Malting process includes steeping, controlled germination that after kilning nutritional properties and crispy of product enhance. Adjuncts are used in the most countries for cost reduction purposes without any undesirable effect on final product. The purpose of this study was determination of changing length, width, thickness, kernel density, bulk density, porosity, total nitrogen, reducing sugar, diastatic activity, cold water extract, pH, ash and texture during malting, and also mashing extract of malt process by using unmalted barley (sahra cultivar) as adjuncts at the rations of 20, 40 and 50 % was evaluated. Results showed that width, thickness, diastatic activity, reducing sugar and cold water extract of the samples increased over the malting time, whereas kernel density, bulk density, total nitrogen and ash decreased.Scanning electron microscopic examination of barley was revealed digestion of cell walls and protein matrix of endosperm walls. Increasing rations of unmalted barley as adjunct in mashing decreased the diaststic power, color, soluble nitrogen. Using unmalted barley as compared to mash from malted barley (100%) showed that the ration of 20% was better than the other rations.