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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Production of “Ready to eat” pomegranate arils in addition to unique sensory and nutritional properties, provides the possibility of increasing the pomegranate consumption. Color and texture are two important characteristics in consumer acceptance. The present study investigated the effect of packaging type include vacuum packaging (%0), modified atmosphere (%10) and normal atmosphere packaging (%21), storage temperature (4, 12, 20oC) and storage time (4, 10, 16 days) on weight loss, pH, total anthocyanin content, color properties (computer vision system) and hardness of pomegranate arils. The extracted pomegranate arils packed with gas concentrations of oxygen (%0-10-21) and then samples were in different temperatures for 16days. Based on the results, the lowest of weight loss was in vacuum packaging, the highest of total anthocyanin content and optimal hardness were in the modified atmosphere packaging. The stability of anthocyanin in vacuum packaging decreased with increasing pH. Effect of packaging type on color components of L *, a * was not significant (p>0.05); However, the redness component (a *) decreased during storage that was highly correlated with decreasing of total anthocyanin. The anthocyanin pigment is responsible for red color of pomegranate arils. The results showed that the weight loss increased with increasing storage time and temperature and other quality characteristics such as pH, hardness, total anthocyanin content decreased. Modified atmosphere packaging was demonstrated the best type of packaging and also based on optimization results, the best of oxygen concentration, temperature and storage time for maintaining of pomegranate arils is, respectively, %7, 5oC and 11days.

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View 1331

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Bacteriocins are ribosomally synthesized proteins/peptides that have bacteriocidal or bacteriostatic trait against genitically closed species. Bacteriocins have role as biopreservative and increase of the safety of food products. Study on native strains of lactobacillus plantarum (DL2, BL1, L28, L27, L25 and EL3) that their growth inhibition ability had been analyzed, was performed. after approving inhibition ability of strains by disk diffusion in previous study, to investigate bacteriocin encoding gene, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed by specific primers. The correspondant region was amplified in L25, BL1, EL3and L28 strains. Using designed primers and sequencing could be shown that EL3 strain contained the structural genes for the bacteriocins plnEF, plnJK and plnN, howover, the Lb. plantarum strain BL1 andL28 contained only the structural genes for plantaricin EF production. sequences showed %99 similarity with bacteriocin genes ofLactobacillus plantarum strains recorded in Gene Bank database. The sequences were submitted at NCBI with accession numbers of EL3 (KT028600), L28 (KT028601) and BL1(KT028602).

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View 1441

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Due to the growing interest for animal protein, production of high value-added products from waste, in terms of nutritional value, is more important. The Megapitaria squalid is important in terms of nutritional value. In this study, clam offal for protein extraction and evaluation of them in term of protein solubility, nitrogen recovery and chemical composition at room temperature using changes in pH was studied. The basis is on, protein extraction at alkaline and acidic conditions then precipitation at the isoelectric point. Based on the results about 93% of offal initial proteins were resolved at pH 11. Protein precipitation and protein recovery of raw materials was respectively 89% and 84% of the initial protein of offal. The protein solubility of raw materials at alkaline and acidic pH using polyacrylamide gel was evaluated. The result of gel was also confirming the results of the high solubility of the protein at alkaline pH. The amounts of protein and amino acids in the protein concentrate obtained by 72.7% and 663.23 milligrams per gram (dry weight basis), respectively. This study showed that the use of alkaline conditions at pH 11 for protein recovery of Clam waste and conversion into a high value-added material is useful. Finally, the product can be used as a food supplement in animal and human food.

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View 1089

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Doogh is a fermented dairy product that derived from a combination of water and yoghurt and some flavoring additives. In this study, the effect of adding of whey powder in range of 0.2 to 0.4%, commercial stabilizer in range of 0.2 to 0.4% and milk powder in range of 0.3 to 0.5%, on phase separation of dooghby response surface methodology and also the rheological andorganoleptic properties by 5-point hedonic method were investigated. The results showed that with increasing stabilizer phase separation decreasedas well as increased whey powder to 0.3% (P<0.05).The results of optimization showed that the phase separation of dooghwas 57% by using of 0.4% commercial stabilizer, 0.35% whey powder and 0.4% milk powder. Also, increasing of these compounds changeddoogh rheologicalbehavior from newtonian to shear thinning. The optimized formulation gained the highest score of sensory evaluation.

