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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The purpose of this article is to investigate the influence of fitting rooms on behavioral and emotional responses of customers in shopping centers. The present study was based on an applied purpose and it was conducted using a qualitative method and a phenomenological approach. In this research, the features of a fitting room and their relations to customers‟ responses were investigated by conducting deep interviews with the participants. The sample population of this study was composed of young female customers in Tehran shopping centers. The collected evidences were encoded and, inductively, analyzed through several steps using “ MAXQDA” . Then, a theoretical model was drawn based on these analyses. The initial codes were constructed and, also, 50 concepts (easy decision-making, freedom of evaluative thinking, return to store, allowance to try several clothes, repeat purchase, suggestion to others, satisfaction with shopping, avoidance of trying clothes, avoidance of purchase, leaving the store without trying any clothes, no return to store, good feeling, trust, safety, calmness, excitement, convenience, desire (passion), unsettledness, suffocation, regret, lowered trust, uncertainty, lack of calmness, lack of ease, anger, loss in purchase, boring, unpleasant, worry, slippers use, contact ringtone, carpet floor covering, in-room bench, in-room chair, in-room clothes hook, no unpleasant odor, cleanness, number of rooms, air conditioning, appropriate doors, cooling and heating facilities, interior decoration, “ In Use” sign, location of the fitting room, lock equipped doors, size and dimensions, color of the fitting room, appropriate lights, in-room mirror), 8 categories (positive response, negative response, positive emotion, negative emotion, convenience facilities, hygiene facilities, structural facilities, fundamental facilities) and 4 classifications (behavioral response, emotional response, necessary features of a fitting room and proper evaluation of a product) were identified.

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In today's competitive environment and with the decline of trust to organizations and their advertising, and with increasing use of social networks, the importance of developing consumer relationships in social networks, especially online brand communities, has become crucial for organizations in achieving a mutually and desirable relationship with consumers, so much has been used in recent years to influence other people's beliefs in the evangelical marketing framework. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the impact of consumer-brand relationships in social network based brand communities on brand evangelism variables by enhancing brand trust among the customers of Samsung mobile phones present on social networks in Hamadan city which leads to supportive behaviors. For this purpose, 384 people were selected by random sampling. Questionnaire was used for data collection and its reliability and validity were assessed by Cronbach's alpha and confirmatory factor analysis. The conceptual model of the research was measured using the structural section of the structural equation model called path analysis. The results showed that consumer relationships with brand elements (product, brand, company and other customers) in the in brand community based on social networks through the mediating variable of consumers brand trust have a positive and significant effect on brand evangelism.

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In the 1960s and early 1970s, the problems pertinent to the environment was a prime focus of concern and the consumers considered the environmental issues when purchasing a product and These concerns have led to the development of eco-friendly products around the world. The present research aimed at identifying and extracting the factors affecting the green purchase behavior of the consumers. It thus entails a systematic literature review on green purchase behavior to highlight its significance by presenting a synthetic model from literature results. The method was a qualitative meta-analysis called meta-synthesis. The statistical population included all papers related to the present subject. Out of the 407 initial results, 61 were examined, and totally 2 dimensions (namely internal and external), 6 main components (namely psychological, personal, value-belief, marketing mix, sociocultural, and product-related factors), and 59 sub-components were identified, extracted, and classified as factors affecting the consumers’ green purchase behavior, from national and international studies conducted from 2000 to 2017. Accordingly, the final integrated model was validated by kappa coefficient. This research can serve as a basis for planning by public managers and green product producers. Researchers can also employ and verify the model in their future researc and fact-check its results.

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In the marketing process, one of the strategic tools that influences all market mix decisions is the process of market segmentation, market selection and market positioning. Proper implementation of this process will enable marketers to gain a better view and understanding of customers and, as a result, better meet their needs. Different criteria have been proposed for market segmentation and various analytical tools are used. In this study, an attempt was made to identify the sectors of this market, considering the importance of life insurance in the insurance industry from the perspective of income generation and investment, as well as its share of the total industry portfolio. The present research is of applied type and its method is quantitative and the scope of the present research is libraries and databases. The variables that are considered as the basics of market segmentation in this study are: monthly income, marital status, ratio of insurer to insured, gender, age, province of birth. The statistical population of this study was the individual life insurance customers of Parsian Insurance Company in 2018, which includes 58181 items of insurance policies, of which 711 insurers were selected as a sample randomly from parsian insurance life insurance data warehouse. SOM neural networks was used and six market segments were identified.

