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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The purpose of the present study was to determine the effectiveness of group discussion teaching and lecture teaching methods in the Pedagogy subject on students' academic performance at district 1 of Ahvaz Technical and Vocational School. The study community included all learners studying at vocational and technical school in district 1 of Ahvaz in the educational year 1398-99. A sample of 30 people without sampling method was selected and they were randomly divided into two groups including 15 participants. Hence, experimental research design was pre-test-post-test without control group, moreover, the research tools included a researcher-made academic performance scale. In addition, one-way ANCOVA analysis of variance was used. According to the results, there was a significant difference between the effectiveness of group discussion teaching method and lecture teaching method of pedagogy curriculum on academic performance studying at vocational and technical school. The performance scores of learners of vocational schools became significantly increased in group discussion teaching method compared to the lecture teaching method.

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The purpose of this study was to foster the multicultural identity of elementary school students. The research method was applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey in terms of data collection; in Addition, the statistical population in the qualitative sector included professors and experts in the field, managers, assistants of education and elementary teachers. And also in the quantitative section, including 1400 principals, teachers, educational assistants, moreover, sample size in the qualitative sector upon the theoretical saturation principle and using purposive sampling method 15 subjects whereas in the quantitative section using Cochran's formula 302 subjects randomly were selected. The research tools of qualitative sector were semi-structured interview, while in quantitative section theresearcher-made questionnaire with 72 questions was used. According to the findings, nurturing multicultural identity included 9 dimension; teacher pedagogy factors, multicultural social competencies, learning patterns and practices, Evaluation and Participation, Cognitive-Emotional Content of Culture, Educational Tools, Linguistic-Religious Cognition, Social System Recognition, Development of multicultural literacy, knowledge of history and historical memory, geography of culture, formal education, explaining multicultural attitudes and values, cultivation program and multicultural belonging.

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The purpose of this study was to design an appropriate management model based on identifying the components and relationships of organizational culture in the secondary high schools of west of Iran (Ilam, Kurdistan and Kermanshah Provinces). The study was an applied research based on the type of goal and a descriptive-survey depend of data collection. Moreover, the method was the mixture (qualitative and quantitative). The statistical population of the study consisted of all 9829 second-grade high school staff in Ilam, Kordestan and Kermanshah provinces. Based on Morgan table, the participants were 373 students selected by stratified random sampling. In the first stage, the components were identified using qualitative and exploratory method and interviewed with 35 educational deputies, experts and managers, and also they were organized through open and axial coding of their components and dimensions and indicators. After validation by management professors, data by using quantitative tools, a researcher-made questionnaire for component identification and standard Denison organizational culture questionnaire were collected. Afterwards, the results of this study showed the components identified for the appropriate management model included manager's personality and ethical characteristics, manager's professional and competence, stakeholder engagement, attention to students’ programs promotion, selection and of expert teachers and staff, attention to affairs and health, empowerment and planning the administrative and financial activities. There was also a significant relationship between the internal dimensions and components of organizational culture and the identified components of management model.

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The results of previous research showed that the trust culture facilitated school health, collaboration, student achievement, and school effectiveness. The purpose of this study was to identify the factors that make and develop the trust culture in Tehran schools in 2017-2018 and also was carried out in a qualitative method of a phenomenological type. The sample included 24 experts who were purposefully selected and interviewed with semi-structured questions so that the data gathered based on theoretical saturation. Hence, the “ NVivo 10” software was used to analyze the data. Then, findings indicated that four factors played the most effective roles in the teachers' trust culture in schools including: "awareness" was in the first place, "constructive interactions", "moral characteristics", "enabling structure", respectively. Therefore, all the identified factors must be developed in a coordinated way to grow the culture of trust in schools: in other word, achieving to teachers' trust culture requires the educational system carefully planned and intended to the needs of the community.

