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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The aim of this study was to investigate the role of achievement goal orientation, academic identity status, and academic help seeking in predicting academic buoyancy. The research method was descriptive-correlational. The statistical population of the study consisted of all twelfth-grade high school students in Ardabil in the academic year 2019-2020, of whom 407 were selected using cluster random sampling method. To collect the data, Elliott and McGregor’, s (2001) Achievement Goal Orientation Questionnaire, Waz and Isaacson’, s (2008) Academic Identity Status Questionnaire, Ryan and Pentrich’, s (1997) Academic Help Seeking Questionnaire, and Martin and Marsh’, s (2008) Academic Buoyancy Questionnaire were used. Pearson correlation coefficient and regression analysis were used to analyze the data. Findings showed a positive and significant relationship of achievement goal orientation, academic identity status and academic help seeking with academic buoyancy. The results of regression analysis also revealed that 48% of the variance of academic buoyancy can be predicted based on achievement goal orientation, academic identity status, and academic help seeking. Therefore, it can be concluded that achievement goal orientation, academic identity status, and academic help seeking are variables related to academic buoyancy.

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The aim of this study was to present a model for collective trust formation in schools of Tehran. This study is applied in purpose, and in terms of implementation method, it was a mixed-method (qualitative quantitative) study. The research population in the qualitative phase of the study included experts of the Ministry of Education as collective trust experts, and in the quantitative phase, the statistical population involved managers and teachers of Tehran schools in the academic year 2019-2020. The research sample size in the qualitative phase was estimated to be 12 according to the theoretical saturation principle of whom 7 were selected by purposeful sampling method and the other 5 were selected by snowball sampling method. In the quantitative phase, 385 people were selected based on Cochran formula. The findings of the qualitative phase showed that collective trust in Tehran schools had 85 open codes, 17 central codes, and 17 selected codes in 6 main categories. According to the findings of the quantitative phase, all these 6 main categories had good validity and reliability, and the model had a good fit, with all categories except the intervening conditions having a significant effect on the formation of collective trust in schools of Tehran (P <0. 05). Based on the findings of the present study and other studies, education experts and planners can design programs to increase collective trust in schools of Tehran, which can achieve the goal of improving the status of the extracted codes.

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The aim of this study was to identify dimensions and components of participatory learning in primary schools of Bandar Abbas. Participants of this qualitative content analysis consisted of 12 primary school teachers familiar with participatory learning who were selected by using purposive sampling method. Sample size was determined based on the theoretical saturation principle. A semi-structured interview was used to collect data. The data were analyzed using open and axial coding using Maxqda software. Five dimensions and 57 components were identified for participatory learning, which include the curriculum dimension (4 components), the teacher dimension (18 components), the school atmosphere dimension (13 components), student dimension (15 components) and principal dimension (6 components).

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The present study was applied in terms of purpose and quantitative in terms of method. The study population included the staff of the education office of Kermanshah in the academic year 2019-2020, of whom 173 were selected by simple random sampling method based on Krejcie and Morgan table. The research tool was a researcher-made questionnaire (72 items) the content and construct validities of which were confirmed by experts and factor analysis method, respectively, and a Cronbach's alpha of 0. 96 was obtained for its reliability. Data were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis and structural equation modeling in SPSS-23 and PLS-3 software. Findings showed that organizational citizenship behavior training in the education office had 22 subcomponents under 6 main components. Three sub-components of organizational citizenship behavior were grouped under the component of causal conditions, five sub-components were under the component of central phenomenon, five sub-components were under the component of strategies, two sub-components were under the component of interventionist conditions, three sub-components were under the component of contextual conditions, and four sub-components were under the component of consequences. Other findings showed the direct and significant effect of the component of causal conditions on the component of the central phenomenon, the underlying and intervening conditions on the component of strategies, and the component of strategies on the component of consequences (P <0. 001). According to the results of the present study, planning to promote organizational citizenship behavior in the education office is essential by improving the status of identified components and subcomponents.

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The purpose of this study was to design a model of insurance industry education with an individual development approach in Tehran. The research method was qualitative mixed method using grounded theory, and for the quantitative phase of the study, structural equation modeling was used. The research population in the quantitative phase included 21 elite professors in educational planning, and the population in the quantitative phase involved 163 officers of Atieh Sazan Hafez Company in Tehran in year 2020 who were selected by cluster random sampling method. The research tools were a semi-structured interview, and a researcher-made questionnaire used to assess the educational model with an individual development approach in insurance employees. The data in the qualitative phase were collected using the grounded theory and then analyzed by testing the structural equation model in SmartPLS software. According to the results, 10 components were identified. The results of exploratory analysis yielded the following basic categories: branding capability and providing desirable services, improving psychological knowledge, basic and advanced research training, improving the quality of educational processes, codified career guidance, learning culture, transparency and efficiency of the executive process, technological development, and development of motivation and transparent feedback system. These categories also showed a good factor load in exploratory factor analysis and formed 10 factors. Also, the path analysis of the relationship between variables showed that all direct and indirect paths of the model were significant. Finally, the model showed good validity and fit.

