Introduction: Considering the significance of intestinal parasites regarding individual and social health and its high incidence in our country and people,s unwareness on how to deal with this disease, the present study was performed during 2000-2001 to determine the prevalence of intestinal parasites a mong the students of Kashan university of medical sciences.Methods:The descriptive strategy of the present research was performed on 480 students. Individuals were randomly selected for this purpose and their characteristics were recorded in relevant questionnaires and after instructing them, two specimens of faces were collected from each person and tested by formalin-Ether precipitation and direct methods. Then the incidence of intestinal parasites was determined in our population and the final results were reported in frequency distribution tables. The 95% confidence interval (C.I) was estimated in all students.Results: Of all the 480 students, 59% were males and 40/6% were females. 86/3% were single and 13/7% were married. The results showed that the incidence of intestinal parasites in our population was 49/6%. In this regard, the incidence for Blastocystis hominis, Entamoeba coli, Giardia lamblia, Endolimax nana, Iodamoeba buetchlili, Entamoeba histolytica, Entamoeba hartmanni, Chilomastix, mesnili, Enterobius vermicularies, Hymenolepis nana, Ascaris lumbricoides and Taenia were 21/7%, 19/8%, 7/7%, 7/3%, 3/5%, 1/5%, 1/3%, 3/1%, 2/5%, 2/3% and 1/9% respectively. There was no statiscally significance between infection and sex and residence of students.Discussion: The finds also showed that the prevalence of intestinal parasites, especially pathogenic protozoa was high among the students. There fore, it is recommended to perform more researches in this field and under tak necessary procedures to reduce the consequent complications and provide direct-surveillance treatments for affected people.