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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The aim of this study is to provide a Presentation a model for creating an entrepreneurial University based on Futures study technique and since in the education system in Iran.This study is a qualitative methodology. The research method was descriptive-Field Study measurement. The statistic sample was chosen from Islamic Azad university faculties (800 individuals). The research sample was chosen by Random Stratified sampling. The techniques used to collect the data were based on three questionnaires: (entrepreneurial, Futures study technique and since Questionnaires). By using data analysis through SPSS and Lisrel software showed, (descriptive and inferential, regression and factor analysis methods) The results showed that 6 dimensions creating entrepreneurial University in Iran’s Educational system Including Organizational acting, Attitude, Flexibility, Compensation, Entrepreneurial Leadership, entrepreneurial culture. There are 4 dimensions creating university based on Futures study technique in Iran’s Educational system including Model philosophy, Theatrical foundation, Administrative level, evaluated system.There is 7 dimensions creating since University in Iran’s Educational system Including Motivation, Structure, University supporting, University based on education, Knowledge Management System, Co working research, Limiting in Financing. entrepreneurial University effected on Futures study technique in the education system in Iran. Entrepreneurial University effected on since in the education system in Iran. Benefiting from confirmatory factor analysis using LISREL software, 97 questions (all three questionnaires), were subjected to confirmatory factor analysis. The final model of the study was confirmed with the indices of fit and the standardized coefficients.

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The purpose of this study was to Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Spiritual Leadership Model in Higher Education from the perspective of Chancellors& Rice-chancellors and Deans & Sub-deans of their Faculties of Iran Islamic Azad Comprehensive university’s. In a descriptive cross-sectional study with Qualitative research & Quantitative research metods. This Qualitative research is a thematic analysis, This Quantitative research is the construct validity of the factor analysis, spiritual leadership pattern in higher education was examined using the opinions& perspective from forty of them as a panel of experts in order to examine the content and face validity of the scale. Moreover, a number of 530 questionnaires receipt from Chancellors & Rice-chancellors and Deans& Sub-deans of their Faculties of Iran Islamic Azad Comprehensive university’s in order to examine the construct validity of the scale. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to examine the construct validity of the questionnaire. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS22 and PLS software. The results of factor analysis and expert opinion helped develop collecting& Accreditation of a spiritual leadership pattern in higher education. the reseatcher-made questionnaire had 88 items across five subscales. The reliability coefficient of the questionnaire was acceptable (0.92). Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the Model had appropriate goodness of fit. The spiritual leadership pattern & 88-item, Multifactor spiritual Leadership Questionnaire in higher Education (MSLQ) was found to have acceptable validity and reliability. therefore introducing and teach this modern approach spiritual leadership pattern in higher education is recommended for all members of Universities and the questionnaire be administered to larger samples.

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The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the strategies of positive leadership, work engagement and social vitality of Islamic Azad University, Fars province. The purpose of applied research and data collection research method was descriptive and correlational. The population consisted of all faculty members of Islamic Azad University, Fars Province (2003) were that the sample of 385 subjects selected by random cluster sampling method and were studied. In order to collect information from questionnaires positive leadership Aghababaei (1392) with 17 questions, work engagement Schaufeli et al. (2006) with 17 questions and Oxford Happiness Inventory (OHI) Argyle and Lu (1990) with 29 questions was used. Reliability using Cronbach alpha for positive leadership questionnaire (0.83), the question of work engagement (0.88) and Happiness Inventory (0.89) estimate and approved. For data analysis software Smart PLS is used. The results showed a positive relationship between leadership strategies with work engagement and its dimensions rejected but positive relationship between leadership strategies with social vitality and its dimensions approved.

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The purpose of present research is to impact of peace education on students' responsibility. The research method was experimental with preliminary and final test with a control group. The study population consisted of female students in Grade Rudsar city of the first period (223 Persons) in the academic was 93.38 patients were selected with purposive sampling; and randomly assigned 19 Patients, the experimental group formed; and the same number of matched (in terms of parent education level, economic status, social and family) in the control group. Research instrument was a questionnaire responsibility (accountability component of the California Personality Inventory), respectively. The results of ANCOVA test showed that there is a significant difference between the two groups in terms of the dependent variable. In other words, peace education programs to increase the accountability of students.