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The purpose of this study was to explore the components of media literacy curriculum in the second grade of elementary school. The research method was qualitative-inductive content analysis. The qualitative phase of the study focused on non-Persian articles published between 2000 and 2019 and Persian articles published between 2011 and 2018. In order to collect the data, documentary research method (library method) was used. Sampling in this study was purposeful. Data analysis was performed following Attride-Stirling’, s (2001) model of thematic analysis. The results showed that the basic components of the media literacy curriculum in the second grade of elementary school include: learning activities (student role and learning opportunities), time, learning space (dynamics, flexibility, and computer), grouping, and evaluation (diagnostic, formative, final, and peer evaluation), objectives (attitudinal, cognitive, and skillrelated), content (attitudinal, cognitive and skill-related), educational materials and resources (online resources, visual resources, and print resources) and teaching-learning strategies (educational approaches, learning methods, and teacher role).

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The purpose of this study was to determine the factors affecting educational reforms aimed at empowerment of high school math teachers. The present study was a qualitative research using meta-synthesis and was done in two phases. The first phase involved the synthesis research method, and in the second phase, deductive content analysis method was used based on Fullen's (2010) theory of teacher empowerment. The sample studied in the first phase included 47 publications in the field of identifying educational reforms in high school mathematics curriculum based on Fullen's approach (2010), and the sample studied in the second phase included 7 publications on extracting educational reforms based on Fullen's approach (2010). The samples were selected by purposive sampling method, and sampling continued until data saturation. Also, 5 experts in the field of curriculum and mathematics education were purposefully selected in order to determine the validity of the identified components. Content validity ratio (CVR) was used for validation. According to the findings, the factors influencing educational reforms aimed at empowerment of high school math teachers include the use of appropriate digital tools and methods in education, improving teaching methods, promoting learning collaboration, and improving learning environments.

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The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of curriculum interventions based on academic engagement model on academic fascination of male students with low academic engagement. The research method was quasi-experimental with a pretest-posttest design and a control group. The statistical population of the study included 11th grade male high school students in the cities and regions of Oramanat in the academic year 2019-2020. To this aim, 30 male students with low academic involvement were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling and were randomly assigned into experimental and control groups, 15 students each. The curriculum interventions based on academic engagement model were implemented in the experimental group. Then post-test was performed for both groups. The instrument used in this study was the Academic Fascination Questionnaire (Martin and Jackson, 2008). The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation) and inferential statistics (multivariate analysis of covariance). The results showed that curriculum interventions based on academic engagement model have a significant effect on the students' academic fascination (P <0. 05). Findings also indicated that by relying on concepts such as competency perception, academic optimism and academic excitement, curriculum interventions based on academic engagement model can be used as an effective way to enhance the academic fascination of students with low academic engagement.

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The overall purpose of the present study was to investigate the impact of research-based schools on factors facilitating student learning in Mazandaran province in order to present a model. The study was applied in terms of purpose and in terms of method, it was a descriptive survey. The statistical population included 39220 teachers and staff working at the schools of the Education Office of Mazandaran province. Based on Cochran formula, 380 people were selected using cluster-stratified random sampling. To collect the data, a researcher-made questionnaire on research-oriented schools was used which included 81 questions and 13 dimensions, and a 30-item, 5dimension learning facilitation questionnaire. The face and content validity of the instruments were confirmed by experts, and their reliability was calculated using Cronbach's alpha coefficient which was 0. 89 for the questionnaire of research-based schools and 0. 87 for learning facilitation questionnaire. Structural equation test was used for data analysis. The results showed that the effect of research-based schools on factors facilitating student learning in Mazandaran province Education Office is positive and significant, and the presented model has good fit.

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Nasser Sheykholeslami Seyedeh Masoumeh | Oladian Masoumeh | Bakhtiari Abolfazl

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    special issue
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The aim of this study was to present an empowerment model for primary school teachers based on lesson study approach (case study in Tehran). The research method was applied in terms of purpose and mixed (qualitative-quantitative) in terms of data collection and the nature of the data. The statistical population in the qualitative phase of the study included education experts and distinguished teachers in education office districts. The sample size in the qualitative phase was calculated based on the theoretical saturation principle using purposive sampling method. In the quantitative phase, the statistical population of the study included all 3, 500 primary school teachers of Tehran. Cochran's formula was used to estimate the sample size and 350 participants were selected using cluster sampling. Interviews and questionnaires were used to collect data in the present study. The validity and reliability of the instruments were reviewed and confirmed. In the qualitative phase, the data analysis method was theoretical coding that was done using MAXQDA software. In the quantitative phase, inferential statistics tests such as Pearson correlation, one-sample t-test, structural equation modeling, and heuristic factor analysis were performed using SPSS-v21, Smart Pls-v2, and Lisrel-v8. 8. The results of factor analysis showed that out of the 120 available indicators (items), 18 main components were identified. Accordingly, the components of knowledge, skill, attitude as constituent factors and individual factors, organizational factors and group factors were identified as effective factors.