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View 1720

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Staling has been a significant problem in the food industry since ancient times. Consumers demand fresh baked goods that do not stale within a reasonable time frame, while still delivering the taste and texture expected from such products. Dried skim milk has been used as a valuable ingredient especially in bakery products requiring desirable texture and moisture content. The mentioned ingredient has functional properties include emulsification, water absorption, and viscosity, gelationand etc which are indeed the manifestations of the physical and chemical properties of the milk. Formulation and processing technologies designed to control the staling rate have long been investigated. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of adding 25, 50 percent of skim milk powder on staling properties such as moisture content, texture and color. Staling characterizations were analyzed after 1, 7, 14 days of storage and thermal analysis was carried out after 1, 10 days. The results showed that with increasing level of skimmilk powder staling properties become well than the control cake (0%). In 50 percent we observed the highest moisture content, the least Enthalpy, the best texture and color in yazdi cake.

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View 1160

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In present study the effect of date syrup as a replacement for sugar on the rheological, physical and sensory properties of sponge cake was investigated. Sucrose was replaced by date syrup at 0%, 20%, 40% and 60% incorporation levels in cakes and evaluated for the consistency and pH of batter, moisture, volume, texture, color properties and sensory characteristic of cakes. It was found that date syrup replacement caused an increase in batter consistency. As date syrup level increased moisture content increased. Sucrose substitution with date syrup in dough formulations affected volume of cakes and caused a decrease due to an increase in consistency and reduction in pH values of batters. Results showed that there is a clear evidence of sucrose substitution on improvement of cake texture, as date syrup level increased, cake hardness decreased. Date syrup had a significant effect on color properties of cakes, with increasing date syrup level in cakes the L values (lightness) for cake crust and crumb decreased and cakes got darker. According to the sensory evaluation and physical properties results cake with 40% date syrup reported as the most favorable formulation.

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View 1664

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Carrot juice with high nutritional value and health benefits is one of the most consumed fruit juice in Iran. It is used as pasteurized without any contamination. But the important point in the industrial production of this product is to maintain the cloud stability. So, in this study, four types of hydrocolloids, namely guar, xanthan, pectin and carboxy methyl cellulose were used as stabilizer at the concentrations of 0.1, 0.3 and 0.5 (g/100mL). The cloud stability of pasteurized carrot juice was measured by a zetasizer device in the zeroth day and also by a spectrophotometer at 10-day intervals during the sixty-day storage at 5oC. Based on the results, the samples containing xanthan with the concentration of 0.3 and 0.5 were able to maintain the cloudy stability of carrot juice to the end of sixtieth day and showed a significant difference with the control and other treatments. On the other hand, the samples containing xanthan with the concentration of 0.3 obtained the acceptable score in the evaluation of sensory properties such as color, texture, flavor and taste.

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View 1211

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is one of the most important foods of high nutritional value that meets the human body energy demand. In this study, the effect of using 5, 10 and 15 percent of potato flour as well as 0.5 and 1 percent of xanthan gum on rheological properties of dough and toast bread quality was evaluated in the completely randomized design. According to the obtained results, treatments containing 1 and 15 percent of xanthan gum and potato flour, respectively improved most of the dough rheological properties. On the other hand, all treatments containing potato flour, especially treatments containing 15 percent of the flour followed by the treatments containing 1 percent of xanthan gum improved the chemical properties of the produced toast breads. Noteworthy, the use of potato flour and xanthan gum 24, 48 and 72 hours after the baking positively affected the smoothness of the produced toast bread and prevented it from becoming staled. In this regard, the treatments containing 10 and 15 percent of potato flour followed by the treatment containing 1 percent of xanthan gum produced the least staling.