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The purpose of this research was to investigate the online social network membership’ s attractions for students. The present study was done with qualitative approach and phenomenological approach at Ahwaz city in 2018. Hence, sampling method was Purposeful and data were collected using in-depth and semi-structured interviews with 12 students and 3 teachers those were active members of at least one virtual social network. The method of data analysis was seven-stage of Colaizzi analysis. From the data analysis, the main theme of attractions using cyberspace was extracted including three sub-themes: Motivation for interaction and communication, Motivation of obtaining information and Motivation for entertainment. The results of this study highlighted the different attractiveness of virtual networks for students. In addition, findings showed that students have used these networks for interaction and communication, information acquisition and entertainment. Accordingly, the results offers the country planners to identify the attractions of these networks and attempt to facilitate their proper use by providing students with the necessary backgrounds to increase their familiarity with these networks.

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The aim of present research was to survey the effects of internship based on autobiography on teachers’ professional competences of Farhangian University teacherstudents. This study was applied research with regarding to method, a quantitative and experimental approach. The statistical population were all the internship students in Amir Kabir girl campus in Karaj. 30 students were selected through the random sampling method and then divided randomly into two experimental and control groups. Then, the experimental group educated for eight weeks during their internship; while conducting the experiment, the design’ s internal and external validations were considered. In addition, the research tool was a researcher made questionnaire. Cronbach’ s alpha coefficient of the questionnaire reliability was 0. 89, too. Professional skills of the students were assessed before and after experiment. The effect of pretest was controlled by using covariance analysis method. Hence, the research hypothesizes were analyzed and interpreted by Ankwa statistical methods for comparing the means of two independent groups with pretest controlling. After data analysis, the results showed that the experimental group education was effective on enhancing teacher-students’ professional competences and autobiography education revealed 46 percent of teacherstudents’ professional competences (β =0. 461, P=0. 001). Therefore, it can be said that internship based on autobiography, according to the findings, can be applied in Farhangian University curriculum internship as an effective pattern and causes the enhancement of teacher-students professional competence level.

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The purpose of this study was to develop a pattern and evaluate an entrepreneurship curriculum model to elementary education course based on the mental-psychological characteristics of educational entrepreneurs for undergraduate students. The present study was a mix-method research in which we developed a conceptual model and then tested it using survey data. The sampling framework of this study included all curriculum and entrepreneurship specialists working in state universities in Tehran; according to Morgan table, 182 participants including 73 entrepreneurship professionals and 109 curriculum specialists were selected. The data gathering was perormed using a self-developed questionnaire while fro data analysis, descriptive statistics and inferential statistics (chi-square test of homogeneity) were used. In addition, to develop the Entrepreneurship Curriculum Model (ECM), the entrepreneurial components consisting of knowledge, attitude, and skill were extracted from the literature, and also the curriculum elements including goals, content, teaching method and evaluation method were adjusted based on each component. The finding of the study showed that all elements of the Entrepreneurship Curriculum Model (ECM) including purpose, content, teaching method and evaluation method were valid based on the experts’ viewpoints. Also, there was no significant difference between the opinions of the groups regarding the importance of these elements (p> 0. 05). In order to create economic growth, innovation in various jobs, to increase happiness to enable citizens to solve longterm issues, to have mental and spiritual health, to understand opportunities and to fill gaps in the entrepreneurial aspect of the curriculum discipline, therefore, an “ entrepreneurship course” according to the mental-psychological characteristics of educational entrepreneurs as a compulsory unit in elementary education should be considered.