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The aim of this study was to investigate the effects and consequences of hidden curriculum in junior high school in order to present a model. The study used a mixed methods approach. In the first phase of the study, the dimensions and components of the effects of hidden curriculum were identified based on grounded theory. In the second phase, validation was done using a descriptive survey method. The statistical population in the first phase included teachers and elites, and in the second phase of the study, it involved all principals and teachers of non-governmental junior high schools in Tehran. In the quantitative phase, the number of interviewees was 15, while the quantitative phase involved 384 participants who were selected based on Morgan table and using cluster sampling method. The research tool in the first phase was a semi-structured interview, whereas in the second phase, a researcher-made questionnaire designed based on the dimensions and extracted components from the perspective of various experts was used, and its face and content validity was confirmed by academic experts after the study. The reliability of the questionnaire based on Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0. 90. Qualitative analysis of the findings was done based on a paradigm, while path analysis method was used in the quantitative analysis of the data. According to the results, the effects and consequences of the hidden curriculum included causal conditions, the context or contextual conditions, the intervening or intermediate conditions, the central categories, the strategies, and the consequences.

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The purpose of this study is to design a model for assessing the performance of education managers in Iran based on the fundamental reform document of education. The research was applied in terms of purpose, using exploratory method. Data collection was done using a mixed methods approach, and the tools used for this purpose were interviews and questionnaires. In the qualitative phase of the study, the statistical population included experts (university scientific community and education specialists) of whom 20 were selected as participants. In the quantitative phase, the statistical population included all the managers of the Ministry of Education in the provincial general offices of education in 2020, of whom, 269 were selected as participants based on the Cochran's formula. The collected data were analyzed using MAXQDA software in the qualitative phase, and in the quantitative phase, descriptive and inferential methods using SPSS 16 and Smart PLS software served this purpose. In this study, descriptive statistics including frequency, frequency percentage, frequency distribution table, diagrams, and description of the characteristics of respondents to the questionnaire were used to describe the data. Inferential analysis was done by factor analysis. According to the results, the following components affect the performance assessment of education managers based on the fundamental reform document of education: structure of organizational responsibility, content of performance information, performance information coherence, performance information manageability, accountability, management style, practical orientation of organization, performance relationship, and alignment. Analysis of fit indicators of the model showed fit model.

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The general purpose of this study was to identify and rank the dimensions of knowledge management in the Education Office of Mazandaran province. In terms of purpose, this research was applied using a mixed methods approach (qualitative and quantitative) with an exploratory design. In the quantitative phase, a descriptive survey method was used. The statistical population in the qualitative phase included 20 principals and education experts, and in the quantitative phase, it involved 2653 directors, deputies, and heads of departments of the education office as well as principals and deputies of schools in Mazandaran province. In the qualitative phase of the study, 10 participants were selected using purposeful sampling which continued until data saturation, and in the quantitative phase, based on Cochran's formula, 338 participants were selected by cluster-stratified random sampling method. A researchermade questionnaire including 69 questions was used to collect the data. The face and content validities of the instrument were confirmed by experts, and their composite reliability and Cronbach's alpha were calculated to be above 0. 7. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis tests were used to analyze the data. The results showed that knowledge management has the following 9 dimensions: knowledge commercialization, knowledge acquisition, knowledge production and creation, knowledge sharing, management and leadership, organizational technology, human resource development, organizational culture, and knowledge-based strategy. The dimension of knowledge production and creation with a factor load of 0. 816 had the highest rank while the dimension of human resources development with the factor load of 0. 482 had the lowest rank.

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The aim of this study is to provide a competency-based model for the evaluation of the fundamental reform document of education in Sama secondary schools. This research is applied in purpose, and data collection was based on a qualitative approach using heuristic method and foundation data content analysis. The statistical population included all experts and specialists in the field of educational management, academic experts, and education staff of the education office and Sama schools. Data saturation was achieved after conducting semistructured interviews with 15 experts. Data analysis was based on coding. In the competency-based evaluation of the education system, emphasis is put on three main components including evaluation based on professional competence, moral competence, and technical and vocational competence. According to the results, the competency-based evaluation model of the fundamental reform document of education involves three main components and 16 sub-components.

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The aim of this study was to develop a new English language teaching approach and compare its effectiveness with that of the conventional instruction on learning of English. To this end, testing was carried out in a girl’, s high school in Tehran. The applied research type was a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches. In the qualitative part, a new educational method was compiled based on a theoretical framework and research using a classification approach and content analysis. Expert opinion was used to determine the validity and confirm the formal and content validity of the protocol. In the quantitative part, the pre-test was a semi-experimental research project and the post-test included a control group. The statistical population comprised ninth-grade female students from a high school indistrict one of Tehran. The study was carried out during the 2019-2020 academic year. Fifty subjects were selected according to the entrance criteria and were randomly assigned to either the new method group or the conventional methodgroup (25 subjects in each group). Each type of instruction was carried out over the course of 14 sessions. Data for analysis was collected by means of an English language test. Intra-group and extra-group analysis of variance was used. The results revealed that the new approach toEnglish instruction was more effective than the conventional method with regard learning. The findings of this study indicate the new approach is an effective teaching technique that teachers and English language instructors can use to increase student learning and academic progress when compared with the conventional English language teaching method.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the dimensions of resonant leadership on educational dynamics with the mediating role of psychological security in to provide a model for schools of the Education Office of Mazandaran province. This research was a descriptive survey which was applied in terms of its purpose. The data were collected with a researcher-made questionnaire using a mixed methods approach (qualitative-quantitative). The face and content validity of the questionnaire was (cvr = 0. 72), and its reliability was evaluated through Cronbach's alpha coefficient (0. 87). The statistical population of this study included school principals of three academic programs in the academic year 2018 (n = 4865), of whom, 360 were selected as participants using stratified random sampling method according to the academic program. Exploratory factor analysis, Friedman test, and structural equations in SPSS and LISLERL were used to analyze the data. Five factors were identified after analysis of the results: coaching leadership, insightful leadership, psychological leadership, democratic leadership, and connective leadership. The findings also showed that the model has a good fit and in addition to the effect of resonant leadership on educational dynamics, the role of mental security as a mediating variable was confirmed. Therefore, identifying, promoting and applying the dimensions and components of resonant leadership can be a good criterion for achieving the educational goals in schools. Creating appropriate mental security in the school environment, which underlies educational dynamics, can also be helpful in this respect.