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View 2214

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Dependence on a single product such as wheat and bread from that, is a serious threat to sustainable food security in the light of the limited resources in agriculture has always been threatened. So the aim of this study was to investigate the possibility of replacing 30% of the wheat flour in baguette bread formulation, with a mixture of corn flour and potato flour at three levels of 20-10, 15-15 and 10-20%, by using of guar gum in levels of 0, 0.25 and 0.5%. The changes of physicochemical, visual, textural and sensory properties of final product was studied in a completely randomized factorial arrangement test (p<0.05). According to the results different levels of composite flour had no significant effect on the moisture content, specific volume and L* and a* values of samples crust color. However, with the increase in corn flour in the formulation of baguette bread the porosity and b* value were increased and the firmness was decreased. In addition, these results showed 0.25% guar gum was able to improve the quantity and quality of composite baguette bread. Finally, based on the results of the sensory evaluation samples containing 0.25% guar gum in all levels of corn and potato flour composite were the best. It seems to be a mixture of corn flour and potato are a appropiate substitute for composite bulk bread production with cheap gums.

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View 3207

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Biodegradable films and coatings are developed to improve quality and to extend shelf-life of food products. In the present research, physicochemical and barrier characteristics of nano-biopolymer films composed of kefiran-montmorillonite (MMT; 0, 1, 3 and 5 % w/w) were studied. Results showed that the thickness, chromaticity parameters b (yellow–blue) and the total color difference (DE) increased by increasing the nanoclay content, whereas, the moisture content, water absorption, water solubility, water vapor permeability, chromaticity parameters a (red–green) and whiteness index (WI) decreased by increasing it. Also, the nanoparticles had no significant effect on transparency and lightness parameter (L) of films. Study the mechanical properties showed that nanoclay increases the tensile strength of films whereas, its effect on the elongation at break is different in various concentrations, so that this factor increase until concentration of 3% of the nanoclay and decrease in higher concentrations (5%).

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View 786

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The objective of the study was to assess the ability of image analysis described in enzymatic browning kinetics of apple using fractal dimension (FD) and gray level co-matrix (GLCM) and compare it with color indicators such as average L* value (conventional method). The Fourier fractal texture image was used to calculate a fractal dimension value (FD). Power-law model used to model the enzymatic kinetic. The results showed that the average of L* value decreased during an enzymatic browning in fruit slices, while FDL* rose. Results showed that it is possible to use GLCM image texture to describe the browning kinetic, because the surface intensity in image becomes more jagged and local variation in color intensity are distributed non- homogeneously on the image during browning. Image texture gives us information about the spatial arrangement of color or intensities in an image that was not recorded when the traditional (L* value) method was used. Changes in the histogram of image intensities was studied and the resulted showed during browning, image histogram towards the apple generally darker gray levels change while the changes are not uniform, which represents the greater intensity of browning at some points.

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View 1186

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Converting milk from liquid state into its powder form increases its shelf life. Milk powder can be stored even at ambient temperatures for about one year without considerable loss of its quality. Different kinds of milk powders have specific applications in food production. By improving quality parameters of milk powder, manufacturers are able to produce foods with more functional properties and higher quality. Microbial transglutaminase (MTGases) by intra- and intermolecular cross-linking of molecules between various primary amines, peptides and proteins is capable to modify food structure contain proteins. The aim of this study was to assay the effect of MTGases treatment of low fat milk (1.5 per cent fat) on flowability of milk powder. For this purpose, five levels of enzyme concentration (0, 0.005, 0.01, 0.015 and 0.02 per cent) at three time-temperature conditions (35oC for 8 h, 40oC for 4 h and 45oC for 2 h) were applied. Results showed that enzymatic treatment of the milk led to a decrease in bulk and tapped density of the milk powder. Furthermore, as enzyme concentration increased, amounts of cohesiveness and compressibility of the milk powder were decreased. These condition resulted in a product with higher flowability and quality. Based on results obtained from statistical analysis, the best flowability with respect to the lower adhesiveness and compressibility of the product was achieved by enzymatic treatment of the milk at 45oC along with 0.02% enzyme concentration.