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The concept of citizenship fostering and the role of education in developing it in the era of globalization has become one the most focus of interests among the educators in different countries as well as in various schools. Considering the importance of this issue, this paper attempts to analyze this concept and its stages and dimensions from the point of view of Islam. This research is developed in a qualitative paradigm using a documentary method of data gathering and a descriptive- interpretive approach to analyze the data. Results of the study reviled that, in the Islamic school of thought, there has been a profound view of citizenship fostering in regard to Islamic philosophic components such as ontology, epistemology and axiology, as well as, the citizenship dimensions such as cognitive-attitude, motivational-emotional and behavioral-practical. Finally, a conceptual framework for the development of citizenship from the perspective of Islam is presented, which is based on the worldview and the above-mentioned dimensions.

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The purpose of this study, was to survey the effect of teaching academic subject of the Principles and Philosophy of Education (PPE) through Behrangi’s Education Management Model (MEM) on students’ self-directed learning. Research method is Quasi-experimental using a two-group design with pre-test and post-test. The tool for collecting data was Fisher & et al (2001) self-direction questionnaire consisted of 41 items. Two classes in access of undergraduate students majoring in Elementary Education from Islamic Azad University Rawansar city were sampled. One with 25 students was selected randomly as an experimental group, and the other 25 student’s class as control group. Experimental group was taught through using MEM and the other with traditional method. After completing the five-week period of teaching, Fisher’s self-directed questionnaire, conducted in both classes. For analyzing the data from Independent variables, T-test, Effect Size formula and Analysis of Covariance were used. The results indicated; teaching academic subject of PPE through MEM has a positive significant effect on Azad University students’ self-directed learning.

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the present study aimed to identify and rank the key tasks of IT leaders in higher education institutions. The research methodology was exploratory mixed method. The study population comprised job descriptions of the CIO from fifty top universities in the US (2014-2015), in the qualitative part and IT managers from public universities in Tehran (Shahid Behshti University, University of Tehran, Sharif University of Technology & Amirkabir University of Technology), in the quantitative part. In both qualitative and quantitative parts sampling was purposeful. The qualitative data was obtained based on Bolman and Deal Four-Frame Model using content analysis method. Data analyze completed with the theoretical saturation. The census sampling method was used in quantitative part. A questionnaire was developed based on qualitative results and the validity of the questionnaire was verified by experts and also the reliability of it, was estimated at 0/88. Then it distributed among 53 IT managers in the selected institutes. The quantitative data were analyzed with descriptive statistics (percentage & mean) and inferential statistics (one sample t test & Friedman test).The results indicated that 13 key tasks and 46 sub-tasks related to IT leaders in higher education institutions were identified; the symbolic dimension with two key roles (inspiration & culture making), political dimension with three key roles (networking, competing & negotiation), structural dimension with four key roles (strategist planning, monitoring, evaluation and policy making) and human resources dimension with four key roles (HR planning, HR development, performance evaluation & HR motivation) frame respectively were in the first to the fourth of the most important priorities of IT leaders key tasks; it should also be mentioned that the importance of all key tasks were evaluated higher than average.

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One of the most important tasks of higher education is to empower students against the challenges and demands of the future. Students' future studies development can be improved through education; therefore, it can be claimed that one of the important variables is the quality of teaching and learning methods that can influence the development of student future studies ability.The aim of this study was to design teaching methods based on development of futures studies in higher education was that conducted by using grounded theory by qualitative study. In this regard, using a targeted approach and applying theoretical saturation standard, semi-structured interviews with 14 curriculum and futurist professionals were conducted to obtain the validity and validity of the data through two methods of reviewing the participants and reviewing non-collaborative experts the research was used. The results of the data analysis with the help of MAXQDA 12 software in three stages, open source coding, theoretical coding and selective coding represent 15 general categories. This paper presents the findings of the study in the framework of the paradigmatic model including: Obstacles, Strategies, Consequences Analyzed.

