Flour is main component forming bread that is major diet for many people. Therefore, for improve bread quality, is necessary that is decreased wastage of basic and strategic staple. In this research, three types of flour (nol, setare, without bran) were prepared from Arddaran company and were placed phostoxin pill for prevention of attack pesticides and insects, then were packaged in plastic bags and were storage at autumn and winter in environmental condition, then, was investigated chemical, rheological and microbial attributes during six months, interval once months .From results can find that quality attributes of low rate of extraction flour (nol) are better than high rate of extraction flours (without bran). Quantity attributes of flours (such as, ash, protein and gluten) are not changed significant during storage of flour, except, moisture is decreased. But, quality attributes (such as, gluten index, zeleny, farinograph quality number) are improved, oxidation with subjecting air cause new disulfidryl bonds (S-S) between different chains of protein, or disulfidryl groups interact with exist disulfidryl bonds and form new disulfidryl bonds, that increase strength and quality of flour. According to the analysis of wheat flour quality parameters (zeleny, gluten index and farinograph quality number) is required at least 4 months storage for improve of quality of flour. Components of flour especially gluten and enzymes change during storage of flour. Sum of these changes result aging flour, therefor, is improved it is quality and moisture, also, flour is aged rapidly with preparation sufficiently and good ventilation. Considering that after six months of storage, the flour reached a maximum and during this period, the microbial load of the samples exceeded the standard has not been exceeded, The flour is stored for six months, it will be strengthened, especially in the case of weak flour, they must be stored and used later.