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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (ویژه اقتصاد و توسعه کشاورزی)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (ویژه اقتصاد و توسعه کشاورزی)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1553

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    2 (ویژه اقتصاد و توسعه کشاورزی)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2127

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    2 (ویژه اقتصاد و توسعه کشاورزی)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1995

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    2 (ویژه اقتصاد و توسعه کشاورزی)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1945

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One of the more appropriate alternatives for having competitive agriculture and being market oriented in this sector, as well as being active in the world market is to develop greenhouse enterprises. Climatic diversity, availability of manpower, technical knowledge and cheap energy are some positive aspects for developing greenhouse enterprises. Moving toward development of greenhouse enterprises requires development of entrepreneurial activities in this field. In spite of Alot of useful world experience regarding entrepreneurship as related to growth and development, unfortunately in Iran very little attention has been paid to this subject. The purpose of this research was to analyze the barriers of development of greenhouse Enterprise's entrepreneurship. This research has been carried out in the general framework of a survey method. The statistical population has been the entrepreneurs of greenhouses (n=142) in Iran. Classified sampling method was employed. The instrument of research was a questionnaire developed based on the background of the subject. Cronbach alpha coefficient was calculated equal to 93% that indicated appropriate reliability of the questionnaire. Also, content and face validity of the questionnaire was confirmed as based on experts' opinion. Analysis of data was done through SPSS software. Findings of this research indicated that policies, Economic, Support, educational, substructure as well as cultural factors are the most influencing barriers of entrepreneurship development in greenhouse enterprises in Iran. So, for developing greenhouses enterprises, attention to Policy making and economic factors are emphatically suggested.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2155

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The use of updated and relevant knowledge and information by extension experts plays a significant and key role in the proper exploitation of productive resources and enhancing farming productivity. Keeping the important and sensitive duties of agricultural extension in facilitating agricultural development in view, extension system needs to upgrade its role as an information system to deliver agricultural information at the lowest cost and shortest time along with a high degree of reliability. Accordingly extension experts in Iran decided to conduct this study to assess the factors affecting IT application. The statistical population of the study consisted of 1145 extension professionals working throughout the country in different provinces. A stratified proportionate random sampling technique was and 241 while extension experts comprising the sample size of the study. The reliability and validity of the tools of study were conformed through a pilot study and expert judgment. The results showed that participation in training courses on IT, attitudes towards IT application in extension, English proficiency, time spent in using internet and computer as well as age and education level were the main variables affecting the extent of IT use and application by extension experts. Regression analysis also indicated that three variables, viz., computer knowledge, internet knowledge and computer use, explained 75.2 percent of variation in the extent of IT application by the respondents.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2014

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The main purpose of this descriptive - survey study was to investigate the promoter factors of the project "Promoter Factor of Wheat Consultant Engineers" (WCEs). The population consisted of 212 WCEs in Ardebil Province and, through randomized sampling, 104 samples of WCEs were selected to fulfill the study objectives. Data were collected through a questionnaire, the validity of which was obtained through a pannel of Agricultural Extension Experts and university professors. Reliability was ascertained though Cronbach - alpha where a=0.9 indicated the reliability of the questionnaire. SPSS/win software was used for data analysis, and factor analysis method employed in the research. According to the results promoters were placed in 5 factor groups, totally explaining 66.302% of the whole variance. The first factor namely Coordinating - Technical factor with 20.5% explanation of total variance was indicated as the first important factor. Economical, Communicational, Informational-Participatory, and Ownership factors were respectively the next most important ones explaining 15.7, 11.10, 3 and 8.75% of total variance.

