning process in the organization.

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Youth unemployment, especially academic graduates in agricultural fields, is one of the severe challenges in recent years in Iran. Despite these challenges, many policy makers, consider academic entrepreneurship necessary and inevitable. Entrepreneurship education can be considered as a strategy to make occupational opportunities for graduated agricultural students. The aim of entrepreneurship education is to educate people to make an enterprise after completing their education. For this goal, present study aimed to analyze obstacles facing entrepreneurship education courses in Agricultural Applied Science Education Centers (AASECs) in Fars Province. Based on its aims and in order to control the variables, this research utilized a descriptive-correlation survey method. The population of the study consisted of all 1018 students in four AASECs in Fars Province (Shiraz, Jahrom, Aliabad Kamin and Marvdasht) in 2010-11 academic year. A multi-stage stratified random sampling was applied to select 178 students as sample research. Data were collected by using questionnaire, which was validated by a panel of experts and the reliability was gained through a pilot study with Cronbach's Alpha coefficient 0.89. Based on factor analysis results, weakness in supportive and counseling services (with variance, 19.50%), inadequate of applied education (17.89%), inadequate of recognizing of financial and management regulation (11.94%) and weakness in educational planning (11.67%), were the main obstacles in delivering entrepreneurship education in AASECs in Fars Province. These four factors could explain 61.1% variance of the obstacles in entrepreneurship education.

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Entrepreneurial activities named as “Corporate Entrepreneurship” in an organization is an essential way of surviving the organization in the variant world of today and also “Organizational Silence” is as an effective factor in the process of programs, purposes and organizational performance. So this study worked on the factors that influence the effectiveness of organizational silence (Management factors, organizational factors, social factors, and individual factors) on creation and strengthening of entrepreneurial activities in an organization. Though, according to the literature review of the research, a model was measured to explain the relationship between different variables of the study. This study is an applied descriptive-survey research. The participants consisted of 495 experts, managers, and professors working at Islamic Azad University, Najafabad Branch who were selected randomly. The material used in this study was a researcher-designed questionnaire (Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 77%) which was reliable and it was validated in terms of face and structure. To analyze the data a structural equation methodology was used. The results showed a reverse effectiveness of organizational silence on corporate entrepreneurship. This means the obtained results showed that the organizational silence is as an obstacle in creating and strengthening the corporate entrepreneurship.

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هدف از این پژوهش بررسی رابطه هوش معنوی و هوش هیجانی با رفتار شهروندی سازمانی دبیران مدارس متوسطه شهر شیراز بود. روش پژوهش توصیفی از نوع همبستگی می باشد. جامعه آماری این پژوهش شامل تمامی دبیران مدارس متوسطه شهر شیراز به تعداد 2691 نفر در سال 93 - 1392 بوده اند. حجم نمونه شامل 202 نفر دبیر مدارس متوسطه بود که به روش تصادفی خوشه ای چند مرحله ای و بر اساس جدول کوکران انتخاب شدند. در این پژوهش از سه پرسشنامه استاندارد هوش معنوی (آمرام 2009) و هوش هیجانی (گلمن 1995) وپرسشنامه سنجش رفتار شهروند سازمانی به وسیله پودساکف، مکنزی، مورمن و فیتر (1991) استفاده شد. روایی محتوایی هر سه پرسش نامه به وسیله صاحبنظران تایید شد و پایایی آن پس از اجرای آزمایشی بین 30 نفر از دبیران به وسیله محاسبه آلفای کرونباخ برای سه پرسشنامه به ترتیب 0.80، 0.79 و 0.83 تعیین گردید.داده های گردآوری شده با استفاده از نرم افزار SPSS و در دو سطح آمار توصیفی و آمار استنباطی (ضریب همبستگی پیرسون، آزمون t و رگرسیون چندگانه) مورد تحلیل آماری قرار گرفتند. نتایج نشان دادند: بین هوش هیجانی و ابعاد آن با رفتار شهروندی رابطه مثبت و معنادار وجود دارد. بین هوش معنوی با رفتار شهروندی رابطه مثبت و معنادار وجود دارد. در هوش معنوی: هوشیاری، تعالی، حقیقت یابی، سازش و هدایت درونی با رفتار شهروندی رابطه مثبت و معنادار وجود داشت و تنها بعد متانت با رفتار شهروندی رابطه منفی و معنادار دارد. بین دبیران مرد و دبیران زن مدارس متوسطه در رفتار شهروندی تفاوت معنادار وجود ندارد. در ابعاد هوش معنوی در متانت تفاوت معنادار مشاهده نشد. در هوش هیجانی و بعد همدلی تفاوت معنادار به نفع دبیران زن مشاهده شد و در ابعاد خودآگاهی، خود کنترلی و خود انگیزی تفاوت معناداری مشاهده نشد.از بین هوش معنوی و ابعاد آن، تنها هوش معنوی (27%) و هوش هیجانی و ابعاد آن تنها هوش هیجانی (24%) توان پیش بینی رفتار شهروندی سازمانی را دارند.

