The existence durability of the village is based upon the cheerfulness and sustainability of the whole of its developmental aspects. Hence the rural economy as a one of the most fundamental features of the rural entity has been entangled to agriculture since long. Although, this linkage has been exposed to serious changes, due to the evolution of developmental paradigms in recent decades and after the world wars, yet it is in its firmness and stature especially in developing countries. The aim of this study is a consideration of the contribution of agricultural sector in rural development, in Isfahan province rural areas and has been performed based on surveying techniques to gather the needed data. The initial data consisting of more than 200 various variables, were transformed into a final 23 interval-ratio scale composed indices, consisting of two subsets of 11 rural and 12 agricultural development indicators, through performance of appropriate data processing procedures. Informational contents of these two group indicators have been reduced to 4 agricultural and 3 rural infrastructural factors, with 69.5 and 63% of variation explanation respectively, through statistical factor analysis model and use of SPSS software. Following that, the extracted factors, as the initial variables, were introduced into the canonical correlation model as a main analytical model of the study. Based on the results, the obtained 88.6% canonical correlation between agricultural and rural development, is strongly due to the relationship and relevance of the income, employment, scientific level of agriculture and value added in the set of agricultural development variables and employment, job opportunities, population attributes and facilities in the set of rural development variables. The redundancy analysis between the two sets of variables didn't show any significant overlay of the content information of the theme. Finally, based on the same analysis, the contribution of agricultural development in rural development was identified at a level of 40% and, in contrast, 29% contribution of rural development was observed in agricultural development.