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View 995

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Drying is one of the most important post-harvest stages of medical plants which has a significant effect on the quality and quantity of the effective compounds. In order to promote the objectives of the study, microwave power was selected as an independent variable so that power variable microwave was designed and constructed. After collection and drying the savory samples in the shade, the essential oil at different treatments was extracted in three levels of 400, 600 and 800 W. The volatile oil was analyzed using GC/MS method. Results of experiments showed that increase in the power from 400 W to 600 and 800 W caused a reduction in drying time. The most yield of essential oil was obtained in the shade drying method with the essence value of 2.41%. It was also revealed that with increasing the microwave power, the amount of essence decreased, so that the microwave power of 800 W had the lowest essence value. The highest values of thymol and carvacrol and sum of them that show the quality of essential oil was obtained in drying methods with microwave power of 800 W (56.83%). Overall, when the quality of essence is important, the common method of shade drying is suggested, while considering the speed and quality, the microwave drying is recommended.

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View 943

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In this research, the yeast- salt method was use to prepare the bread dough. The yeast used was Saccharomysis cerivisiae(PTCC, 5080) that was used at two levels of 0.06% and 0.12% (based on flour weight). For doing this research, a completely randomized design with three replications was used and the mean comparison was performed by Duncan's multiple-range test. Considering the results, by increasing the use of yeast in mentioned method, the amount of water absorption, development time, stability time, resistance and volumetric number of dough increased compared to the control sample. Also, the dough prepared by yeast-salt method had higher sub-curve area (energy), dough extension resistance and coefficient (ratio of extension resistance to extensibility) compared to the control. Moreover, according to the results of chemical tests, samples of Lavash bread produced by yeast- salt method contained higher moisture, protein and ashes, but lower pH compared to control sample.

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View 1363

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Use of prebiotic components is one approach for increase nutritional value and decrease undesirable effect of meat products consumption on intestinal activity. Because meat products such as sausage is used as fried form, so color and texture evaluation of sausage after frying to produce an acceptable product is essential. In this study 13 formulations of prebiotic sausages are designed and produced according to mixture design (D-optimal) approach. Effect of B-glucan (BG) and resistant starch (RS) and their interactions on texture and color of fried sausage were evaluated and compared with texture and color of sausages before frying. B-glucan, resistant starch and normal starch increased the hardness while BG/RS combination and RS/ST combination decreased hardness of sausages (P<0.05). Frying showed a significant effect on color and texture of sausages (P<0.05). Frying increased hardness and Warner-Bratzler Shear Force value and increased reddish-brown color of sausages while didn't have significant effect on brightness of color (P£0.05).

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View 978

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White mulberry is native to China, Iran and Turkey. Since the mulberry has a lot of water, so its sensitive to handling and its maintenance is very hard and its waste is high. Mulberry molasses is one of the traditional foods in Iran that is concentrated from mulberry juice. It has a high nutritional value. The aim of this research is determination some of the physicochemical properties and suitable shelf life of produced molasses of two cultivars of white mulberry in Khorasan province. The cultivars of Bokhara and Khardar mulberry are used for concentration. The concentration process at 2 levels (vacuum and atmospheric conditions) were done until the brix of final product reachs 70. The acidity, pH and color expriments of the samples were done every 3 mounts. The experimental design was factorial in frame of complete randomized was performed in 3 replications. The result showed the effects of cultivar and concentration method in mulberry processing were significant. The shelf life of the products with high quality were determined up to 9 months. The sensory characteristics of final products such as L* a* b* color indexs were in acceptable range. The best mulberry molasses was made of Bokhara mulberry in vacuum concentration condition.