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In present situation, different impasse and problems impose a lot of psychological pressures on people more than ever and as a result, there is a greater sense of insecurity and dissatisfaction in the customer. The use of nostalgic brand can lead to the restoration of past positive emotions and by reducing the psychological pressures by using these products, Creates deep relationships with the product. On the other hand, it should be considered that in the third millennium, the creation of emotional bonds between the brand and the customer has become a powerful lever for long-term customer relationships and continuous revenue streams. The purpose of this research is investigate the relationship between nostalgic, trust, customer preference and brand love. Initially, the conceptual model of research was developed based on an extensive literature review. The study population included consumers with a long history of product knowledge. Sampling method in this phase was available sampling and close-ended and structured questionnaire also was tool used in this phase. The results indicate that evoked nostalgia, customer preference and brand trust by different intensities affects each other and brand love. This study examines the impact of nostalgia on brand love, examines emotional bonds with the brand from a different aspect, and opens a new perspective on the emotional relationship between consumer and brand.

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Customers make decisions based on their perception of price, product features, and other elements of the marketing mix. So what matters to marketing decision makers in organizations is customers' perceptions of the elements of the marketing mix, including offered prices, not their reality. The present study seeks to explain the process of price perception and examine the variables affecting price perception among Iranian ethnic groups based on the Liechtenstein model. The present study is in the field of developmental research in terms of purpose. In terms of the nature of the data and the style of analysis is qualitative research group and based on the method of data collection from the participants. The research method is analytical-descriptive and the research data is analyzed by content analysis method. First, a systematic review of the research literature was performed. Data were then collected through interviews with three ethnic groups, Kurds, Turks and Persians. The collected data were analyzed using Maxqda software and then the conceptual model of this research was obtained and the difference in price perception in the samples was determined. The research environment is Kurdish, Persian and Turkish. The obtained results indicate that the perception of consumers of 3 ethnic groups is different from the price and the reason for this difference is the effect of culture on their price perception. From the study of these 3 Iranian ethnic groups, 14 concepts and at a higher level 6 issues were identified as factors of price perception. These topics include: economic factors, marketing factors, buyer characteristics, social factors, situational factors and services. 80 codes were identified, of which 42 new codes were created and 38 codes were in the research literature. Of the 80 codes extracted from the interviews, the Persian people participated in the creation of 64 codes and did not participate in the creation of 16 codes. The Kurdish people created 53 codes and were not involved in creating the remaining 27 codes. The Turkish people created 67 codes and the remaining 13 codes are not among the extracted codes of the Turkish people. Of the 80 codes obtained, 44 are in all 3 ethnic groups, but the remaining 36 are not in some ethnic groups. Also, some codes are more important to one people than others.

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The present study seeks to select the optimal marketing strategy using the multicriteria decision-making (analytic network process and TOPSIS approach) in the luxury hotels of Kermanshah and Santandaj cities. The statistical population of the study is senior managers of different levels, Due to the limited number of these hotels, all of them were examined. A questionnaire (in the form of a pairwise matrix) was used to collect the data and for data analysis, the Super decision software and MCDM engine and excel (TOPSIS) were used. The examining criteria in this study are managerial capabilities, customer relationship capabilities, market innovation capabilities, human resource assets, and credit and good reputation assets. Also Slater and Olson's strategies as options for the most optimal strategy were examined. The results showed that in TOPSIS approach, aggressive marketing, and in the analytic network process (ANP) approach, the value marketing strategy were the most effective marketing strategy. The results provide guidance to private hotel managers on marketing strategies that can help them to obtain a competitive advantage by evaluating their specific and limited marketing resources.

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In order to evaluate the response of Understanding the response of the Esteghlal team fans to the rival team sponsorship and also schadenfreude moderator role, a descriptive study of the structural interactions model was implemented. The statistical population of the study consisted of all the Esteghlal team fans of Tehran (n = 450). In order to measure the variables of the research, standard questionnaires such as previous attitude, perceived congruent, fan identity, schadenfreude, sponsorship consequences on a Likert scale of 5, were used. In order to evaluate the formal validity of the questionnaire, experts' opinions, content validity of the Karakas model (CVR=0/62), structural validity, confirmatory factor analysis and structural interactions model were used. The findings demonstrated that the sponsorship consequences model has a suitable fit (R 2 = 0/70). The previous attitude and the fan identity influenced on the sponsorship consequences, and the schadenfruede also moderated the relationship between perceived congruent and sponsorship consequences. In general, heterogeneity in sponsor responses is a new topic in sports marketing theory, which has not been well investigated to date. This also requires more research in the future.