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هدف این پژوهش، بررسی رابطه خوش بینی تحصیلی معلمان با ادراک حمایت اجتماعی، انگیزه پیشرفت و پیشرفت تحصیلی دانش آموزان پایه ششم می باشد. جامعه آماری پژوهش تمامی معلمان و دانش آموزان پایه ششم شهرستان زاوه بود که از بین آن ها50 نفر معلم و 500 نفر دانش آموز (250 دختر و 250پسر) با روش نمونه گیری تصادفی خوشه ای مرحله ای50 مدرسه و از هر مدرسه یک کلاس و از هر کلاس 10 نفر دانش آموز انتخاب شدند. روش پژوهش توصیفی از نوع همبستگی است و برای گردآوری داده ها از پرسش نامه خوش بینی تحصیلی معلمان، ادراک حمایت اجتماعی، انگیزه پیشرفت و نمره های پیشرفت تحصیلی درس های ریاضی و علوم استفاده شد. هم چنین، از ضریب همبستگی پیرسون و تحلیل رگرسیون و هم چنین، آزمون t مستقل برای تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها استفاده شد. نتایج پژوهش نشان دادند که بین مولفه های خوش بینی تحصیلی معلمان با ادراک حمایت اجتماعی، انگیزه پیشرفت و پیشرفت تحصیلی دانش آموزان بر حسب جنسیت در دروس علوم و ریاضی رابطه معنی دار آماری وجود ندارد. فقط در مجموع بین خوش بینی معلمان و ادراک حمایت اجتماعی دختران با (r=-0.49 و p-value=0.01) رابطه معکوس معنی داری وجود داشت، ولی در پسران (r=0.08 و 0.73 = p-value) رابطه معنی داری وجود نداشت.

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ملازهی امین

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هدف از این پژوهش تبیین رابطه عدالت سازمانی و جو سازمانی با تعهد سازمانی در بین معلمان مدارس ابتدایی شهر ایرانشهر بوده است. این پژوهش توصیفی از نوع همبستگی بوده است و جامعه آماری آن شامل تمامی معلمان مدارس ابتدایی شهر ایرانشهر که تعداد آن ها در سال تحصیلی 93- 1392، 429 نفر بوده که از این تعداد به روش نمونه گیری تصادفی خوشه ای 123 نفر به عنوان نمونه انتخاب شدند. جهت اندازه گیری متغیرها از سه پرسشنامه تعهد سازمانی (Allen & Meyer، 1990)، عدالت سازمانی (Nayhoof ،& morman، 1993) و پرسشنامه جو سازمانی (Coosman Depp، 1989) استفاده شده است. برای اندازه گیری و تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها از آمار استنباطی ضریب همبستگی، آزمون t مستقل و رگرسیون چند گانه استفاده شده است. نتایج نشان دادند که بین عدالت سازمانی و جوسازمانی با تعهد سازمانی رابطه ای معنادار وجود دارد. هم چنین، ابعاد جو سازمانی شامل وضوح و توافق هدف ها، رضایت از پاداش و وضوح و توافق نقش با تعهد سازمانی رابطه ای معنادار دارند. از بین ابعاد جو سازمانی، مولفه های وضوح و توافق هدف ها، وضوح و توافق نقش، رضایت از پاداش و در بین ابعاد عدالت سازمانی عدالت تعاملی، رویه ای و توزیعی پیش بین کننده متغیر تعهد سازمانی می باشند.

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A Media by instructive oriented approach can play an important role in improvement of educational strategies of a country. Emergence of modern information and communication technology in media industry was the main reason for definition of digital media as a tool for educational objectives. The way which the digital content can be presented and how much it is probably welcomed by the audience has always been considered as a challenge. Whatever the digital content of educational media be better managed, the educational administration process would be optimized and the main objective of this research is based on this fact. The research type is correlation. Statistical sample of this research included two groups, each included 30 persons who have investigated 239 digital educational contents. For data gathering a researcher constructed questionnaire composed of 30 questions was used. Validity of this questionnaire has been guaranteed. The research result which has been analyzed by SPSS software showed a meaningful correlation between output of model and experts on learning tendency of digital media audiences.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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