Introduction: Soybean due to its oil content and protein concentrate is regarded as a valuable agricultural product. The oil and the concentrate is employed by different food industries and applied in many food formulations. Therefore the aim of this work is to evaluate the oil extracted from eight different varieties of improved Soybeans (M4, DELSOY4210, L11, DPX, 032, M9, J.K, TNS56).Materials and Methods: The extracted oils were subjected to a series of chemical as well as some plysical tests according to AOCS and AOAC method of analysis. The tests involved the determinations of oil, nonsaponifiable matter, phospholipids contents, induction period measurements, acid value, peroxide value, iodine value, fatty acid composition and qualitative and quantitative measurements of fractions present in the nonsaponifiable matter. Experimental means were compared using Duncan's multiple range tests with 4 replications. DELSOY4210 variety was compared with others and might be considered a superior variety. Results: In this research work, Delsoy variety due to its oil content (25.3%),higher concentration of oleic acid, lowest amount of a- linolenic acid, high content of a- tocopherol, and relative resistance to oxidation as compared to other varieties might be considered a desirable variety. The DPX, M4 and 032 varieties had the highest amount of phospholipids, resistance to oxidation and linoleic acid in respective order. Therefore all the varieties are considered valuable.Conclusion: Considering the fatty acid composition, fractions present in the nonsaponifiable matter particularly tocopherols and other properties such as the presence of different concentrations of phospholipids in different varieties, suggests that particular variety might be employed for specific application.