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The financing of Iran's economy is bank-based and more than 80% of the financial needs of the economy are provided by the money market and banking system. This illustrates the importance of the banking system in the growth and development of the Iranian economy. Therefore, the resilient banking system can lead to greater economic resistance. This study investigates the resilience of the banking system in the Iranian economy by focusing on the consumer behavior of the facilities. Since the focus of the study is on consumer behavior (credit risk), among the Camel indices, the capital adequacy ratio and the ratio of non-current facilities to total facilities, the 10-year time series data (20072017) for the 10 selected banks Their extracted financial statements have been used. The study of resilience without shock or stress makes no sense. Therefore, the resilience of the banking system against shocks of GDP growth (supply shock), inflation rate (demand shock) and exchange rate shock (external shock) has been studied. So far, no research has been conducted on the relationship between resilience of the banking system and consumer behavior of facilities with this volume of comprehensive information (more than 85% of the country's banking system). The findings show that the banking system in the Iranian economy is not resistant to the shock of these variables and the negative effect of these shocks will be stable over time on the bank health indicators.

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The study aims to investigate the role of integrated marketing communication in terms of emotional dependence on brand engagement and sport consumer behavior. This research was descriptive-correlational in terms of nature, and an applied research in terms of objective and it is a single cross-sectional study in terms of time and implementation. Research data were collected through a questionnaire. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis. The sample consisted of 384 consumers of sport goods that were selected and studied through a purposive and convenience sampling method. Structural Equation Modeling method was used to analyze the data. The results showed that the conceptual model of research has a good fit and integrated marketing communication has a significant effect on the behavior of consumers and their emotional attachment to the brand. Therefore, Sport organizations can influence the behavior of sports consumers through the use of new integrated marketing communications and in this way, they can provide the consumers with an emotional attachment to the brand.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of positive and negative emotions and users feelings in creating attitudes towards mobile advertising among social network users. The role of feeling as an intermediate variable in an emotional-attitude effect has also been studied. This is an applied research and survey-causal type. A questionnaire was used for gathering data in this research. The statistical population of this study was all users of the Telegram social network in Mashhad Due to having the Hamrahe Aval user bank with Telegram with the prefix number 915, an electronic questionnaire was sent to about 4000 users randomly That Finally, 402 questionnaires were analyzed as a statistical sample. The reliability of the questionnaire was assessed by Cronbach's alpha Results were found to be higher than 0. 7 for all variables and its validity was examined and approved by structural analysis. Data analysis was also performed by structural equation modeling by Smart PLS software. Based on the results, the effect of positive emotions and feelings on the attitude toward accepting mobile-based ads was significant. It was also found that the direct effect of positive emotions on attitude is more than other variables. However, the effect of negative emotions on feelings and attitude towards mobile based ads has not been confirmed. In this research, the effect of attitude on the intention to accept was positively evaluated.

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Nowadays, companies and marketers are focused on understanding customer behavior, because paying attention to customer ethical values can explain customer loyalty and this can play a vital role in the success of all corporate marketing activities. The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors influencing the ethical purchase decision of green products. The research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-correlative in nature. The statistical population of this research is all consumers of green leather products in Mashhad with an unlimited number of 384 individuals selected using Morgan table and two-stage cluster sampling method. The required data were collected using a standard questionnaire which was used for face validity and Cronbach's alpha for reliability. Structural equation modeling using Smart PLS software was used to analyze the data. The results show that consumers' ethical awareness has a positive and significant impact on the purchase intention of green leather products and the intention to purchase green leather products has a positive and significant effect on their purchase behavior. The results also indicated that consumer personality traits including dimensions (ethical awareness, purchasing resistance, cynicism, ethical growth and economic rationality) and environmental factors including dimensions (physical environment, purchase conditions, current situation and social environment) can be Moderate the relationship between purchase intentions and purchase behavior of green leather products.

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