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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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    2 (16)
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One of the most important and latest issues in neurolinguistic studies is the nature and differences of aphasias resulting from damage to the cortical and subcortical brain structures in bi/multilingual aphasics. In this paper, linguistic impairments and recovery patterns in two bilingual Azerbaijani Turkish-Persian aphasics with subcortical brain lesions were studied. The bilingual aphasia test (BAT) was employed to collect the required data and evaluate the aphasics’ linguistic performances. The findings showed that one patient had Broca’ s aphasia in his L1 & L2, and the other patient was diagnosed with Broca’ s aphasia in his L1 & subcortical aphasia in his L2. Thus, it seems, based on the type of the aphasia and the location of the damaged area of the subjects, that the presence of the lesion in the subcortical area does not necessarily lead to the similar aphasia in the first and second languages of the patients. According to Paradis (2008), the language recovery pattern of B. SH. was assessed to be parallel, whereas the recovery pattern of A. H. was a differential one. The data also revealed that the neurolinguistic theory of bilingualism (Paradis, 2004) and the declarative and procedural model (Paradis, 2009) can account for the differences in the syntactic performance of the bilingual aphasics with subcortical damage. Finally, some suggestions for further investigation and teaching purposes are made. Language disorders and recovery patterns in bilingual Azerbaijani Turkish-Persian aphasics with subcortical brain lesions

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    2 (16)
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The present study attempts to evaluate the grammar content in teaching Persian to speakers of other languages materials by introducing the principles of pedagogical grammar, which is considered as a new approach for teaching grammar to learners of a second language. To this end, the pedagogical grammar principles have been first introduced, which are the theoretical frameworks of the present study. A checklist has been then developed and after measuring its content validity, two hundred and six(1334-1396) the TPSOL materials have been evaluated based on the checklist, which they have introduced in the authentic bibliographies, and teaching grammar is expected to be a part of these material's content. Results indicate that there is still no definite and specific approach for teaching Persian language grammar to speakers of other languages after more than sixty years of writing the early works in this field as well as the subject of grammar has been studied based on the style and experience of the author in more than thirty-two percent of such works and no attention have been paid to teaching grammar in thirty percent of them.

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گل پور لیلا

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (پیاپی 16)
  • Pages: 

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با توجه به پیشرفت های زیادی که در امر آموزش زبان فارسی به غیرفارسی زبانان در چند سال اخیر انجام گرفته است؛ اما هنوز کاستی هایی نیز به چشم می خورد که یکی از این کاستی ها ارزشیابی مهارت های زبان فارسی است. مهارت نوشتاری توانایی خلق کلمات و بیرون کشیدن ایده ها از ذهن و همچنین توانایی انتقاد کردن از آن ها می باشد، برای این که زبان آموز تصمیم بگیرد که کدام یک از آن ها را به کار برد. آزمون نوشتاری نیز یک آزمون تولیدی و محصول محور است. بنابراین در این پژوهش سعی شده است راهکارهای ارزشیابی مهارت نوشتاری و کنش های نوشتاری مانند کنش تقلیدی، فشرده، واکنشی و گسترده و انواع سؤالات آزمون نگارش از قبیل سؤال پایه، سؤال چارچوب دار و سؤال متن محور مورد بررسی قرار گیرد. درادامه با توجه به اهمیت خطاهای نظام مند فارسی آموزان در امر سازمان دهی مواد آموزشی، انتخاب روش تدریس مناسب و آزمون سازی، 20 خطای نحوی فارسی آموزان که دارای بسامد بالایی در برگ نوشته های فارسی زبانان است، مورد واکاوی قرار گرفته اند که این خطاها شامل حذف عناصر دستوری و واژگانی، اضافه کردن عناصر غیرضروری یا نادرست، انتخاب یک عنصر نادرست و جایگزین کردن آن با عنصر درست و چینش و ترتیب نادرست عناصر می باشد که باید در امر سازمان دهی مواد آموزشی، انتخاب روش تدریس مناسب و آزمون سازی به آن توجه کرد.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (16)
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L2 Motivational Self System (L2MSS) (Dö rnyei, 2009) is the newest motivational model offered in the area of second language development. One of the fundamental concepts of this system is the motivational capacity of learner’ s self-concepts while learning a new language. In order to investigate this motivational capacity, this study attempted to explore the motivation of a group of elementary and intermediate Persian learners at the onset (before performing motivational tasks) and the end of the semester (after performing motivational tasks) with regard to their L1 and gender. To this end, a group of 96 Arab and Chinese Persian filled out a questionnaire on L2MSS. The results of the present study showed that L2MSS components (ideal, ought-to, and L2 learning selves) had varied manifestations in each phase of data collection. Moreover, T test results revealed presence and absence of significant difference among Persian learners’ scores in some of these components in elementary and intermediate levels, respectively. Other findings of the study showed significant differences in male and female learners’ ought-to selves in both pretest and posttest. Finally, some implications and suggestions were offered for future studies.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (16)
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According to some scholars, many of the factors involved in the process of second language learning play their parts via the emotional factor of ‘ motivation’ . Hence, being aware of language learners’ motivation can help second language teaching planners take more effective steps toward increasing the quality of second language teaching and its other aspects. The present research has strived to study both motivation level and orientation of Turkish-speaking students of Persian language and literature in learning Persian in Ankara university. The research sample included 80 BA students of Persian language and literature in Ankara university. In order to gather the data needed for analysis, a questionnaire consisting of the tests ‘ attitude toward language learning’ , ‘ motivational intensity’ , ‘ desire’ , and ‘ orientation’ , all taken from Gardner (1985b)’ s attitude/motivation questionnaire, was distributed among the subjects. The collected data were analyzed using the descriptive statistics indices. The results showed a more positive attitude than the average (36 out of 40), a motivational intensity higher than the average (22 out of 24), and a very strong desire (19. 25 out of 21) among the subjects. These three scores in total indicate the subjects’ high level of motivation in learning Persian (male subjects= 75. 20 out of 85 and female subjects= 79. 30 out of 85). In terms of the subjects’ orientation, it turned out that 77. 5% of the subjects (female= 83% and male= 72%) possess an integrative orientation and the rest of the subjects, i. e. 22. 5% (female= 17% and male= 28%), have an instrumental orientation in learning Persian language.