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The aim of this study was to compare the rate of compliance Islamic Azad University, Fars public universities of the third millennium with features experts are of the view. The method used in this project, descriptive - comparative survey. The study population included all faculty members and PhD students of Islamic Azad University (No.44) and the government of Fars province (53 cases) in the field of educational management and curriculum in the academic year 1395 -1394 is. In this study due to the limited population census by all members of the community were evaluated. To collect data, a questionnaire was used in addition to being accredited by the experts validity, item analysis was calculated using all the dimensions in the range of 68 /.76 /. Was calculated to show the validity of the tool. The reliability of the questionnaire using Cronbach's alpha coefficient equal to 88 /. Was calculated. To analyze the data collected from both descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (multivariate variance) is used. The results showed that the government and the Islamic Azad University, Fars Province, in all dimensions and indicators are above average. Is. Therefore, significant differences between Islam and the state universities adapt to the characteristics of the University of the Third Millennium province from the specialists and experts in universities there.

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The main goal of this research was identifying aspects of management cultural intelligence at Islamic Azad Universities of Mazandaran Province. In qualitative part, 10 people selected based on the purposive sampling and in quantitative part, 248 people selected as statistical sample based on the stratified random sampling and Cochran formula. The data collection tool was a questionnaire contains 63 questions in 4 aspects which are as follow; cultural-motivational intelligence, cultural-metacognitive intelligence, cognitive cultural intelligence and cognitive behavioral intelligence’’ and 9 components that are internal interest, external interest, planning, awareness, assessment and checking, general cultural knowledge, specific cultural knowledge, verbal behavior, and practical behavior. In order to analyzing data we used Kolmogorov, Asmynernov, one sample T test, operative-exploratory analysis and structural equation. The result of Kaiser-Mayer and Bartlet scale reveal their adequacy and interdependence. According to operative-exploratory analysis results and evaluated operative, management of cultural intelligence in Mazandaran’s Azad Universities have 4 aspects that are; cultural-motivational intelligence, cultural-metacognitive intelligence, cognitive cultural intelligence and cognitive behavioral intelligence’’ and 9 components that are internal interest, external interest, planning, awareness, assessment and checking, general cultural knowledge, specific cultural knowledge, verbal behavior, and practical behavior. Cultural-motivational intelligence aspect have two components that are internal and external interest. Cultural-metacognitive intelligence aspect havethree components that are planning, awareness, assessment and checking. Cognitive-cultural intelligence aspect havetwo components that are general cultural knowledge and specific cultural knowledge. Cultural-behavioral intelligence aspect havetwo components that are verbal behavior and practical behavior.

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The purpose of the present research was to investigate the relationship between organizational structure dimensions (formalization, complexity and centralization) with rate of job satisfaction and enabling of Islamic Azad University at Khorramabad branch employees. statistical population of research included 120 employees (34 women and 86 men). The sample included 92 employees (26 women and 66 man) that were determined by Krejcie and Morgan's table sample size and were selected by stratified proportionate method. Data were gathered by three questionnaires: 1) Robbin' s organizational structure questionnaire 2) Minnesota job satisfaction questionnaire and 3) spritzer enabling questionnaire. The reliability of every three mentioned questionnaires in order 0.88, 0.90 and 0.86 were computed by Cronbach Alpha. One sample t test, independent samples t test, Pearson correlation and regression analysis were used for data analysis. The results were showed that in Khorramabad Brach's organizational structure, Centralization and formalization were under middle rate (3), and complexity was at middle (3). There was positive correlation between dimensions of centralization and job satisfaction and enabling of employees. There was positive correlation between centralization and job satisfaction. There was negative correlation between complexity dimension and job satisfaction and enabling of employees. There weren’t sufficient correlation between formalization dimension with job satisfaction and enabling of employees.

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This Study Was Mainly Designing Curriculum Based to Peace Education for Elementary System, a Qualitative Study. The Present Study Aimed at Investigating the International Studies Conducted on Peace Education by Employing a Qualitative Approach. In Order to Collect the Data, The Related Literature Was Reviewed Based on The Questions and Objectives of The Study .The Data Analysis Was Based on Deduction. The Results of The Study Depicted Four Main Categories. Including Objective, Content, Learning / Teaching Strategies, Assessment Technicals and The Peace Education Components to Include of Peace Knowledge, Peace Attitude and Peace Ability and The Validity of Designing for Elementary System Was Approved by Experts. The Present Study, As a Model for Designing Curriculum Based to Peace Education Could Have Implications and Applications for Language Planners and Syllabus Designers in The Country and It Might Shed Light on Curriculum Planning for Elementary System and Schools May Devise a Program Comprising The Transmission of Universal Values and Enduring Attitudes, and The Development of Skills Which Will Enable Our Students to Become Active Global Citizens and It Is Hoped That This Understanding, They Could Lead for Being to The Realization of Humanity, Peace and Tranquility in The World.