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The purpose of this study was to design a model for developing the talent management of junior high school teachers in Tehran. The research method was correlational using causal modeling. The statistical population of this study included 2360 primary school teachers in Tehran, of whom 331 were selected based on the Cochran's formula, using multi-stage and stratified sampling. The data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire on teacher talent management development. The face and content validity of the approved questionnaire was 0. 81. Convergent validity of the questionnaire was approved by obtaining a Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0. 83. In order to analyze the quantitative data, the structural equation model in PLS2 software was used. Findings showed that competency-orientation (competency-based selection, competency-based education, competency-based appointment) through causal factors of talent management (organizational maturity and organizational structure), talent management strategies (staff training, talent management planning, decentralization), and underlying factors (teacher participation, systematic structure, educational facilities, and school independence) has a positive and significant effect on organizational growth. The Aston-Geiser predictive correlation index or Q 2 also showed that the structural model is of good quality.

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The aim of this study was to identify the barriers to knowledge sharing among teachers in Iran using a qualitative and phenomenological approach. Data collection was performed using semi-structured interviews, and data saturation was achieved after interviewing 11 teachers who were creative in teaching. All interviews were simultaneously recorded, transcribed, and analyzed using the seven-step Colaizzi's process. Findings revealed 49 conceptual codes that were categorized into three main concepts along with their sub-concepts. The cultural dimension involved four sub-concepts: including lack of belief in knowledge sharing of the effectiveness of knowledge sharing in education (5 conceptual codes), distrust (4 conceptual codes), lack of flexibility in the learning process (6 conceptual codes), and governance of a closed culture (6 conceptual codes). The communication dimension included sub-concepts of weakness in the underlying factors contributing to knowledge exchange (9 conceptual codes), IT problems (6 conceptual codes), ignorance of the existing media for knowledge exchange (4 conceptual codes), and inability to manage human resources (6 conceptual codes). Finally, Lack of supporting leadership included the sub-concepts of deficiencies in the annual evaluation form of teachers (4 conceptual codes) and mismanagement (6 conceptual codes).

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The purpose of this study was to explore students' experiences of the role of virtual social networks in their teaching and learning. The present study was done using a qualitative and phenomenological approach in Ahvaz city in 2018. Sampling was done through purposive sampling method, and data were collected using in-depth and semi-structured interviews with 12 students and 3 teachers who were active members of at least one virtual social network. Data analysis was done based on the seven stages of Colaizzi's analysis. The main theme of facilitation of teaching and learning was extracted from data, and it included three sub-themes: "acquisition of media literacy", "progress in education", and "entrepreneurship and employment". The results of this study identified the process of facilitating education and learning for students and showed that students use these networks to "acquire skills in cyberspace", "make progress in school" and "seek entrepreneurship and employment". These results can help the planning bodies in the country set the stage for familiarizing students with these networks by identifying the way they facilitate learning.

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The aim of this study was to present an empowerment model for primary school teachers based on lesson study approach (case study in Tehran). The research method was applied in terms of purpose and mixed (qualitative-quantitative) in terms of data collection and the nature of the data. The statistical population in the qualitative phase of the study included education experts and distinguished teachers in education office districts. The sample size in the qualitative phase was calculated based on the theoretical saturation principle using purposive sampling method. In the quantitative phase, the statistical population of the study included all 3, 500 primary school teachers of Tehran. Cochran's formula was used to estimate the sample size and 350 participants were selected using cluster sampling. Interviews and questionnaires were used to collect data in the present study. The validity and reliability of the instruments were reviewed and confirmed. In the qualitative phase, the data analysis method was theoretical coding that was done using MAXQDA software. In the quantitative phase, inferential statistics tests such as Pearson correlation, one-sample t-test, structural equation modeling, and heuristic factor analysis were performed using SPSS-v21, Smart Pls-v2, and Lisrel-v8. 8. The results of factor analysis showed that out of the 120 available indicators (items), 18 main components were identified. Accordingly, the components of knowledge, skill, attitude as constituent factors and individual factors, organizational factors and group factors were identified as effective factors.