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View 1314

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Fat milk sample was selected to isolationg lipolitic bacteria.25 strains were isolated from fat milk. The best isolate was selected for identifing and further study according to lipase producing with amount of 177 U/ml lipase activities that was the most lipase activity among bacteria strains. This bacterium was identified as a strain of genusBacillus based on morphological and biochemical characterization and 16S rRNA gene sequence. Optimization was done for economical producing of lipase by Respone Surfase Method. After optimization, screening of culture parameters was conducted by Placket Burman Design. The effect of oive oil, yeast extract, peptone, Mgcl2, glucose, corn syrop, molase, sesame oil, black seed oil, rotation speed and sunflower oil was investigated for optimization. The optimum lipase activity (574 U/ml) was achieved at optimum levels of factors of sesame oil (25.0w/w), olive oil concentration (22.5 g/L), yeast extract (10 g/l) and Mgcl2 (25 mM/l) (160 rpm, pH 6.5 and 24 h) that lipase activity increased to 3.24-fold.Kinetic parameters, Km and Vmax for the purified lipase was calculated from the Michaelis-Menten plot. The lipase showed lower Km value (1.62 mM) and high Vmax value (0.667 mM/min) than the otherBacillus subtilis.

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In this study, pasteurized nuts milk as a new flavored and functional product by using pasteurized milk with 1.5% fat, sugar, vanilla powder, commercial stabilizer GBavo and nuts powder containing the four nuts pistachio, walnut, almond and Hazelnut with equal proportions of each of the nuts were studied. Pasteurization was done in batch method. Nuts powder at three levels (2, 3 and 5 percent) and stabilizer in three levels (0.2, 0.3 and 0.4 percent) were used. The samples were kept up to 12 days at 4oC. Physicochemical and sensory characteristics of samples were evaluated on first, third, sixth, ninth and twelfth days. The trend of acidity despite the pH, on the ninth and twelfth days was increased. The amount of stabilizer had significant (p<0.05) effect on decreasing the syneresis of pasteurized nuts milk during storage. Increasing the nuts had a positive effect on mouth feeling, color and overall acceptability until the third day, and it showed negative trend from the sixth day until the end. According to the physicochemical and sensory characteristics, the samples could be preserved at 4oC for a minimum of 9 days and in the twelfth day all samples were spoiled. Samples containing 5% nuts and 0.4 % stabilizer and 3% nuts and 0.4 % stabilizer had the best sensory quality.

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The purpose of this study is to investigate the antimicrobial effect of the aqueous, ethanolic and hydroalcoholic extracts of aerial organs ofSalvia chorassanica against Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC: 6538), Enterococcus faecalis (ATCC: 21299), Salmonella typhimurium (ATCC: 14028) and Escherichia coli (ATCC: 25922). In this study the antibacterial effect of the extracts was determined using the agar diffusion method. Microdilution method by ELISA and adding phenyl Tetrazolium chloride reagent was used to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration and minimum bactericidal concentration. The highest inhibition zone in diffusion method was related to aqueous and hydroalcoholic extracts of aerial parts of Salvia chorassanica against Enterococcus faecalis. The MIC in aqueous and ethanolic extracts of the aerial parts for Gram-Positive was 60 mg/ml, for Escherichia coli 60 and 120 mg/ml and for Salmonella typhimurium120 and 240 mg/ml, respectively. The amount in hydroalcoholic extracts for Gram-Positive bacteria was 60 mg/ml and for Gram-Negative bacteria was 120 mg/ml.

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Use of date, as a sugar replacer in food formulation as powder or juice forms is possible. In this study, Hormozgan Mardasang date juice was extracted, then the ratios of 30: 70, 40: 60 and 50: 50% were mixed with maltodextrin then dried by spray dryer. Quantities of minerals by atomic absorption and sugars of date juice by HPLC were measured. The solubility, color, organoleptic properties and microbiological characteristics of powdered date was evaluated. Also, color index optimized by the response surface methodology. Results showed that the date juice contains 28% fructose, 32.2% glucose and 0.34% sucrose, and the amounts of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium were 163.7, 1119.11, 145.6 and 85.4 mg/100gr, respectively. Statistical analysis didn't show significant differences in the values of solubility and biological characteristics of formulating powders. The results showed that by increasing the percentage of maltodextrin the final color of the product was improved. The optimal formula for 37.38% of color index to white was obtained with 30% of date juice and 68.56% of maltodextrin. The best treatment in terms of organoleptic properties was C2 formula (60% of maltodextrin: 40% of date juice).