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (16)
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This study aims at comparing the class management methods on dyslexia emotional, metacognitive strategic skills in Iranian and foreign students. The statistical population includes all Iranian and foreign students in Shiraz University studying there in1395-96. Among 700 students, 120 Iranian students and 120 foreign students were selected through Determining Sample Kerjesi Morgan Table via cluster sampling from Shiraz faculties. The way for gathering information in the class management method is researcher made questionnaire and for the variable of metacognitive strategic skills is self-report questionnaire of Sperling. Its reliability is calculated by expert panel and its validity is calculated by Cronbach’ s Alpha. The data t is analyzed via statistical method of variance analysis and Spearman. Findings show that class management methods (interventionist, interactive, non-interventionist) in two groups of Iranian and foreign students has a significant difference. The methods of class management is in higher level among Iranian students. Also, among students (Iranian-foreign) in Shiraz university about class management methods (non-interventionist, interactive, interventionist) among Iranian students interactive method has the highest average and the non-interventionist method has the lowest average and among foreign students the interactive method has the highest average and the interventionist method has the lowest average.

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Shahhosseini Faeghe

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (16)
  • Pages: 

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The present study seeks the notion of teaching transitivity in motion verbs. Recognition of transitivity is very important issue for language learners. The importance of this structure is related to its use; In one hand, the learners can guess whether they can use object or not, in the other hand, they can decide about using passive structure. While the learners don’ t have native speakers’ intuitions, therefore, recognition of transitivity is a difficult issue for them. Therefore, in this research after classification of motion verbs, the passing characteristics should also be considered to be a factor for prediction. Participants in this study were in the fifth level of the International College of Medical Sciences of Tehran University, which were surveyed in two groups of 12 individuals. The first group was considered the test group. after classification of motion verbs, the passing characteristics should also be considered to be a factor for prediction. Participants in this study were the fifth level of the International College of Medical Sciences of Tehran University, which were surveyed in two groups of 12 individuals. The first group was considered the test group.

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heydari abdolhossein

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (16)
  • Pages: 

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The aim of this paper is to study the use of the dependent morphemes of Persian noun in Azerbaijani/Persian bilinguals’ writing based on 4-M model. The data were collected from 80 primary students’ writings in Meshkin-Shahr villages. The research method is descriptive-analytic. At first the dependent morphemes of Persian noun were classified into: early system morphemes (plural morpheme, quantifiers and … ), late bridge system morphemes (genitive marker and conjunction Ke) and late outside system morpheme (accusative marker) according to 4-M model. Then descriptive statistics of the data showed that the late outside system morpheme of Persian noun (accusative marker) is acquired harder and later than early system morphemes. It seems there is a relation between different morpheme nature and their acquisition order. Late outside system morphemes are activated later in the production process as required by the grammatical frame of the target language. While early system morphemes are indirectly elected at the same time that content morphemes are directly elected by the speaker’ s intentions. So the paper findings indicate 4-M model efficiency in explaining the order of morphemes in L2 learning.

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