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View 136

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The overall purpose of this study was to identify the dimensions of scaffolding in nature schools of Mazandaran province. This research is applied in terms of purpose, using a mixed method approach (qualitative and quantitative) with an exploratory design. In the qualitative phase, the Delphi method was used, and descriptive survey method was adopted in the quantitative phase. The statistical population in the qualitative phase included 20 professors of Islamic Azad universities of Mazandaran province and 20 principals and education experts, and in the quantitative phase, it included 75 principals, deputies and teachers of nature schools in Mazandaran province. In the qualitative phase, using purposive sampling method and considering data saturation, 10 people were selected, while in the quantitative phase, 63 people were selected based on the Cochran's formula and using a simple random sampling method. A researcher-made questionnaire including 60 questions was used to collect the data. The face and content validity of the instruments were confirmed by experts, and their composite reliability and Cronbach's alpha were calculated to be above 0. 7. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were used to analyze the data. According to the results, scaffolding has 5 dimensions, namely cognitive, metacognitive, emotional, procedural, and structural. The emotional dimension with a factor load of 0. 971 is in the first rank, and the procedural dimension with a factor load of 0. 917 is in the last rank.

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The aim of this study was to design and present a model of leadership styles for high school principals. The main pillar of growth and development of any society is the skilled and specialized human resources in that society, and education plays a very important role in nurturing the next generation. This research is applied in terms of purpose, using an exploratory mixed methods approach. In the qualitative phase of research, a semi-structured interview and a focus group were used to collect the data. In the quantitative phase of research, a questionnaire was used based on descriptive analysis and inference. The statistical population of the study included all experts in the field of educational management as well as school principals and management planners in schools. The sample size of the research based on Cochran's formula was 480 principals and teachers and 20 faculty members, and a validation questionnaire of 74 questions (135 people). The validity of the researcher-made questionnaire was confirmed by experts, and the reliability of the questionnaires based on Cronbach's alpha was calculated to be (0. 85) and (0. 97), respectively. Analysis of research data in the qualitative phase involved thematic content analysis method using interview coding by MAXQDA software, and in a quantitative phase, data analysis was done by SPSS and SmartPLS. The results showed that school principals' leadership styles included 13 elements, which were confirmed after presenting the model and examining the effect size and correlation of all variables. Finally, the necessary measures can be taken according to the proposed model.

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The aim of this study was to design and present a model to identify the components of intellectual capital of selected primary school teachers in Qom province. The success of the education system, like any other human system, depends on a balanced attention to material and intellectual capital. Identifying intellectual property as a hidden and intangible aspect is important in organizational success. For this purpose, due to the tremendous capacity of qualitative approaches, especially the phenomenological method, a semi-structured interview was used. After the twentieth interview with teachers who were purposefully selected, data saturation was achieved, and the data were analyzed based on a Colaizzi's process. In addition, the data validation process was performed using member review, external audit, triangulation, and long-term involvement of the researcher in the research process. The research findings indicate that teachers' intellectual capital is more concerned with the desired situation rather than their current situation. Teachers' intellectual capital was classified in 3 main themes and a number of sub-themes including communication capital (communication with elements inside and outside the school), structural capital (managerial structure, teaching-learning structure, motivational structure) and personality capital (behavioral, verbal-nonverbal). Finally, by using the calculated intellectual capital, a step forward can be taken for the attraction, preparation, and enhancement of teachers in teacher training universities. The results of the present study indicate that teachers' intellectual capital is not in a good condition, and is sometimes associated with adverse effects.

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The purpose of this study is to present a model for enhancing the professional competence of the managers of the Technical and Vocational University of Iran using a grounded theory approach. The method of data collection included review of literature and in-depth interviews with 12 elites, managers and deputies of the Technical and Vocational University of Iran. The sampling method was snowball and continued until data saturation. The validity of this study was evaluated and confirmed by the interviewers and then by the professors. Reliability was 70. 3% based on audit method. Continuous comparison method in three stages of open, axial and selective coding was used for data analysis. Results showed that managers' professional competence has 6 main categories including environmental and social factors, entrepreneurial factors, personal ability factors, professional knowledge related factors, ethical factors, and cultural factors.

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The role of professional competence in changing the educational system is very decisive and irreplaceable. Achieving the goals of the education system is not possible without teachers having professional capabilities and competencies. The role of professional competence is reflected and manifested in teacher performance. This study was conducted with the aim of validating the model of professional competencies of student teachers at Farhangian University of Bushehr province. The statistical population of the research included professors, experts and student entrants of 2017, 2018 and 2019. Participants were selected through random sampling, and data were collected using a researcher-made questionnaire. Descriptive and inferential statistical methods were used to analyze the data in SPSS. 20 and SmartPLS. 2 statistical software. In order to answer the research questions and test the hypotheses and the suitability of the model, inferential statistics, structural equation modeling, and partial least squares (PLS) method were used. Based on the obtained results, the necessity of gaining professional competence had a significant effect on the concepts of professional competence. The concepts of professional competence, student teacher characteristics in implementing the goals, and factors contributing to strengthening professional competence have a significant effect on the components of professional competence. The components of professional competence have a significant effect on the role of professional competence in changing the educational system.

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The aim of this study was to identify the dimensions and components of semantic marketing. In the present study, a multi-method qualitative approach based on contextual-phenomenological theory was conducted through in-depth interviews with researchers and university professors in the fields of business management, sociology, psychology, ethics and philosophy, and the dimensions and components of semantic marketing education were identified. Participants were selected through a purposive sampling process and the interviews continued until theoretical saturation was reached and finally 27 interviews were conducted. For data analysis, principles related to contextual theory (open and selective coding, continuous comparative analysis, creation of concepts and categories) were used. The results of data coding led to the identification of 11 concepts that were classified into three categories. Accordingly, the dimensions of semantic marketing and how to teach it are: value semantic marketing, social semantic marketing and legitimate semantic marketing. One of the four goals and responsibilities of marketing science education is education with the aim of improving the quality of life and accountability of society, and since the dominant paradigms of this science do not meet the changing needs of today's human beings, attention to creating meaning in this concept can be examined. In this regard, the present study has identified the dimensions and components of semantic marketing. The results of this study can be used to identify, plan and provide solutions to encourage academics and organizations to teach meaningful marketing and promote it in organizations and public policy forums.