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The present study aimed to construct and validate the perception of individualized faith inventory. A sample of 848 students was selected through multistage random sampling method from Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical science, Ahvaz Shahid Chamran University, and Seminary. First, the perception of individualized faith inventory including 132 items was administered to selected students. Each scale was rated on a 5-point Likert scale from fully applicable to fully inapplicable item. Then, after data collection, Cronbach’ s alpha coefficient for the 132 inventory was 0. 86. After eliminating the questions with factor loads less than 0. 4, the reliability of the inventory was recalculated for the second time. In the other word, the re-reliability coefficient of the inventory including 111 items was calculated rtt=0. 87. Moreover, factor analysis was used to examine construct validity of the inventory; sampling efficiency of (KMO) was. 904; and the significance of Bartlett test indicated the appropriateness of conditions for performing factor analysis. After eliminating the inappropriate questions that had a factor less than 0. 4, based on the method of analyzing the main components and rotating in the Varimax method, according to the factor matrix, slope diagram and the percentage of variance explained from 111 items, 4 factors Extracted; 51. 697% explain the total variance between variables.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of moral intelligence on knowledge of Islamic teaching and learning in order to present a model. The purpose of this research is applied-fundamental; data-type mixed (qualitative-quantitative); The data collection was descriptive-correlation. The statistical population of the qualitative part of the study consisted of academic experts and school teachers in Tehran who were selected by purposeful sampling and saturation principle of 23 people as sample size. The second group of the statistical population included all high school students in Tehran in the year 1398. Using random cluster sampling method, 346 persons were selected as sample size. Descriptive statistics were used to describe demographic characteristics and research variables. Frequency percentages, tables and graphs were used. In the inferential section, structural equation modeling, one-sample t-test, and inferential statistics were used to test the research questions. SPSS-v23, Smart Pls-v2 and Lisrel-v8 softwares were used. The results showed that the components of moral intelligence with Islamic education approach were honesty, responsibility, forgiveness, compassion, moral values and communication skills. Also, the components of self-awareness based on Islamic education approach included public self-awareness, private self-awareness, emotional intelligence and etc. The results also showed that moral intelligence and its components affect students' self-awareness based on Islamic education approach. The research model also had a good fit.

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The purpose of this study was to identify the components of smart schools based on the constructivist approach. The study upon the purpose was practical and in terms of data collection was a mixed (qualitative and quantitative) research. The statistical population included academic experts and professions in the field of smart schools in the qualitative section, and in the quantitative section consisted of all teachers and principals of smart schools in 1977. The sample size in the qualitative section on theoretical saturation was 30 members, and in the quantitative section based on Cochran formula 357 members were estimated. Purposeful sampling and stratified random sampling were used for quantitative sampling. Then, data were collected through qualitative interviews and quantitative researcher-made questionnaires based on 5-point scale. For data analysis, Cronbach's alpha, AVE, AVE, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, confirmatory factor analysis, and one-sample t-test were used. Accordingly, the results illustrated the identification of 5 components and 44 indicators that included 5 influential components including curriculum (hidden and explicit), school environment, teacher (individual factors and professional competencies), school administrator, and educational staff (knowledge, skills, and Attitude). Other results showed that the priority of the identified components were: curriculum (hidden and explicit) (0. 57); school environment (0. 55); teacher (individual factors and professional competencies) (0. 44); school administrator and educational staff (0. 33); and Education (Knowledge, Skill and Attitude) (0. 12). Moreover, its degree of fitness was confirmed by experts with 95% confidence.

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Human resources are the source of an organization's creativity and production. They play an important role in developing and increasing the productivity of organizations. The aim of the present study was to model the effective components of the human resource management system on the appointment of managers in Mazandaran higher education centers from the perspective of faculty members. In the qualitative section, using the method of "samples containing rich information" with 20 deputies of the Deputy of Management Development and Resources of Mazandaran Higher Education Centers, with Delphi method and using semi-structured questionnaires; interviewed. In the quantitative research section, a researcher-made questionnaire was distributed using a multi-stage relative stratified sampling method among 334 faculty members of Mazandaran Higher Education Centers and the data were analyzed by a factor of exploratory and software factor analysis. SPSS and AMOS software were analyzed. The results of the quantitative section showed that all aspects of the human resource management system and the appointment of qualified managers are approved. In the confirmatory factor analysis, the components of employment (standard coefficient of 0. 59 and values of T801 / 801), selection (0. 42 and 6. 436), training (0. 55 and 5. 850), development and improvement (78/7) 0 and 10/200), service reward (service compensation) (0. 39 and 5. 489), performance appraisal (0. 82 and 11. 799), participation (effective work communication) (0. 4 and 6. 439) And monitoring and monitoring of human resource management (0. 78 and 11/256) were effective and significant in explaining the model of human resource management in higher education system.