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This research has been performed to study the effectiveness of educational software on the rate of learning of the students. Method of Research: semi-experimental with pretest– posttest plan with test and witness groups. The statistical society included all the students in the 6th grade of elementary school in Pakdasht i.e.100 sixth grade students in five elementary schools and the sample of the research according to Morgan Table included 80 students (40 in the test group and 40 in the witness group); 35 of them were male students and 45 of them were female students chosen randomly. The instrument used was the educational software and written exam of the relevant courses. In order to study the hypothesis of research and analysis of the gained results, the data were analyzed by the Covariance Method (ancova) and the findings showed that the educational software was effective in learning Mathematics, Persian Language and Koran.

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The purpose of this study is the relationship between information technology and job motivation and creativity is Byza city middle school teachers. The research is descriptive. The study population included all middle school teachers Byza city was in 1392.Given that the total number of teachers was 170, with a sample size of 108 subjects was selected using stratified random sampling. The study consisted of three questionnaires measuring instruments Torrance creativity, Habibi motivation, self-made information technology azadmehr. The research instrument was a questionnaire that details each come. Questionnaire of Creative Torrance (1978) by Moqimi year (1380) was translated into Farsi, is applied and Yousefi Miandeh, Rasht (1389) reliability Motivation is. Questionnaire of Habibi (1377), the coefficient obtained by the commendable (1387) using the test-retest method, respectively, 69% and 72% achieved 77% of its credibility.It is ultimately self-made IT Inventory Zadmehr (1389) respectively. They were done and the internal consistency through Cronbach alpha of 91% was confirmed. (0.424 and 0.364) and a significant direct relationship information technology with computer software and familiarity with computers, they were stronger predictors for motivation and creativity. Statistical analysis Descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics, correlation and regression results showed that: Information Technology and Creativity significant positive correlation with job motivation there. Between all aspects of information technology, there is significant positive correlation with job motivation. Direct relationship between all aspects of information technology and creativity, and there are significant.Proficiency in computer software component relative to other components of creativity is a stronger predictor. Familiarity with computer components to the other components of job motivation is a stronger predictor.

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Aim of this research is to compare teachers' communicative skills and sense of efficacy Among Mentally Retarded And Regular Schools. Statistical population of the research includes all teachers working in primary, first and second grades of high schools for mental retardation in Shiraz City in education year 2013- 14.Two-stage cluster sampling was used to choose population. Then numbers of teachers in usual schools were matched with main sample. This research was casual- comparative type and Queendom communicative skills questionnaires (2004), Schanen- Mooran and Volfook Hoy's (2001) teachers' sense of efficacy (TSES) questionnaires were used respectively for measuring research variables.Independent t-test and factorial ANOVA were used for analyzing data. The results shows there is meaningful difference between teachers in regular and mentally retarded schools in teachers sense of efficacy and its subscales (except class management) and general communicative skills, that teachers in regular schools there is more than teachers mental retardation. Also there is no meaningful relation between communicative skills and teachers sense of efficacy in mentally retarded and regular schools based on sex, education, education experience and grade.

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Curriculum development is considered as a basic tool for higher education system in order to achieve its goals. To do so, promoting the culture of curriculum development and providing a suitable ground for it, is very crucial for higher education principals. The present study aims to explain the contextual conditions in terms of promoting the culture of curriculum development in universities and higher education institutions. A qualitative method as well as grounded theory approach was considered for this study.29 deep interviews with specialists and experts in the area of higher education were conducted to reach saturation. Findings showed that the most important and necessary contextual conditions for promoting the culture of curriculum development include: political, economic, managerial, cultural and scientific conditions. In sum, the results of the study showed that contextual conditions are important factors in promoting and qualifying the culture of curriculum development in higher education. Therefore, suitable planning and managerial functions must be done by higher education principals and officials.

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