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View 911

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The main purpose of the ongoing study is to identifY and analyze training components effective in agricultural applied higher education centers students' entrepreneurial capabilities. The type of study is applied and the method a descriptive-correlative one. Independent variables are training, aspects individual traits, and economical standings of graduates while the dependent variable, entrepreneurship capabilities. Researcher's developed questionnaire was employed for data collection. Reliability of the questionnaire was estimated to be 87%. The target population of the research was comprised of 460 applied higher education of agricultural graduates from the central region, 135 samples of whom were selected through random sampling. The data was descriptively and educational inferentially analyzed through SPSS software. 82.4 % of the research population were men and 17.6% women, 81.4 % held pre bachelor and 18.6% bachelor of science degrees. 59.6% entered the applied higher education centers through free quota while 40.4% benefited from employment quota. Meanwhile 42.2 % are engaged in full time jobs, while 42.2% are unoccupied. Analysis of the relationships between educational factors and entrepreneurship capabilities shows that there exists a significant relationship between age, job record, admission quota, field of study and the graduates' attitudes towards the effect of training components in their entrepreneurship capabilities. With respect to the effective trainings guidelines for entrepreneurship development, the free quota graduates selected trainings in creativeness, innovation, and idea development, making use of the entrepreneurship instructors along with specialized lessons' instructors, and proportioned lessons' title with entrepreneurship as their first and third priorities. Graduates of employed quota referred to a presentating of the entrepreneurship courses in curriculum employing the services of entrepreneurship instructors along with the instructors of specialized lessons as well as eguipping the entrepreneurship centers for the advancement of entrepreneurship spirit as their first main priorities.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1908

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One of the most appropriate alternatives for achieving a competitive agriculture and for being active in the global market is to develop greenhouse enterprises. Appropriate recognition of factors influencing entrepreneurial dimensions, seems to act as a priority during the process of developing greenhouse enterprises along with utilization of national capacities as related to this process. The purpose of this research was to analyze factors influencing the entrepreneurship development in the greenhouse enterprises in Iran. Adescriptive-correlational method was employed in the research. Using Cochran determining sample formula and Stratified Proportionate Random Sampling Technique, 142 entrepreneurs of the greenhouse enterprises were selected from a number of eight provinces to be studied in the quantitative phase. Coronbach Alpha coefficient was used to determine the main scales of questionnaire's reliability. The average was found to be equal to 0.85 for the questionnaire. Validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by an experts' panel. Quantitative data analysis was accomplished using SPSS software. Results from Regression Analysis indicated that economic environment (34.6%), psychological characteristics (11.1%), environmental dynamics (2.29%), access to resources (2.1 %), marketing skills (2.4 7%), ecological environment (1.39%), and interest agriculture (1.59%) influenced entrepreneurship development of the greenhouse enterprises. So, for development of entrepreneurship in the greenhouse enterprises, environmental ones should be considered as the most important and influencing ones. Findings of this research can also be utilized in the development of entrepreneurial activities in the context of greenhouse enterprises.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1613

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Higher agricultural education is a component of Agricultural Knowledge and Information System (AKlS) and plays critical roles in the process of developing human capital, and integration of knowledge, information and technology in agriculture sector based on knowledge management approach in line with its well-known functions as research, education and outreach. According to empirical evidences and implications of sustainable agricultural development as a systemic process, integration of research function of higher agricultural education in Iranian agricultural research system seems necessary to be looked at as an ongoing and considerable necessity. With the aim of identification and component analysis of strategic mechanisms and challenges of strengthening the function of higher agricultural education system in agricultural research system, this explanatory research was carried out based on survey strategy. The population of the research consisted of all faculty members of public agricultural faculties and colleges of Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology (N=1260). Using multi-phase sampling method, 172 faculty members were selected and studied. A questionnaire was developed with two main parts to explore strategic mechanisms and challenges. Face and content validity of the questionnaire was established, employing a panel of experts. A pilot test was conducted to determine the questionnaire's reliability based upon calculation of Cronbach's alpha (obtained separately for the two parts as.78 and .71). Data collected were analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS 10.5), and two explanatory factor analyses were carried out as related to mechanisms and challenges. According to findings of mechanisms analysis, five components were extracted. The first factor, called the networking-orientation factor explained 21.68% of the total variance, while the second factor, called the functional development factor explained 15.065% of the variances. The third factor, called institutional development factor explained 13.674% of the variances. The fourth and fifth factors, named professional development and postgraduate research development factors respectively explained 12.621% and 11.987% of the total explained variances (75.026%) .Explanatory factor analysis of strategic challenges resulted in the extraction of four principal restraining components called, agricultural research and development context, constraints of systemic framework of research and technology, institutional/structural weaknesses, and functional/outcome weaknesses of agricultural research. These factors, in total explained 72.687% variances of the studied set of the strategic challenges.