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View 1580

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In order to reduce microbial load in edible and medicinal plant products, gamma irradiation is used.On the other hand, there is the risk of structural changes in the composition of chemical compound due to gamma irradiation. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of gamma irradiation on the physicochemical, microbial properties, and antioxidant activity of dry red grape marc. Samples of dry black grape marc were exposed to gamma irradiation at doses of 0, 10 and 25 kGy. Microbial load, pH, color, DPPH radical scavenging and total phenolic content of treated samples were measured and compared with control (Non- irradiated sample). The results showed that exposure to a dose of 25 kGy did not have a significant effect on pH (p<0.05). Lightness (L*) significantly increased in compare with the control, while a* and b* values were significantly decreased. Gamma irradiaton had no significant effect on the amount of phenolic compounds. DPPH radical scavenging at the dose of 25 kGy was reduced. Microbial load significantly decreased with increasing radiation dose And at the dose of 25 kGy total count of microorganisms was zero.

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Processed cheese is one of the main cheese varieties in the world that is used as an ingredient in various food preparations. In processed cheeses, emulsifying salts play an important role that ensure product homogeneity with desirable physical properties. However, the consumption of this salts are not good for human health. Therefore, nowadays with the aim of reducing the amount of phosphorus, increasing the ratio of calcium to Phosphate and decreasing the consumption of sodium and its compounds, attempts have been made to produce processed cheese or its analogs without the use of traditional phosphate- and polyphosphate-based emulsifying salts that leading to production of functional new products. In this study, the effect of xanthan gum (0.1 to 0.4 wt%) and soy protein isolate (0.5 to 2 wt%) as a partial replacement of emulsifying salts (0 to 2 wt%) on the physicochemical properties of processed cheese was evaluated. The optimum sample in term of sensory and physical properties based on preliminary tests was a sample containing 0.38 wt% xanthan gum, 2 wt% soy protein isolate and 1.090 wt% emulsifying salts were selected and physic-chemical properties of this sample was compared with control sample during 60 days storage. The results showed that hardness, gumminess, chewiness, springiness, pH value, and b* index of optimum and control samples decreased during storage and a* index only in the control sample decreased. In contrast, cohesiveness, adhesiveness, meltability, acidity and L* index in both samples increased.

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Nutrients, high moisture content, appropriate pH at surface, transportation and maintenance, often prompt contamination and growth of microorganisms on the surface of the cheese and limit shelf life of the product. The use of edible films and coatings containing antimicrobial agents can increase the quality, safety and shelf life of foods such as cheese. The effect of WPC-based edible coatings nisin at concentrations 100, 200, 300 IU/mgr on microbial, physical and chemical characteristics of white brined cheese which its surface inoculated with Staphylococcus aureus were investigated. Results showed that edible coating containing nisin at 300 IU/mgr concentration was able to prevent the growth of Staphylococcus aureusfor 15 days. Coating had not a significant effect on fat content, salt, pH and acidity of cheese samples. WPC coating with an antimicrobial coating diminished about 64 percent moisture loss.Different coatings did have a significant effect on the organoleptic properties of cheese (p<0.05).

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Osmotic drying process is using of hypertonic solution (osmotic) for the disposal of water in the product. In this study, optimizing in the drying of strawberry was investigated based on chemical and sensory properties. Water loss (%WL) and solid gain (%SG) were used to choose of the best treatment to produce of dried strawberries during 5 hours and at 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 hours by different osmotic solutions at two different temperatures. The used treatments were including of different osmotic solutions and different content of calcium chloride (%0.75 and %1.5) at 35oC and 45oC. The results showed that the best treatment among the eight different treatments was the treatment 8 (osmotic solution containing 50% fructose and 20% sucrose, 1.5% calcium chloride and treatment time of 5 hours at 45oC) which made to the better drying of strawberries in compared with the other treatments. Moisture content (%28 and %88), pH (3.55 and 3.15), acidity (%0.043 and % 0.053), Brix (%24 and %6), total sugar (%14.5 and %4.5), vitamin C (9 and 25.5mg/100 g) and Anthocyanin (75.5 and 102.75 mg/kg) were in the strawberry samples dried by osmotic method and the control, respectively. Moreover, sensory properties of osmotic dried strawberries including, appearance, color, firmness and flavor were better in comparison to control sample.