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The purpose of this study was to present a model for promoting professional competence for high school educational assistants in Bushehr province. The research method was applied-fundamental in terms of purpose; it was descriptive-survey in terms of data collection method and it wasqualitative-quantitative in terms of data type. The statistical population of the qualitative part of the study consisted of 24 education experts were selected through purposive non-random sampling. The statistical population of the study consisted of 1865 individuals in the secondary education of all high school deputies of Bushehr province. 318 persons were selected as sample using structural equation sampling method and multi-stage cluster sampling method. Data collection tools were semi-structured interviews and researcher-made questionnaires. Validity and reliability of the tools were calculated and verified. The method of data analysis in the qualitative part of theoretical coding was based on the data theoretic method and in quantitative part, tests such as Pearson correlation, confirmatory factor analysis and exploratory factor analysis were used. The results showed that the components of professional competence of Boushehr provincial deputies included cognitive-skill competency, attitude-behavioral competency and managerial competence. The findings also showed that the factors influencing the professional competence of the assistants included internal factors (individual characteristics, curriculum, management, information technology) and external factors (educational policies, media and a healthy society). In addition, in the present study, mechanisms, platforms and barriers to promotion of professional competence of farm assistants in Bushehr province were identified.

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Nurses are the first group to deal with injuries in hospitals, hence the need for specialized training in emergency management field to reduce casualties and replace non-fatal injuries is essential. In the present research, crisis management was identified and applied to Jennings model in the overall incident command chart. The study was a descriptive-survey study; in addition, the research population consisted of 200 participants: hospital managers, nursing offices and emergency medicine physicians working at operating room, ICU, CCU, dialysis, emergency, and surgery. The data gathering tool was a researcher-made questionnaire consisted of 42 questions based on five domains of management commitment, awareness, preparedness, level of training and flexibility. Then, data were analyzed using one sample t-test and SPSS 19 software. According to the results, the participants indicated the most important educational needs with average difference considered for management commitment (2. 9%), readiness (0. 97), flexibility (1. 53), education (4. 67), and awareness (3. 41), moreover, t-test (P = 0. 05) showed significant differences in all domains for nurses. Therefore, nurses' need for practical training before, during and after the crisis in applying the Jennings model is required.

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New teaching methods based on new technologies such as Augmented Reality seek to provide opportunities for transferring information, improving learning and reducing learning problems. The purpose of the present study was to determine the effect of augmented reality training on learning, retention and cognitive load in biology lessons. The research method was semi experimental with pretest-posttest design with control group. The statistical population consisted of all 10th grade female students in Arak city Based on the conditions and facilities, two schools were randomly selected Arak City One and Two Education District, and the method of replacement of classes in experimental and control group was random. Academic achievement test was used to measure learning and retention and Pass and Van Merinbauer rating scales were used to measure cognitive load. Data were analyzed using analysis of covariance and repeated measures. Findings showed that learning and retention of augmented reality group were significantly more than those trained in traditional way. Other findings showed a significant decrease in external cognitive load in the augmented reality group compared to the control group. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that the correct use of augmented reality in the learning environment allows users to have Effective learning and less forgetting. Therefore, it is recommended to use the potentials of this technology in teaching different courses.