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View 1311

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The aim in this research work is to study the feactors affecting entrepreneurial spirit and skills among the senior students of the Agriculture College of Tehran University. A descriptive survey was undertaken to study all the 183 undergraduate students enrolled in the 4th year of 11 specialized disciplines in spring semester of 2005. The validity of the instrument was confirmed by a panel of faculty members from the related departments in the universities of Sharif, Amirkabir, and Tehran. The reliability of the instrument was confirmed based up on Cronbach alpha calculated separately as: 0.93 for entrepreneurial spirit, and a=skills for 30 questionnaires filled out by the students from the faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran. Results obtained from Spearman s' correlation indicated that there was a significant and positive correlation between the mother s' educational level, monthly house hold s' income and the contents of the educational program of the university with the student's entrepreneurial spirit. Likewise, there was a significant and positive relationship between the factors of: age, father's education level, monthly house hold's income, the application of entrepreneurial training development methods along with the student's moraleat the university, and the student's entrepreneurial skills. It was proved that there was a meaningful mean difference between male and female students concerning entrepreneurial spirit and entrepreneurial skills among married and single students. The main results were as follows: multiple regression analysis ( stepwise method) revealed that the variables of: application of entrepreneurial training development methods at the university, monthly house- hold's income, age, entrepreneurial spirit and the father's educational level determined a variation of 26% of the student s' entrepreneurial skills. The results of the multiple regression analysis (stepwise method) revealed that the variables: the university educational program content and the mothers educational level predicted a variation of 0.05% of the student's entrepreneurial spirit. Findings of this research can effectively contribute to an improvement of entrepreneurship programs in higher education in the field of agriculture.

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View 1709

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The goal of this study was to determine the professional development content components of the trainers in Agricultural-jihad Training Centers of Iran, based on up which to plan for their professional development. Research method was a descriptive correlation one and data gathering instrument a researcher made questionnaire. The face validity (authorities' view) and reliability (Cronbach's alpha coefficient=89/59%) were confirmed. The population survey consisted of all trainers of Agricultural Jihad Training Centers (N= 490). Sample size was a number of 104 subjects, for selection of whom, classified random sampling was employed(with regard to the qualification of trainers, training the Agricultural-jihad Training Centers have been classified into three classes of, A, B, C, by the Institute of Technical & Vocational Higher Education). Based on mean results obtained, the trainers (in all aspects of content components) stand in a satisfactory level. In addition, factor analysis shows 8 factors, with nearly 61% of variance.

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View 879

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The existence durability of the village is based upon the cheerfulness and sustainability of the whole of its developmental aspects. Hence the rural economy as a one of the most fundamental features of the rural entity has been entangled to agriculture since long. Although, this linkage has been exposed to serious changes, due to the evolution of developmental paradigms in recent decades and after the world wars, yet it is in its firmness and stature especially in developing countries. The aim of this study is a consideration of the contribution of agricultural sector in rural development, in Isfahan province rural areas and has been performed based on surveying techniques to gather the needed data. The initial data consisting of more than 200 various variables, were transformed into a final 23 interval-ratio scale composed indices, consisting of two subsets of 11 rural and 12 agricultural development indicators, through performance of appropriate data processing procedures. Informational contents of these two group indicators have been reduced to 4 agricultural and 3 rural infrastructural factors, with 69.5 and 63% of variation explanation respectively, through statistical factor analysis model and use of SPSS software. Following that, the extracted factors, as the initial variables, were introduced into the canonical correlation model as a main analytical model of the study. Based on the results, the obtained 88.6% canonical correlation between agricultural and rural development, is strongly due to the relationship and relevance of the income, employment, scientific level of agriculture and value added in the set of agricultural development variables and employment, job opportunities, population attributes and facilities in the set of rural development variables. The redundancy analysis between the two sets of variables didn't show any significant overlay of the content information of the theme. Finally, based on the same analysis, the contribution of agricultural development in rural development was identified at a level of 40% and, in contrast, 29% contribution of rural development was observed in agricultural development.