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The aim of this study was to evaluate and rank the components of educational leadership based on the teachings of Islam. This research was applied in terms of purpose and quantitative research in terms of data collection method. The statistical population in this study was all principals and deputies of non-governmental schools in Tehran, whose number consisted of 1050 people. The sample size was selected using Cochran's formula and multi-stage cluster sampling method of 281 people. Data were collected by documentary and field methods as a researcher-made questionnaire. The validity and reliability of the instrument were evaluated and confirmed. Reliability was calculated using Cronbach's alpha and combined reliability. The values of these two coefficients for all research variables were above 0. 7, which indicates the reliability of the measurement tool. The collected data were analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis and one-sample t-test with Spss-V23 and Lisrel-V8. 8 software. The results showed that the situation of dimensions was slightly higher than the average. Due to the low coefficient of mean difference, it can be said that the dimensions of religiosity, self-balance and labor relations are slightly higher than average. The findings also showed that the dimensions of religiosity, self-balance and work relationship, respectively, had the highest priority, which is the first and most important dimension in educational leadership, the dimension of religiosity.

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The present study was conducted with the aim of presenting a conceptual model of transformational leadership of primary school principals in Tehran. The research method was developmental in terms of purpose, and in terms of data type, it was part of a series of exploratory mixed research conducted using grounded theory. As with the method of the study, it was a descriptive survey. The statistical population in the qualitative phase included a number of experts, while the quantitative phase involved all male and female principals of public elementary schools in Tehran, including 907 principals who were employed in the academic year 2019-2020. In the qualitative phase, 12 experts were selected using snowball method, and in the quantitative phase, 270 principals were selected by cluster random sampling according to Krejcie and Morgan table. The research tool was a researcher-made questionnaire. According to the results, 6 main factors and 18 components were identified in the developed model. These included: school identity factor (school dynamics, school synergy, school organizational structure including lack of transparency in the formulation of administrative rules and regulations, education inflexibility, organizational motivation factor in education (meeting the material and spiritual needs of teachers, dissemination of value behaviors, dissemination of moral behaviors, the factor of organizational communication in education, including managers having leadership qualities, support for education, having mental and educational abilities, having innovative decisions, the cultural factor governing organization in education (emphasis on behavioral skills, emphasis on humanism, emphasis on scientific orientation, the education development factor including the creation of strategic thinking in education, reformability of education, ethical promotion of education, and functional growth of education.

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The aim of this study was to identify the characteristics of the distinguished school in the education transformation document. The research was fundamental in terms of its purpose and qualitative in terms of the type of data used. The statistical population of the study included managers and staff of the Ministry of Education, general education offices at provincial levels, and different districts of education offices. The sample size in the qualitative phase was determined based on the principle of theoretical saturation thereby 23 people were selected using purposive sampling. In the present study, semi-structured interviews were used to collect the data, and the validity and reliability of both tools were confirmed. Data analysis was performed by coding method. The results showed that the factors that contribute to a distinguished school at the level of the transformation document included moral, social, economic, political, biological / physical, scientific and technological education. Causal conditions in the implementation of the distinguished school at the level of the transformation document included teacher, curriculum, management, educational space and equipment, and information technology, as internal requirements, while Islamic society, media, family, and educational justice were the external requirements. The consequences of implementing a distinguished school at the level of the fundamental transformation document included agility, maturity, and continuous learning.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the current status of curriculum elements in smart primary schools based on the cognitive process approach. The research method was descriptive-analytical and the design of research was applied-developmental. The study population included all 700 teachers of smart schools in Kermanshah. The sample size was 248 people who were selected by cluster random sampling method. The data collection tool was a 47-item researchermade questionnaire. Questionnaires were distributed in person and the completed questionnaires were then collected. Data were analyzed with mean and standard deviation, as well as t-sample and Friedman test using SPSS software. The results indicate that the current situation of curriculum elements in smart primary schools based on the cognitive process approach is at a level just above average and less than desirable. Data analysis also showed that the current situation of the dominance of cognitive process views in goals, content and organization, teaching and learning activities, and evaluation methods in smart primary schools was assessed by teachers to be above average.