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The purpose of the current research was the use of ultrasound pretreatment and osmotic dehydration on physical characteristics and color parameters of the bitter orange dried using hot air flow. The ultrasound pretreatment was accomplished at three time levels of 10, 20 and 30 minutes at ambient temperature in an ultrasonic bath at a frequency of 25kHz, fructose osmotic solution concentration was at three levels of 20, 30 and 40% w/w and samples were analysed at immersion time in osmotic solutions which was at 5 intervals time period of 30, 60, 120, 180 and 240 minutes. The results revealed that during the osmosis process and at a fixed concentration of fructose and sonication time, total solids increased with increasing time. As at the first 10 minutes of sonication time, variations in total solids contents were significant with increasing osmotic dehydration time (p<0.05). Increasing osmotic solution concentration led to an increase in the rate of water loss. Also water reabsorption results showed that, in all cases, the amount of water absorbed increases significantly with increase in sonication time and fructose concentration compared with the control sample. Using of ultrasound due to its effect on creation of micro channels led to ease of mass transfer and acceleration in drying process. At fixed concentrations of fructose and sonication time, the amount of solids increased with increasing time in osmosis process.

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In the present study, due to growing approach in functional beverages and increasing human awareness, it was attempted to produce functional beverage based on bitter orange with mulberry syrup and date syrup which not only there were sweetener agents, but also had beneficial nutritive and therapeutic properties, for people with diabetes and high blood pressure. So, two levels of bitter orange concentrate (10% and 20%) with date and mulberry syrups with different ratios (zero, 4% and 8% of each of them and combination (50: 50) of both at same concentrate) as natural sweeteners in production of functional beverage in Randomized complete design at 5% probability level were used. Then, the physical, chemical, microbiological and sensory properties of formulated beverages were analyzed. The results showed the treatment including 20% bitter orange and 8% date syrup, had the lowest moisture loss during 28 days of storage time in comparison to other samples. Moreover, storage of beverages at room temperature during 28 days indicated that the level of bitter orange concentrate and sweeteners had considerable effects on chemical and microbial properties of treatments. Nevertheless, functional beverages consist 20% bitter orange concentrate with 8% date syrup and 4% mulberry syrup and combination of both (8%) showed the best physicochemical, microbial and sensory properties during 28 days at room temperature due to more appropriate pH, high content of fibers, lower microbial growth and theirs antioxidant and antimicrobial compounds. Therefore, bitter orange beverage with natural sweeteners such as date and mulberry syrups could be introduced as functional ones which have so many beneficial effects on human body especially for diabetics.

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Permeate is the by-product of ultrafiltration operation in a kind of cheese-making process that leakage from membrane in a liquid form and mainly it contains 4.5-4.8 % lactose and 0.44-0.47 % mineral salts. The problem with permeate is its disposal. The objective of this study was to prepare shelf stable orange beverage from hydrolyzed milk permeate. for this purpose heated milk permeate with o/1enzyme content during 150 minute and in 40oC incubated. In the next stage of the study orange drink was prepared with a mixture of sugar (10-40) percent and hydrolyzed permeate (10-40) percent in a definite brix. After pasteurization and packaging in bottles, the samples were kept refrigerated for 8 weeks. During storage times, physic-chemical analyses were performed on sample for pH, reducing sugar content, TS, density, Formalin Index, Vitamin C and sensory evaluation. Statistical analysis results showed pH and reducing sugar content increment and vitamin C decrement trend over time. the optimum point was obtaint using of 35% permeate ad storage time of 41 days in which the relevant amount of vitamin C and sensory evaluation of beverages, stored at refrigerator temperature, was desirable by the end of the eight weeks.