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View 3437

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The purpose of this study was to determine the factors effecting IT usage by instructors in applied scientific educational institutes of agriculture. The statistical population in this study was comprised of instructors of applied scientific centers of agricultural eduation. The method of sampling was a Multi Random Steps one. Questionnaires were used for data collection. The validity of questionnaires was approved by an Agricultural Extension and Education Committee. For determining the reliability of questionnaires, 30 ones were tested. Cronbach's Alpha was calculated and shown to be appropriate for different parts of the questionnaire. The data were analyzed using SPSS software. The results indicated that, there was a significant and positive correlation between the number of instructors using IT with their level of English proficiency, computer and internet skills, environmental factors, context of using IT as well as technical factors. Results of regression analysis indicated that the effective factors in instructors application of IT were introduced in four variable steps including: skill rate in working with internet, context of using IT, skill rate working with computer and the instructors' proficiency in English. These variables accounted for 63/4 percent of variations in the pendent variable. The results of mean comparisions showed that there is variatien in IT usage among instructors of different majors, and different employment standings.

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View 1081

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The goal of this study has been to analyze the acquired job empowerment of Agricultural Jihad Ministry's managers during their in-service Training courses. Research method was a descriptive correlational one, and data gathering device a researcher made questionnaire. The validity (authorities' views) and reliability (Cronbach alfa coefficient=72/23%) were assessed. Managers who had taken part in the courses constituted the statistical study population they were approximately 560 in number. Sample quantity was constituted of 150 individuals. To select samples, random sampling was employed. The 150 questionnaires were sent to managers out of which 138 filled questionnaires were investigated and analyzed. Based upon mean results managers in any aspect of empowerment component stood in a satisfactory standing. The regression output shows that among the independent variables, parting the titles and increasing the number of courses brings about make a positive significant effect on the empowerment. Furthermore according to the Mann-Whitney U test neither the managers nor any of their aids' empowerment achievements varied significantly. There was no significant difference between staff of late Ministry of Agriculture and those of present Ministry of Agricultural Jihad (as regards achievement of competence) either.

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View 1178

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With the emergence of sustainable development paradigm in 1980s in human resource development processes, special attention was devoted to women so that they became to form the core of development definitions. Today in different countries such as in Iran, various programs for empowering have been implemented women's status in rural, as well as in urban areas. In this process a devotion of special attention to empowering rural women in Iran is an essential task. Today 23 million from among Iranian population live in rural areas of whom 12 million are women, involved in different socio-economic activities, such as agriculture, animal husbandry, fishing, handicrafts, home management, etc (Mafi and Mosavi, 2004). According to the latest statistics, share of women in agricultural work force in Iran is 40 percent (Iran's Kar Press, 2006). Beginning with from 1999, Bureau for rural and tribal women, Ministry of Agricultural Jihad, allempted to implement rural women facilitators program with the aim of empowering rural women, the country. This program actually started in year 2001 in Damavand county and the present study is an attempt to investigate the effectiveness of the program in as implemented Damavand county. The study was carried out through survey research in 6 villages from among 15 selected ones from 3 village blocks where the program was implemented. In total 120 women were selected by random sampling method and the required data was collected by through questionnaire for which the alpha coefficient for various scales was over 0.7. SPSS software was used for the data analysis. The results indicated that, as viewed from the viewpoint of rural women involved in the study, the effectiveness of the program was estimated as 28.4 percent.