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The present study was conducted with the aim of "identifying the role of Farhangian University in educating thought teachers with a scholarly approach in order to present a model". The method of the present study was hybrid or mixed. In the qualitative part, the Delphi technique was used and in the quantitative part, the descriptive method was used. The statistical population in the qualitative section included professors and experts of Farhangian University, 15 people were selected based on purposive sampling method. Were selected. The method of data collection was qualitative and quantitative field method. The tools used in the quantitative part include three researcher-made questionnaires to identify the dimensions of scholarly research,Identifying the dimensions of the thoughtful teacher and the role of the university in educating the thoughtful teacher was a scholarly approach. The results are as follows: 1-Regarding the dimensions of the thoughtful teacher, 11 dimensions and 55 indicators were identified and confirmed. 2-Regarding the dimensions of scholarship, 6 dimensions and 24 indicators were identified. 3-Regarding the role of Farhangian University in educating thoughtful teachers, 8 dimensions and 71 indicators were identified with the scholarly approach. These dimensions and indicators include manpower dimension, 10 indicators,Management dimension 13 indicators,Education dimension, 14 indicators,Research dimension, 11 indicators,Structure, 13 indicators,Scientific, 4 indicators,Cultural, 4 indicators and attitude are 2 indicators. 4-The research model was fitted and confirmed using different indicators.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate new approaches to the evolution of organizational culture inspired by traditional education in Iran. This research is applied in terms of purpose, descriptive in nature and qualitative-quantitative and exploratory-survey in terms of method. In this research, in a qualitative approach with the metaphorical method of the organization as Simorgh and using the themes of Iranian mysticism, to identify the components of the evolution of the organization's culture, and then by collecting the opinions of experts, the agreement with the mentioned components is examined and the results are tested. Statistical and quantitative approach has been analyzed. The results show that the components of culture change in the organization as Simorgh can be helpful in explaining the complexities of organization and management in the present era, to reach new horizons. Interim and flexible contingency planning, self-leadership, self-organization and self-repair of the organization, controlled distribution systems, establishing order based on unity and simultaneous management of stability and instability, critical and adaptable organizational culture with diversity and agility, Using all-encompassing and increasing productivity of collective movement, increasing effort and commitment to the goals of the organization, crowdfunding and collective intelligence of the organization in holistic teams, intuitive and innovative approach to decision making and continuous learning, appropriate behavior of employees and audiences to achieve the goal, Identifying leverage points (butterfly effect), vision and future research in the organization.

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The aim of this study was to present a model of the effect of the dimensions of sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) on the implementation of sustainable university in the Iranian higher education system using a heuristic mixed method. The statistical population in the qualitative phase included a group of professors of environmental engineering, public administration, and education of Azad universities as well as senior managers of departments of environment. The statistical population in the quantitative phase included procurement experts, senior and mid-level managers, and faculty members in industrial engineering, public management, and education from 14 Azad universities of Mazandaran province, with an approximate number of 660 people. In the qualitative phase, 20 participants were selected using snowball sampling method, and in the quantitative phase of the study, 243 participants were selected by random sampling method. Qualitative data collection was done using Delphi technique with a semistructured questionnaire while quantitative data were collected using researcher-made questionnaires and analyzed using SPSS and Smart PLS software. Findings showed that management of sustainable supply chain (including eleven dimensions) has a significant effect on the sustainable university (including seven dimensions). According to the importance-performance map analysis, in terms of performance, the green activity dimension is in the first rank and the dimension of goods and services is in the last rank, and with respect to importance, the dimension of goods and services is in the first rank while the financial dimension is in the last rank.

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The purpose of this study is to provide a model of e-learning learning environment based on organizational support and organizational communication of secondary school teachers in Hormozgan province. The research method was applied in terms of purpose, mixed in terms of data type (qualitative-quantitative) with sequential exploration strategy and descriptive-survey in terms of data collection time. The statistical population of the research in the qualitative section includes all teachers of the second-high school of Hormozgan province who were selected as the sample by stratified random sampling method. In this study, data collection was done by library method, and a researcher-made questionnaire (quantitative section) that experts confirmed the validity of the interview. In this study, two qualitative and quantitative sections were used to analyze the data. In the qualitative part of the coding, the results of the interview were performed and in the quantitative part, descriptive and inferential statistics (structural equation modeling, confirmation factor and t-statistic) were used. The results showed that the components of e-learning learning environment, in order of priority, include organizational acceptance of technology, planning perspective, support-relationship conditions, common aspiration, dynamic database, technologybased learning, support-structural conditions and participatory learning.

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This study investigated the relationship between perception of the classroom environment and academic adjustment in female students using structural equation modeling (SEM) and based on the mediating role of motivational adaptive and non-adaptive structure. To this aim, 450 female high school students were selected as the sample in Sari, Iran, in the academic year 2019-20. The samples were selected through multi-stage randomized cluster sampling from two districts of the Education Office in Sari. Gentry and Owen's Student Perceptions of Classroom Environment Scale (SPCES) and Baker and Siryk's Academic Adjustment Questionnaire (AAQ) were completed by the students. The purpose was to present a structural model using structural equation modeling. The results showed that the perception of the classroom environment could predict academic adjustment in students through the mediation of adaptive and non-adaptive motivational structures. Moreover, the results of Pearson's correlation coefficient showed that the perception of classroom environment had a positive and significant relationship with academic adjustment. According to the obtained results, in order to enhance academic adjustment, it is recommended that the teachers offer the course materials in a challenging manner, consider the role of the learner in the classroom, and present the materials in an attractive way to keep the learners motivated and willing to learn. Furthermore, selecting adaptive goals can help to increase the adaptability of learners.

