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The aim of this research was to review the effect of one session aerobic training following the use of vitamin C supplementation on cortisol, lactate, and neutrophils. For this purpose, 24 male students of Fars Azad University of science and research, voluntarily contributed (mean age 21.73±3.01 year, weight 69.75±11.20 kg and height 176.88±6.30 cm) in this research. First of all, aerobic power of all subjects estimated, then based on their aerobic power, they were randomly divided into two 12 people experimental (vitamin C group) and control (placebo group) groups. At first we have the pretest of the experiment, then both group use 15 days supplementation, and at the end again we have used post test. In pretest and post test session, all subjects run on treadmill for 30 minutes by 75 percent of their heart rate reserve. For analyzing the statistical data, the independent t-test, repeated measure and dependent t-test with bunferrony adjustment (p£0.05) were used. Findings showed that a 15 days vitamin C supplementation has no significant effect on rest cortisol (t (22) =0.08, p<0.98), rest neutrophils (t (22) =1.36, p<0.18) and lactate after 30 minutes running by 75 percent of heart rate reserve (t (22) =-1.56, p<0.133).Conclusion: Based on the finding of research, it is concluded that 15 days vitamin C supplementation has no effect on rest cortisol, rest neutrophils and rest after 30 minutes running by 75 percent of heart rate reserve blood lactate. So for better effect of vitamin C on immune hormonal responses, it is suggested to use more than 15 days supplementation.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of this study was to analyze the effective factors on quality of work life in physical education central office’s employees in Yazd Province, which was conducted in 2011. The statistical population of this research, consisted of 144 people; and the sample size due to the small statistical popular was in a same number. This study used a descriptive survey method. To measure the quality of work life, the quality of work life (QWL) questionnaire and a researcher constructed scale (Richard Walton) were used respectively, the reliability was (0.84) for QWL. Data analysis was performed using the Kolmogerov-Smirnove test, Spearman correlation coefficient, fridman's test, mann whitney-U test, Kruskal-Wallis test. The results showed there was a significant relationship between components of QWL (p>0.05). The range of grade components level was not statistically the same (p<0.001).The reviews and comparisons between multiple components, Lowest level of QWL was Adequate and fair law and Most level of QWL was security and continued growth opportunities, application and provide opportunities to improve human capabilities, Safety and health of work. The results showed QWL components were above the Average level. The results showed there was a significant relationship between components of QWL with Demographic characteristics Except in Age, Sex and Education.