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View 1969

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To make an investigation of economical fish harvesting from Hamoon Lake, an economical and biological estimation of optimal harvest of fish was made using biological models as developed by Fox and Schaefer. Time-series data set used in the study was obtained from Zabol Fishery Organization, Zabol, Water Affairs Organization, and Weather Statistical Yearbooks. Fox and Sheifer models were considered under two different specifications. In one specification the stormy days was regarded as independent variable, while in the other specification it was combined with the effort variable. The findings showed that the specification of Fox model including effort combined with stormy days yields better results as compared With the other specifications. So it was considered as the main specification to illustrate the relationship between harvest and the influencing factors. Based on this specification, corresponding effort to the maximum harvest of 2143 metric tons was obtained as 492610.8 units in 2004. However from the economic viewpoint maximum harvest’s its corresponding effort were calculated as 1561 metric tons and 417788 units, respectively. So it is concluded that Hamoon Lake has been faced with an over fishing period in 2004.

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View 1224

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A considerable share of the Agricultural Bank's financial resources is allocated to agricultural investment projects which in turn contribute to the agriculture as well as other sectors' overall economic growth in Iran. Evidence shows, that a number of the projects fail to get completed and operative. Failure of the projects causes waste of the allocated national recourses and brings irreparble losses to the investors in the projects. In addition, the latter impedes the flow of loan repayments. Thus, a specification of factors that differentiate failed and successful projects is of significant importance. In the present research it is attempted to determine the factors that may result in the failure of the investing project, financed by the Agricultural Bank of Iran. The study was carried out by selecting a sample of 116 agricultural projects financed during 1370-1382 in four provinces of: Fars, Esfahan, Kermanshah, and Khorasan using discriminate function analysis. Results indicate that human capital stock (education level of the projects' directors) is the most important factor affecting the performance of a project. Work experiences of the managing director are other important factors differentiating failed from non-failed projects. The managing director being a previous bank customer or not is another major factor in discriminating the two groups of projects. The types of investing project, the "ratio of the owner's investment in the project to the allocated bank credit", and the type of collateral are the other significant factors contributing to a differentiation between failed and non-failed projects.

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Broiler farm industry is a most profitable operation in the world but in Iran it is faced with a high mortality rate. To find out factors affecting mortality rate in this industry, a national research project was carried out. It was based on a survey research method; a systematic sampling technique being employed to identify the first highest provinces in terms of broiler production capacity. These provinces ran a 50% of overall capacity in broiler production at a national level. The survey questionnaire was designed based on literature and then its face-validity and reliability calculated. A sample of 200 broiler farms was considered as the sample for interview. The results showed that the highest mortality rate of 20.77% and the lowest (6.84%) prevait in Tehran and Mazanderan provinces, respectively. The results also showed that factors such as farm size, house preparation for rearing period, disinfection pools, house ventilation, presence hours of manager on the farm, source of feed supply, physical feed form, rearing periods during the year, and time lapse between two rearing periods, are the affecting Factors in mortality rate. Some practical Suggestions are presented in the paper showing how to prevent or diminish mortality rate.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The main purpose of this study was to investigate factors influencing job performance of extension experts from Yazd province, Iran. All the extension experts in Yazd province were included in the study (N=120) of whom 67 were selected through Proportional Stratified random sampling method (n=67). The study was a descriptive-correlation, survey research one. A questionnaire was designed and employed to gather the required data. The reliability and validity of the Job Performance Index was determined. Cronbach's alpha computed to measure the reliability of the 32 items of job performance was 0.97. The instrument was presented to the Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, University Faculty members of Tehran to be tested for content above validity. The findings revealed that the job performance of extension experts was average level. Also the findings revealed significant correlations between job performance and job satisfaction, job motivation, attitude, and job ability, the rate of use of information resources and communication channels, degree of communication with media, participatory cooperation with organization management. Also the results of the multiple regression revealed that 48.6% of job performance variance in the experts, performance was determined by the three variables of: "job motivation", "participatory contacts with organization management" and "job performance ability".