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The aim of this study was to examine the structural model of satisfaction of psychological needs by the teacher and mindfulness with academic procrastination mediated by perfectionism in high school boys. The research method of the present study was descriptive-correlational. The statistical population of the study included all male high school students in Kashmar in the academic year 2019-2020, of whom 495 were selected using multi-stage cluster sampling. For data collection, the Academic Procrastination Questionnaire (Solomon and Roth Bloom 1984), the Kentucky Mindfulness Skills Questionnaire (Beer, Smith, and Allen 2004), the Basic Needs Satisfaction Scale Questionnaire (Lagourdia et al. 2000), and the Perfectionism Questionnaire (Hill et al. 2004) were used. Data analysis was performed using Pearson correlation coefficient and structural equation modeling. Analysis of path coefficients showed that the direct effect of satisfaction of basic psychological needs by the teacher and mindfulness on academic procrastination was negative and significant. The direct effect of satisfying basic psychological needs by the teacher and mindfulness on perfectionism was also positive and significant. The direct effect of perfectionism on academic procrastination was also negative and significant. Also, the indirect effect of satisfying basic psychological needs by the teacher on academic procrastination due to perfectionism was-0. 27 which was statistically significant. Mindfulness mediated by perfectionism had an indirect and significant effect (-0. 11) on academic procrastination. The results showed that 63% of the changes in academic procrastination can be explained in terms of satisfaction of basic psychological needs by the teacher, mindfulness, and perfectionism.

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This study aimed to design a competency model of school principals. It was applied in terms of purpose, using an exploratory design and mixed method approach. The statistical population in the qualitative phase consisted of 15 scientific experts in Sabzevar who were selected by purposeful sampling, and sampling continued until data saturation. The statistical population of the quantitative phase involved 153 persons selected based on double count method. The data collection tool was a semi-structured interview that was prepared according to the opinions of professors and experts. In the quantitative phase, a researcher-made questionnaire of principal competency model was used to collect the data, and it involved 5 main dimensions and 17 sub-dimensions derived from the results of qualitative interviews. Qualitative data analysis was done based on grounded theory, and in terms of descriptive statistics, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to check the normality of data distribution, t-test was used to check the significant relationship between the variables, and for testing sample adequacy and correlation, KMO and Bartlett’, s test as well as model design using structural equation modeling were used. The results of the quantitative phase showed that in this study the t value of the dimensions of principal competency model was estimated to be from 3. 03 to 11. 98, which was more than the assumed t value (1. 96). Therefore, given the significance of this coefficient with 99% confidence, it can be stated that all the above dimensions have a positive effect on it. The highest value of t was for knowledge and awareness and the least value was for criticism.

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This study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of computer game design based on Taba curriculum planning on increasing the factors of Guilford creativity (originality and flexibility). The statistical population of the present study was curriculum specialists, educational psychologists, computer game specialists, and sixth grade teachers. The sample size was selected based on the Morgan table, which was randomly selected from curriculum specialists, sixth grade teachers, educational psychologists, and computer game specialists. The method of data collection according to the subject of research was through interviews with experts and experts in this field. The questionnaire based on which this computer game lesson framework is evaluated by relevant experts has 34 items designed by the researcher. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the provided data. The main research findings show that the design of computer games based on the Taba curriculum increases the elements of flexibility and originality. According to the research results, computer games can affect various aspects of learning and creativity and strengthen them in a positive way. Also, the effect of computer games on creativity was proven.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The present study was a model for shaping the social trust model of high school students. The present study was applied (qualitative-quantitative) of consecutive exploratory type in terms of purpose of application type, depending on the type of data. The method of the present study was qualitative content analysis and quantitative survey. The sample size in the qualitative part of the participants in the interview were 14 experts, experts and specialists in the field of education who were purposefully selected and interviewed semi-structured. Also, a small part of the statistical population included the principals and deputies of secondary schools in Tehran, which numbered 380 people. Data collection tools in the qualitative part of the interview were semistructured and in the quantitative part of the questionnaire including social trust of the interview results and the theoretical foundations of the research background were designed based on the 5-point Likert scale. To analyze the research data, exploratory factor analysis method and structural model were performed using AMOS software. Findings of this study include that in shaping students' social trust, factors such as positivity, social discipline, respect, social commitment, social participation, flexibility, social support, perfectionism, emotional stability, self-efficacy, self-confidence, work discipline, perseverance, kindness and Humility was identified and confirmed in quantitative terms based on inferential statistical analysis. Therefore, in order for the formation of students' social trust in schools to grow and develop, all the factors raised in schools must be developed in a coordinated manner.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Emergency school closures are often used as public health interventions during outbreaks of infectious diseases to minimize the spread of infections. However, the education of more than 80% of children worldwide is affected by the coronavirus. School closures during epidemics are a major concern for children and adolescents. The closure of schools due to the coronavirus was accompanied by a significant reduction in the number of admissions to hospitals and pediatric emergency departments. However, a number of children and adolescents have lost access to school-based health care services, special services for children with special needs, and nutrition programs. A greater risk of widening educational disparities due to lack of support and resources for distance learning were also reported among low socio-economic families and children with special needs. School closures have also led to increased anxiety, stress, sadness, frustration, indiscipline, and hyperactivity in adolescents. There is also a need to identify and support children and adolescents at risk for learning disabilities and mental health during school closures. For these students to be able to use the services of schools, they must be provided with face-toface training conditions in accordance with health protocols.

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