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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of different protocols of isometric stretch training on knee extensors strength and range of motion of hip in female physical education students.Material and Methods: eleven female physical education students at Razi University with the mean age of 19.4 (±1) and the mean weight of 55.1 (±6.7) participated in this study voluntarily. With the time range of 2 to 3 days, the subjects are randomly involved into 4 stretch training group including 4 sets of 15 sec, 4 sets of 30 sec, 16 sets of 15 sec, and 16 sets of 30 sec or a control group including 8 min of rest. The range of motion of hip and the strength of knee extensors were measured before and after the training or rest situation in each session.Results: the results showed that all protocols of isometric stretch training caused significant increase in the range of motion of hip (p<0.05); however, no significant change was observed for the range of motion in the control group. There was also no significant difference between the effects of different training protocols on the increment of range of motion. None of the training protocols increased the knee extensors strength, significantly. However, a significant decrement in the knee extensors strength was observed in the control group (p<0.05).Conclusion: Short time stretch training protocols may increase range of motion of hip without negative effect on strength of knee extensors strength.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The principle purpose of this research was to study the relationship between job satisfaction and its component with organizational commitment among the employees of Physical Education General Offices of Guilan, Lorestan, and Qom provinces. The research method is descriptive- correlation. Statistical population consist all employees of above General Offices. Number of employees in this three General Offices was 165 that 142 persons (% 86) of them responded to questionnaires. In order to measure the research variations, Cellucci and DeVres (1978)’s job satisfaction questionnaire with Cornbach’s Alpha 0.88, Meyer and Allen (1997)’s modified organizational commitment questionnaire with Cornbach’s Alpha 0.89 and demographic characteristics questionnaire were used. Descriptive statistics (Frequency, Frequency Percent, Average and Standard Deviation) and inferential statistic (ANOVA test, Scheffe’s test, t-test and Pearson correlation coefficient) were used for the analysis of the collected data from the questionnaires. The research results in a significant level of (P≤ 0.05) indicated: There is a positive and significant correlation between job satisfaction (r=0.63, P=0.001), satisfaction of work nature (r=0.52, P=0.001), satisfaction of coworker (r=0.41, P=0.001), satisfaction of supervisor (r=0.47, P=0.001), satisfaction of pay (r=0.29, P=0.001) and satisfaction of promotion (r=0.54, P=0.001) with organizational commitment of the studied employees. There is a significant difference between job satisfaction of the studied employees according to workplace province and educational field. There is not a significant difference between job satisfaction of the studied employees according to gender, marital state, education level, age group and tenure. There is a significant difference between organizational commitment of the studied employees according to education level and age group. There is not a significant difference between organizational commitment of the studied employees according to workplace province, educational field, gender, marital state and tenure. Conclusion: the correlation coefficient between job satisfaction and organizational commitment is r=0.63 which shows a significant difference between them.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of this study was to examine the effect of knowledge of results presentation self-control and bandwidth on learning and error detection capability in shooting skill. Sixty high school students (mean age 17.3), participated in this study and according to KR presentation, they are divided into three groups. The first group received KR to self-control, the second group to bandwidth. The control group (the third one) received no KR. The task was shooting skills. After data collection, the analysis conducted by using ANOVA repeated measurements for acquisition period, and one way ANOVA for retention test. In acquisition, results showed no significant difference between the first and second groups, in performance and error detection capability to shooting skills (P>0.05). However in retention (no KR), there was significant differences between two groups (P£0.05), means that the first group which received KR to self-control was better than the second group as well as control. This pattern of results suggests that if people receive the KR to self-control the better learning and error detection capability will occur.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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It is believed that respiratory muscle training may improve the function of respiratory muscle and promote sub-maximal athletic performance in the healthy subjects. The aim of this study was to review the respiratory muscle pressure threshold training on pulmonary function and training capacity. Method: Based on this belief, 24 healthy male university student volunteers are divided randomly into two experimental and control groups. Experimental group, two times in a day (8 am. and 19 pm.), using the threshold IMT device, performed 30 inspiratory trainings. In each group, maximal oxygen consumption, 8km time trial cycling, inspiratory muscle strength, vital capacity, and tidal volume were evaluated before and after training period. Results: results showed that although inspiratory muscle strength increased significantly due to training, tidal volume and vital capacity have not any significant change and training has not any significant effect on endurance performance of 8km time trial cycling.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of this semi-experimental research is to compare mental, physical and combined training’s effect on spatial orienteering capability of low vision children. Research subjects were 30 female students of public and special schools (9 to 12 years range of age) with the vision acuity between 0.05 to 0.4 diopter which after making them homogenous with the respect of spatial orienteering capability test data, placed in three groups (n=10) of mental, physical, and combined training. The term period of experimental work was 8 weeks, two sessions per week, and 45 minutes per session of physical activity. For evaluation of subject’s spatial orienteering capability, the tests of ball throwing to target and ball dribbling number in 15 seconds were used. Statistical operations are accomplished by paired t-test, one way analysis of variance and post hoc LSD tests (p<0.05). Statistical results showed that at ball throwing test, each of three training methods caused significant improvement of children’s spatial orienteering capabilities but the observed differences between groups were not statistically significant. In ball dribbling test, only combined training method caused significant improvement of spatial orienteering capability. Moreover, between-groups comparisons imply the priority of this method over mental and physical training methods. According to the findings of the research, it may be concluded that for development of low vision children’s spatial orienteering in complex physical activities, it is better to use combination of mental and physical training.

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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the design and planning integrating physical education with geography on learning possible.Methods: 60 girl students at the early of middle school were selected by cluster sampling from Kermanshah; and they are randomly divided into two experiment and control groups. Then, experiment and control groups received education using integration method and traditional method, respectively. In present research for gathering data, an achievement test consisted the whole parts of cognitive learning of Bolum's categories was used which evaluated the students’ knowledge and their meaningful learning in geography lessons. For evaluating the interest in geography, poll forms were used at pre and post educating with integration method in experiment group. Internal reliability determined by Kronbakh Alpha and 5 professors affirmed the content validity. The used statistical methods include two independent t-tests by SPSS software.Results: Our Results showed that the integration of physical education with geography has significant effect on the students’ cognitive learning and meaningful learning of geography (p<0.05).Conclusions: It could be concluded that experiment group that taught geography in integration method, were succeeded in compared with control group that taught in traditional method and so they could receive to higher thought levels and meaningful learning.

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