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As theories and hypothesis of different sciences transform, scientific research and its methodologies become more complex in a developing way. The method of each research can influence its outcomes strongly. Grounded theory is one of the qualitative research methods that utilizes an inductive approach instead of deductive approach. This method starts with raw data and leads to form a theory. Today grounded theory receives a considerable attention particularly in organizational and social research. However, sheer grounded theory for reasons such as avoiding the literature review up to the end of the research, has faced some criticisms. This is considered as a weak point of this method.At present time a new approach called multi grounded theory is suggested which tries to prevent the weak points of grounded theory and reinforces its strengths.

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In past decades many attempts carried out to show that human resources have positive effects on organization performance. But many researches that have measured the effects of human resource management policies on organization performance, have studied the effects of systems or individual human resource management procedures on organization performance. In principle these researches have ignored the intermediate stages or medium variables that existed between human resources management and organization performance. The issue that should be explained in human resource management literatures is processes and procedures by which human resource manager influences organization performance. These processes and procedures in general are known as black box. In this article the most important researches about black box will be reviewed. This article has been written using library resources such as books and articles. This article reviewed black box using six perspectives of Purcell (2003), output distance perspective, strategic jobs perspective, human resource flexibility perspective, attention to common values and organization climate perspective and employee internal motivation perspective.

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Today human resource management is the most important challenges for organizations. Since police organization is based on human resources and human resource plays an important role in society, the population characteristics such as size, sex and age structures, training and etc…, have a very important role in organization growth process and allocation of resources. This article intends to analyze the training structure of Iran police officers using system dynamics approach as such researchers intend to analyze the feedback structure impacts on human resource training management. since the nature of military organization structure is based on a closed system and follows hierarchy structure, system dynamics approach and purposed approach provide the analysis tool for training planners and managers to be able to use this analysis tool and adopt and improve different control policies and test existent constituent to improve organization performance. Finally adopting correct controlling policies make managers able to compile suitable training process and improve consistently the growth and Excellency of police officers.

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Self efficacy is a significant concept in management and organization fields. The main purpose of this article is to study and recognize the influencing factors, constituents, results and self efficacy repercussions through study of different self efficacies, the role of intermediate factors and the repercussions of this change that sometime can be as independent variable and sometime as dependent and intermediate variable. The present research is a library research and it is carried out through self efficacy experimental and theoretical bases. In this research in addition to recognition of the place and the significance of self efficacy in organization, its role in employees and organization performance reviewed. This goal achieved by defining and recognizing different self efficacies (managerial, individual, memory, perceived, identity- opportunity, viable, professional and collective).The main sources of self efficacy reviewed which include performance achievements, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion and organ logical conditions. The main body of this writing deals with nine types of self efficacy. In this article in addition to recognition of forthcomings and repercussions of self efficacy through the researches of experts of the field, new conceptual model such as forthcomings, constituents and repercussions of self efficacy recognized and extracted.

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Disciplinary –social services as one of the most important tasks of police had a critical role in reduction of people problems and difficulties. Due to widespread field of activities in this area, knowledge about people satisfaction from these services has a critical role in understanding the rate of people total satisfaction from police. Recent studies have investigated the rate of people satisfaction from these services in passport issuance centers, auto technical testing centers, police service offices (police office plus 10) public places, driving licenses issuance centers, general military services, identification centers, execution offices, auto tickets issuance so as to find suitable criteria for measuring the rate of people satisfaction from police disciplinary and social services. This research is carried out in nine provinces of the country using metric method and the sample was 2492 people. The conceptual model and the questionnaire of this research cover five dimensions such as administrative equipment’s, professional characteristics, behavioral characteristics, administrative system and centers control system. The results of research indicated that the rate of service satisfaction differ based on age, level of income, level of education and job of applicants. Furthermore the rate of people satisfaction provided by administrative equipment’s was more than other dimensions and the least was in centers control system. Among service providers the general military service provided the most satisfaction and the identification centers provided the least satisfaction. Among studied provinces the mazandaran province provided the most and Fars province provided the least satisfaction.

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In recent years the consumption and narcotic drugs abuse due to their harmful repercussions such as social -economical resource destruction, threat to social security and emergence of different deviances related to them, have had harmful results for country and have created many losses and casualties for police. This issue has necessitated the demand for different studies particularly a preventive attitude. Correction of individual attitude to addiction from positive to negative can prevent them from inclination and addiction to drugs.Therefore the present research as an introduction to attitude correction has attempted to study the attitude of Dezfool teenage and young people to social, psychological and physiological effects of narcotic drugs and using this understanding to change their attitude. To achieve this goal the scale of narcotics measurement attitude among 1350 people from Dezfool teenage and young people have been selected using multi stages clustering sampling. The results indicated that their positive attitude to physiological, psychological, and social effects of narcotic drugs were 4/54%, 4/64% and 2/55% respectively. In general 4/6% of teenage and young people of Dezfool city have positive attitude to narcotic drugs.

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Purpose – This conceptual paper aims to draw upon recent complexity and organizational psychology literature to examine conflict episodes, exploring the limitations of the predominant research paradigm that treats conflict episodes as occurring in sequence, as discrete isolated incidents.Design/methodology/approach – The paper addresses a long-standing issue in conflict management research, which is that the predominant typology of conflict is confusing. The complexity perspective challenges the fundamental paradigm, which has dominated research in the conflict field, in which conflict episodes occur in sequence and in isolation, with managers using one predominant form of conflict resolution behavior.Findings – The findings are two-fold: first, the behavioral strategies adopted in the management of these conflicts will be highly complex and will be determined by a number of influencing factors; and second, this moves theory beyond the two dimensional duel concern perspective, in that the adaptable manager dealing with these multiple, simultaneous conflicts will also need to consider the possible implications of their chosen strategy along with the changing micro environment in which they operate.Originality/value– This paper adds value to the field of conflict theory by moving beyond two dimensions and exploring a sequential contingency perspective for conflict management within the organization. It argues that multiple conflict episodes can occur simultaneously, requiring managers to use differing behaviors for successful conflict management.

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