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Due to problems caused by petroleum-based packaging materials, biopolymers and their biodegradable films have received great attention all over the world in the last two decades. But the use of biopolymers films in food packaging due to their inherent water sensitivity and poor mechanical properties has been limited. A novel practical way for improving the properties of natural biopolymer films is the formation of nanocomposites. Thus, the main objectives of this study were to prepare alginate/clay nanocomposite films and to investigate the effect of montmorillonite concentrations on the properties of the prepared alginate-based nanocomposite films. A bio-based nanocomposite was developed by incorporation of clay nanoparticles (MMT) into alginate biopolymer using the solution casting method. The effect of MMT loading content (1, 3 and 5 wt%) on mechanical properties, color, water solubility, water vapor permeability, XRD and SEM of the nanocomposites were evaluated. Results showed that increasing the MMT content to 3% have improved the tensile strength and water vapor permeability of the nanocomposites up to 14% and 21%, respectively. The water solubility value of the nanocomposite films decreased about 30% compared to pure alginate films. Results of X-ray diffraction (XRD) revealed well developed exfoliated nanocomposite films especially at low level of nanoclay addition. Properties of alginate films are greatly influenced by the content of the clay nanoparticles and the films containing 3% clay nanoparticles showed the best physical and mechanical properties.

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Barbari flat bread, because of its desirable flavor and texture, is included among the most frequently consumed bread in Iran. This food product plays an especially important role in the food supply of people, particularly low-income community. Hence improving its quality by increasing the amount of fiber digestibility, as an appropriate strategy to enhance community health, is desirable. Using orange fiber waste from orange juice production plant, in addition to having an enormous impact on the community health (including making the skin fresh as well as preventing digestive and bowel disease) because of its high digestible fiber, will be considered as economical because of being a waste material. In this study, with the addition of the dried powder orange pulp with the percentage of 2, 4, and 8 to Barbari dough, the sensory characteristics of bread were evaluated. For this purpose, Sensory characteristics with the panellists and by designing questionnaire, the dough rheological properties by Farinograph devices and the baked bread rheological properties by the Texture Analszer were evaluated.Sensory evaluation results indicate that control specimen and the specimen treated with 2% orange pulp powder were acceptable in terms of the amount of softness, porosity, ability to chew the bread. In Texture analyser, control specimen, which lacks pulp powder, is of the least stiffness whereas the specimen with 8% orange pulp powder is of the most stiffness. Adding orange pulp powder caused a decrease in bread specimen volume and this trend of decreasing volume occurred more drastically in the specimen treated with 8% orange pulp powder.In Farinograp test, water absorption increased but the dough development time, stability, and Farinograph quality number decreased. Also, the dough softness after about 10 minutes and after 12 minutes increased. Finally, Barbari bread with 2% dried orange pulp powder was more acceptable, due to the appropriate level of fibre content and the lowest changes compared to the control specimen.

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Background and goal: Yogurt is the most consumed fermentative milk product that exposures to spoilage and quality loss like another dairy products. It is necessary to improve its production process and increasing shelf life and quality of this product.Materials and methods: In this study, Allium Canadanse powder (ACP) was used in 5 levels: 0 (control sample), 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0% for the purpose of increasing stirred yoghurt quality and shelf life. DPPH reagent, and kjeldahl, gerber, furnacing and titration methods were used to determine antioxidant activity, protein, fat, ash and acidity contetnts. textural and sensory characteristics were evaluated by texture analyzer instrument and panelists, respectively.Results: ACP extract had IC50 equal to 4752.5mg/g. Protein, ash, dry matter contents, and acidity of yoghurt samples were increased and fat and water holding capacity contents were decreased by increasing the ACP level, significantly. There was not any effect of ACP addition on textural parameters, except stringiness, which was decreased by ACP level more than 1.0%. Maximum overall acceptability of yoghurt samples was related to the sample with 1.0% ACP and more percentages showed undesirable effect on sensory properties. Conclusion: According to the results, ACP addition in 1.0% level could improve properties of yoghurt and produce a new product.

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