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Every year about 15 percent of apple produced in Tehran Province apple orchards become wasted, which is referred to as apple postharvest losses. For diminishing the problem, one should promote the level of knowledge, technology to human resources to reduce the risk of loss production to consumption. The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of extension education factors on prevention of apple postharvest losses in Damavand Township, Iran. The study was carried out employing a descriptive-correlation surveying approach. The population of the study included all apple growers in Damavand (N=4400). Orchard owners (n=354) were selected through stratified random sampling technique. Questionnaires as well as interview were the tools used for gathering data. Content and face validity were established by a panel of experts comprised of faculty members of the college of agriculture (Extension and Education Department) of Tarbiat Modarres University. A pilot test was conducted with the participation 30 orchard owners. Reliability for the overall instrument was estimated at 0.86. Apple producers believe that an appropriate method of harvesting is the most effective factor regarding a reduction in apple postharvest losses. The next important factor which affects apple postharvest losses is the time of harvesting. There are significant differences among apple orchard owners' age, academic degree, land size, place of dwelling, and their attitude towards the extension education factors as regards a reduction in apple postharvest losses.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Pistachio is a highly valued export crop of Iran. One of the most important threats in production and export of pistachio is the problem of Aflotaxin. The main objectives of this study were to assess the pistachio farmers' knowledge in controlling aflatoxin, as well as to determine the relationship of aflatoxin control with farmers' professional characteristics. The results indicated that the majority (60%) of the farmers had a "low" to "average" level of knowledge of controlling aflatoxin. A statistically positive significant relationship was observed between Farmers' knowledge of pistachio farming, their level of education, access to information sources, farmers' experiences of planting pistachio, and their crop yield. Multivariate stepwise regression analysis indicated that 48.2% of the variance in knowledge of pistachio farmers in controlling aflatoxin could be explained by farmers' level of education, their access to information sources and distance of farmers' farms from agricultural service centers.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In the new approaches to agricultural extension, extension workers play a major role in transferring knowledge and technologies from research stations to farmers. This role is highlighted when it comes to participatory extension approach which is to empower farmers through building their capacities. In such an approach, extension workers play different roles out of which facilitation is highly important. Keeping this in view, the main objective of this research was to analyze participation areas of state and local extension workers in extension activities of the national extension system of the country. This was a correlational-descriptive study conducted through survey method. The population of the study consisted of about 7000 state extension workers and 7100 local extension workers out of which 140 and 120 samples were selected by using Cochran Formula. Multi-stage sampling technique including both simple and cluster random techniques were applied in the study. Panel of experts' judgment. The reliability of the tool of the study was proved by Cronbach Alpha as it was above 0.75 for main scales of the questionnaire. The results of factor analysis indicated that four factors viz., individual and group education of farmers, context analysis and provision of educational opportunities, distribution of agricultural inputs and production as well as distribution of extension-education materials accounted for 64 per cent of variation of state extension workers. With respect to local extension workers, four factors namely: context analysis, provision and expansion of educational opportunities; distribution of farming and form related inputs; mutual relationship with research centers and executive offices and close contact with progressive farmers accounted for 70 percent of variation in the respondents' pattern of participation in extension activities.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The socio-economic assessment of economic projects is performed in the three phases of; Pre before constructional operations, during the going on of the operation and finally after completion. Evaluating the project after performing the construction process or during the construction period may reveal some unforeseen benefits or costs unknown beforehand, this either weakening or strengthening the economic justification of the project. Given the above facts, the purpose of this study is to revaluate the multi-functional project of Sufi-Chai that constitutes Alavian dam, irrigation and drainage network, water refinery of Maraghe and water transfer from the refinery to the city. Considering the fact that many years have passed from the termination of this project, in this study it is tried to examine whether the originally foreseen cost and benefits have been realized as well as to consider the newly arisen revenues and expenses since then. The post evaluation is carried out using "Net Present Value", "Internal Rate of Return", "Benefit/Cost Ratio" and "Capital Recovery Factor" criteria using" Microsoft Excel" and "Comfar III Expert" software’s. The findings of the study do not justify the economic feasibility of the project. Assuming a 20 percent increase in the revenues and similar decrease in the expenses, doing a sensitivity analysis, did not justify the project either. The results show that it is very critical to consider the untangible benefits and costs in addition to tangible ones in dam construction projects. The limitation of budget and data did not allow consideration of non tangible returns and expenses in this study. To the extent that they could be estimated, they did not contribute to the justification of the project.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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