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The purpose of this study was to present a model of performance leadership in the Ministry of Education. The research method was appliedfundamental in terms of purpose; it was descriptive-correlational in terms of data collection and exploratory (qualitative-quantitative) in terms of data type. The statistical population of the qualitative part of the research consisted of academic experts and education experts who were selected by purposeful sampling. In the quantitative section, the statistical population including all managers and deputies of the Ministry of Education throughout the country (905 people) was used to estimate the sample size required in the quantitative research. Samples were selected by multistage cluster sampling. Semi-structured interviews were used in the qualitative section and a researcher-made questionnaire was used in the quantitative section. Inter-rater reliability and in-subject agreement method were used to measure the reliability of the interviews. The method of data analysis in the qualitative part of theoretical coding was based on the data theoretic method. Descriptive and inferential statistics (tests such as Pearson correlation, confirmatory factor analysis, and exploratory factor analysis) were used in the quantitative section. The results showed that the components of performance leadership in the Ministry of Education included the components of strategic planning, coaching and evaluation. In addition, factors influencing performance leadership included the components of organizational culture, organizational structure, changeability, and work ethics. In addition, effective components of performance leadership at the Ministry of Education included components of job aspiration, job development, and organizational learning.

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The aim of this study was to identify the components of service leadership in educational system of Tehran province. Hence, the research method in terms of purpose was applied-fundamental study; and, tt was qualitative in terms of data type. The statistical population of the study was academic experts and education officials who were purposefully selected to 15 members. In addition, in order to collect data, the library method and semi-structured interviews (qualitative section) were used. Interviews with experts indicated the validity of the interview, and also in order to calculate the reliability, the reliability method was used between the two coders. Then the results indicated the confirmed reliability and validity of the interview. Moreover, the data analysis method was theoretical coding based on the data theorizing method of the foundation and MAxqda software. According to the results, the components of servant leadership included service (4. 51), humility (4. 40), reliability (4. 36), humanity (4. 36), interaction (4. 34), work-life balance (4. 28), and foresight (4. 39) and moralism (4. 37). Based on the identified components of servant leadership, a model was presented and its fit was evaluated using absolute, relative and adjusted indicators which showed the results of its fit.

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The aim of this study was to analyze historical contexts as well as creation and development of quality assurance system of the European higher education area. In doing so, two research questions were addressed: (a) what contexts and platforms have induced emergence and development of quality assurance in the European higher education area and (b) what are the effects of creating and developing quality assurance in the European higher education area? This study was of qualitative research type and the data were analyzed through content analysis of documents available at universities in the European Union and the European Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education website. The findings demonstrated that economic, sociocultural, political and technological platforms have affected development of an efficient quality assurance system in the European higher education area and have correspondingly made the higher education more competitive and powerful in this area. Moreover, high-quality education, learning, research, and so on have been ensured. With reference to quality assurance development plans, the European higher education area has specially concentrated on thematic issues of quality assurance culture and its recognition, quality assurance of e-learning, as well as capacity building and design of joint quality assurance programs in the European area and outside it.

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The aim of this article was to identify the factors affecting the moral development of elementary school students in Tehran from the perspective of experts in order to provide a suitable model. The research method in terms of developmental purpose and in terms of data type is part of a series of consecutive exploratory research, which is both qualitative and quantitative, which was done by the foundation data method, and in terms of method, it is a descriptive survey. The statistical population in the qualitative section includes a number of specialists and in the quantitative section includes all male and female primary school teachers in the 19 districts of Tehran who were employed in the academic year 2019-20, the number of whom was 23, 593. In the qualitative section, 12 people were selected by snowball targeted method and in the quantitative section, 377 people were selected by cluster and random method. The results showed; In the developed model, out of 88 indicators, 6 main dimensions and 20 sub-components can be identified, which are: living environment and upbringing (role of family environment in moral development, role of educational environment in moral development), use of moral arguments ( Cognitive arguments, emotional arguments) Supportive environment including (family and educators have scientific knowledge, use of incentives) Psychological, social and educational harms including (harms caused by personality and psychological characteristics, harms caused by improper use From the media) creating knowledge includes (responsibility, role modeling) moral virtues include (human dignity). In addition, the developed model has a suitable structure.

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